I'm getting the ol' empire back together. Wanna join?
You can have a gf of your choice, a house by the sea, and all the tea and scones you desire.
I'm getting the ol' empire back together. Wanna join?
You can have a gf of your choice, a house by the sea, and all the tea and scones you desire.
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Absolutely. I love the Queen and don't think she's a worthless cunt who should have all of her assets seized and sold and then this large amount used as a trust fund to pay for things for the British people. I don't want that.
i fight for macron only
how about no
>poisons every teabag on the archipelago
Sure, wanna drink first?
Sure. Just don't repeat old mistakes.
When? Where do I sing up?
would prefer it if the english left everyone alone
Sorry about throwing your tea into Boston Harbor. We wanted to see if we could make a giant cup of tea but we fucked up and it was too embarrassing to admit so we pretended we wanted independence
Fuck off wog.
Only if you restore absolutism, but that shouldn't be too much to ask for.
I'll left you off this one time.
no need for that, old friend
How are you going to get an Empire when you're being colonized by Arabs?
No need for tea? You sure?
stop being cheeky
Just asking...
I join, dibs on Emma watson as permament gf
I'll help