I like America

I like America.
You like America?
And please post the reason.

Why do you like America?

The US is pretty cool, it unironically has a great culture, I'm talking music, film, even literature.

I like American people.
I have many friends in America.

Would like it more of it wasn't literally impossible to immigrate to, while Mexicunts illegally cross the border in the millions and get citizenship.



based english teacher

No, the USA is the vanguard of global capital. We are the reason wagecuckery hasn't been aboplished. We are the reason you don't have a state-issued apartment and a guaranteed job. We prop up the porky who owns you.

America is nice

What isn't nice however- are Americans, bunch of lard ass nigger loving larpers with zero culture, let alone brains.

Naturalized citizen here (flip), it's pretty hilarious how many of us hate illegals and how many Mexicans that are here legally also hate illegals.

I'm so used to the 56%/Amerimutt memes that I can't tell if this is ironic or not.

I mean a bit better than China because the at least try to show a face of their ideology to be the big fella
they can still fuck off though with their cancer far left and far right politics and building the world economy about their massive fuck off corporations

That's why I refuse to go the USA illegally, but there is really no way other than just being a VISAcuck.

But Americans are racemixed.

domo arigato, nippon-sama

donarudo-kun is working on that actually....

Fuck Donald Trump. I lost all respect for that Zionist kikeloving traitor a long time ago. I do not respect people who put Jews over themselves.

Donald Trump is a good man, I don't why so many people screech about him. Not only in America, but my disgusting fellow Norwegians as well distanced themselves from his comments about supposed "shitholes".

But Ameribro, as a certified gas-chamber Jew myself, this logic cannot apply to me ;)

Thanks nordpal. I agree mostly, but I think it was a mean comment. Unwise politically. He needs to get smarter.

All I can say is relatively speaking it's worth it. I still go to the Philippines to visit every few years but it's really nice in the /midwest/. Where would you come if you came here.

Whoops meant to quote

idk, it’s a shithole compared to its neighbors

Russia knows

It's because the media won't stop fucking talking about him every time he moves.

Yes, who doesn't like a good burger with fresh ingredients?

why would you leave norway for the US though

Because getting shot feels good for the first 2 seconds. I know personally.

I don't like America as a state. I have nothing against american people though.

I don't like Brazil as a state. I have nothing against Brazilians though.

i do, fuck chimpanzilians

triggered much, mutt?

I know. I hate the Brazilian state too.

Such a whiney little cunt lmoa

>being this triggered over a very simple statement that wasn't even written to offend you in the first place

this is why the 56% meme exists

I know, #2scoopgate is literally Watergate 2 to these news outlets.

Are you all autistic?

Eating 2 scoops of ice cream is worse than rape, murder, abortion, genocide, and everything combined.

fuck you you self-hating Sup Forumscuck piece of shits

shoot yourself in the head already

Go back to Sup Forums right now.
Just go fucking back there and learn to behave.

>not hating your own country and whining about it incessantly makes you Sup Forums

I honestly, literally think you should fucking kill yourselves if you hate who you are and where you come from that badly

things will never be better for you no matter where you move to because you are weak human beings and losers who are meant to be shit on by life

in history you would have been killed in wars or worked to death as slaves because you have valueless lives

America granted me refuge so I am greatful.

is this way my Mr. Clapistan


What's it like being incapable of detecting humor and sarcasm? At what age were you diagnosed with autism or a pervasive developmental disorder?

Myself isn't a country.

*spits on you*

fuck you personally

What is your race and are you female?

What is my name?

Same race that your ancestors came on here on.

I live here and I like for it's history and culture.
but it's dying because of self hating fucks as seen in this thread.

My ancestors come from West Africa and Northern Europe.

>came on here on
Mama mia what did he mean by this (i'm not the guy you were just talking to)

>self hating fucks
Can you give an example of what the fuck are you talking about?


You do realize that behaving like this only makes it worse, right? If muttposting wasn't enough to you then by all means keep doing it. In fact I can predict the next meme to replace mutt posting - filtering US flags. I can't wait until the entire Sup Forums decides to collectively filter US posts as a meme, that would truly be the golden age of the board

Your ancestors came here on a boat brought by portuguese traders to sell and the other ones came on a boat.

You could always try just marrying one of us, user. You're just going to have to take us to get our mobility scooter fixed whenever it breaks down now and again.

Negro talk.

He's the physical personification of AmeriBear, don't expect a logical response from him

70% of all the Americans on Sup Forums are self-hating pieces of shit self flagellating for attention or approval of the other fucking losers on this sub


>what are indentured servants
>what is neo-feudalism

top kek this should happen


How can I not hate my country when it doesn't support my choice of career? You have no idea what it's like living in the USA where you can quite literally be and do anything because there's an established, influential, accessible industry for it.

> just establish your own business

Okay, and where am I going to get the relevant experience required to run a business in any given field when it doesn't really exist in any meaningful way here?

hopefully people like you get forced back into obscurity because your from loser armpit countries that nobody gives a fuck about


I don't care is slavshits don't see my posts. Their lives do not matter and I would personally slaughter every fucking slavic mongrel I saw.

you're on Sup Forums crying like a baby and making your own people look bad and your country and the people who died for it look bad because you're too lazy to make positive changes

you care way to much what people from other countries think, the average Sup Forums poster is a fucking loser

it's disgusting and culturally suicidal.

What's even happening anymore.

Dunno about that, I'm very much against the modernistic gender roles in relationships going on right now. I'd be happy to fix a mobility scooter every now and then, but to cancel opportunities and burn bridges because I have to change half of the diapers in the home is an outrageous idea to me.

Why are you so rude, user?

classic ameripost

The Amerimutt meme gets to him because he's a Euro/African mutt just coming in from Sup Forums

Because I have to deal with ignorant fucking people all day.

I like it for many reasons. I have seen some of the flaws in other societies, which do not result from material wealth or the lack thereof but fairness and integrity, and the lack thereof.

However, many things have become fashionable since the election of the previous President which are directly against the commonweal.

I advise anyone being bothered by the literally retarded trash flung around here to view it the same way. You might like Sup Forums but the fact is Sup Forums was bad from day one. It's not angering, it's just... Nothing. A waste of time. Fitting for redditors.

>I like it for many reasons

Not from Sup Forums. I'm from Newgrounds/Kongregate many years ago. I have had it with people ruining my country's reputation by being dumb as fuck and feigning ignorance whenever something startles them slightly. You can't punish these people because they never learn. I'm glad we have the death penalty but I wish we used it fucking more.

>american flag


you should actually kill yourself

There's nothing wrong with what he said.

fuck off mutt, don't respond to me EVER again

And it does not bring you any benefit getting so easily pissed off with randoms on the internet.

it alright

it fat and stupid

but it alright

I have American citizenship, senpai. I just don't know where to move.


It's a way to blow off steam and ease my aggression. I can't tell you how many times a day I feel like shooting the first fat loud shit I see. You Brazilians have it easier than you think since you never had nagging jews, obnoxious niggers, fat ass white trash, psychotic asians, and autistic indians all at one place. There is no hope for this failed abortion.

Islam is trash.

I second that.


you're trash you piece of shit 56er

Looks nice. Though, I've asked other Americans on what would be the best state to move to and I've gotten responses saying that it depends on your career.

it's just okay.

Move to Tennessee and you can be nearby. :)

R8 my room lol

No, this is a way of giving you a stroke if you get so angry all day. If you want to spend your anger, buy a punching bag. My friend, being pissed only harms you.
And Brazil is rubbish, it's a country that is not 10% of what I wanted it to be, full of assholes and whores. If I get annoyed with those around me and with randoms on the internet I would end up in a psychiatric clinic.

My own people are bad. Our way of speaking is relatively rude, we are lazy and unimaginative, and everyone expects to just accept the role we are born into, because it's the "safe" thing to do.

I am actively making positive change, but I have little faith that it will get far here because of the nature of Norwegians.