Thread for the future of South America

here we'll talk about what the fuck we have to do to fix this shithole. Drop your ideas here

Only south americans allowed.

Argentina will rule all unless Chile wants to

I propose the creation of a regional police

sopa de nukes, uma delicia

>Only south americans allowed.
Chilean here, make the United States of South América.

>Only south americans allowed.

Sudaca themed threads always end up in Sudaca circlejerk anyway, because no one else cares about South America.

Fuck no. Make a Southern American Union. Mercosur a shit.


I am American who lives south of something.

To fix Ibero America you need.. Destroy communists, capitalists and other enemies of the peoples rights.

Clean the university of subversives, clean the elites, manage the power and influence of the state, break up giant corporations to be managed by regional managers under a single standard set by the commitee of industry to be as efficient.

All of this is fantasy tho, just move out and be respectable ibero american people who moved to spain.

Implement fascism.

Implement monarchy

We should castrate half of the population and wait 2 generations.

Everything east of the Andes becomes brazilian clay.
Everything west of the Andes becomes chilean clay.

we should invade Venezuela and sell their oil to the US and the EU in exchange of a free-trade deal

Implement argie and uruguayan qts for everyone

Perú will try their best!

baby systemic changes like Abolishing compulsory voting and increase the voting age to about 25. I don't know why Brazil allows 16 year olds to vote, but we do. Changing the presidential system to a parliamentary system. Outside of politics there really is much one can do. Politics is a down stream of a nation's culture. People are lazy, short sighted, impulsive, apathetic, and are only out for themselves. And our politics reflect that.

And then kidnap all big narcos from here and negotiate a non-intervention treaty to go full industrialization, otherwise we cut oil sales to them, and kill all the narcos so they can't sell their weapons.

*blocks your path*
*glasses you*
Nothing personnel, kid

yeah yeah i know i know

Can Panamá get a pass as an honorary South American country? We wuz part of Nueva Granada n' shiet after all.

First step separate the most promising from the less promising, then build a wall. Second step, birth control for the lower class and sterilization for criminals.

Kill anyone who has darker skin than this

Pls come back and rule us, bring CR while you're at it

Mexico es sudaca


So it's suicide then

owo who that qt

turn south america into a german protectorate


Make it confederate states of south america or kys


pls adopt south brsip

We don't need the oil.

OP said fix, not make it worse

well, we'll use it ourselves and save trillions then!

genocide the poor