Is there an equivalent to the full Irish breakfast in your country?
Is there an equivalent to the full Irish breakfast in your country?
Sadly not, but now I am hungry... beans, blood pudding, eggs ....
A typical breakfast in France is a cup of coffee or milk, a croissant or a chocolate bread, and a glass of orange juice. We don't eat much in the morning.
>milk + citric
not a problem if you drink the coffee
but how do you get the energy to tend to your farms and vineyards?
through the sheer power of our arrogance
>Sadly not,
Sadly, not really.
The closest to that in forms of an hearty breakfest would be Weißwurst...
... or the working mans breakfast: LKW. (topped with mustard or if you are 12 years old, ketchup)
We do have something like that
>A Weisswurst is a traditional Bavarian sausage made from minced veal and pork back bacon. It is usually flavoured with parsley, lemon, mace, onions, ginger, and cardamom, although there are some variations.
sounds tasty desu
Two mugs of coffee and a cigarette.
Best part is that you actually eat it with sweet mustard.
>mfw I had an polish girl here the other day that ate all my sweet mustard with just a spoon from the glas
Well when I was a kid I used to help my uncle with the harvest and we always get up early, prepare the work and drive the machines to the field.
When we got there we usually sat to breakfast.
It was most of the time composed of a
>sausage (usually a large 25-30cm piece)
>a tomato (you'd eat it like apple) or a cucumber
and of course strong as fuck tea in an enameled steel mug that remember the times where Stalin was alive.
All eaten in the shadow of a tree.
Then i'd get behind the wheel of a combine/tractor and we'd work until sunset.
All the city kids at home were jealous as fuck since I learned to drive when I was like 8.
Fuck me I miss my childhood.
wtf I thought I was arrogant too
i'll be sure to try it out if/when i go to germoney
>full Irish
I fucking love mustard
Banitza with Ayryan
Picrelated is banitza, ayryan is yohgurt with water and salt that you drink.
Needs more jalapeño
autistic way to write ayran desu senpai
if you're going to steal turkish drinks at least spell it right
Now I miss your childhood too ;_;
Your gonna get some angry replies when the /brit/ kids see this
> the 'Irish breakfast' is simply an English breakfast with soda bread
a chocolatine perhaps
>full Irish breakfast
fuck off paddy
Same here.
Go on the field, work until you're exhausted around noon, then you sit down and have a piece of bread, a chunk of home made sausage and a tomato. Also a beer, in my case.
You can literally feel your body regaining energy and it's really good.
It's a great memory, but I don't really miss agricultural work much.
Most city folk will never know that feeling.
Been constipated since I had a meal like that. Fucking tasty though.
>Most city folk will never know that feeling.
I've been a city dweller for entirety of my life. I spent summer holidays in the countryside.
> full days travel
Those illiterate Irish; gotta love 'em.
Because my childhood was a sheltered shitshow, and when I got to school everything turned to shit and now I am posting on Sup Forums because I am an emotional cripple without any willpower left in a dying country.
Give me Stalins steelmug and hard labour over that any day. It sounds like a really happy life.
they don't just pound a bunch of beers in the morning?
I get you guys
I used to spend some of my vacation time in my grandpa's ranch in Mexico
We used to have lunch under a big tree and we had very caloric food (pic related) corn tortilla filled with a lot of stuff like cheese, vegetables and meat like beef, chicharron, chorizo
Yes, you feel how your body recovers and you want to go back to work even harder
yeah we refer to it as starving
gosh you lot are so pathetic
that's a full english and you know it
>blood pudding
Why do yanks say 'blood pudding' when talking about black pudding, now you're saying it, it's called black pudding.
yes. it would be:
caldito de papa (potato consomme)
Stop stealing our shit
in german it's blutwurst, blood sausage, so I can see why a german would call the UK version blood pudding if they weren't bothered about being completely accurate
Mira cuanra comida peruana papu
This. You type Blutwurst into a dictionary, and the first thing that comes up is Blood Pudding. So we just go with that.
Así mero, así me encanta, hermano
>Rice for breakfast
Prato feito
>chips on a breakfast
>>sausage (usually a large 25-30cm piece)
>>a tomato (you'd eat it like apple) or a cucumber
>and of course strong as fuck tea in an enameled steel mug that remember the times where Stalin was alive.
Sounds like my childhood in Ireland desu
polish colony by 2030
>Yet again more rice
>sausage (usually a large 25-30cm piece)
do the irish really do this?
>sheltered shitshow
You didn't have a family in the countryside?
theres nothing wrong with that sentence
english people have shit english
why so many brits butthurt itt? Get your own breakfast and stop stealing ours
dare you to come to wakefield and say this
>pic related
>never posted the pic
Part of a nutritious breakfast.