Why do Muslims lie?

Why do Muslims lie?

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Cuz they are dipshits lol

Maybe because she felt the only way to bring attention to the injustices muslims and POC suffer was to tell a story that's not uncommon or unusual? It doesn't matter if what she said wasn't true, the fact that she felt the need to say it speaks volumes about the level of racism muslims suffer in western countries and the fear they have to live with every day.

Retards will take the bait

that @

Lying is counterproductive, there's been several episodes of this. It only ends up alienating even further the people they're trying to reach

Why did she do it? What a retard

Ding ding >84435311

where's the proof she is muslim?

It's not counterproductive if the discussion isn't being had in the first place. She's bringing attention to a serious and under reported issue. Maybe instead of taking away from this story that "this girl lied", you can take away the thought "what were the circumstances that made this girl lie".

Just food for thought.

And now they fear actually being attacked over a hoax they did.


Imams tell them to. Imams with fucked up views are the problem with Islam.

Crucifixion of Muslims when?

That's what they do to have their way with foreign societies. She's a kid, so she got busted due to inexperience.

it's because women love playing the victim in whatever the new social justice fad is

like all the fraud ""assault"" victims in the US recently

this also it was probably true in her mind and if it left her with PTSD it really happened

Why is this becoming a trend?

Womans are well known for attention whoring

Why are there Muslims living in White countries?

Why do wh*Tes lie?

Divine punishment

>belong to whites

amerindia for amerindians

This 2bh

Religious people are all pathological liars. The most dangerous part here is that any religious person will cheat, lie and betray and consider it a morally right thing to do as long as it is even slightly justifiable by their "holy books". And since you can interpret all that religious garbage however you want you can get away with almost anything, like inquisition or genocide.
Overall religion, especially organised religion is one of the most evil things ever.

Excellent bait ryan

Why do you (You) him? He deserves no (You).

>buying into the myth of muh evil inquisition

Identity politics has created a hierarchy of victimhood that needs to be validated and proven at all times. Now we all know fucking white males are and always will be way down but a lot of the other spots are up for grabs. Muslims are going strong but Women have the trump card, they can be white and still rise in the pyramid. So it's a close fight but they need to put in some extra sweat.


Yes yes go donate to your local church so the "father" could go bang a couple more hookers and do a few lines.

It's in their book that it's okay to lie to non-Muslims. Just like it is for Jews to deceive gentiles.

It must be hard being black when people think you look like sulfuric acid

Lying is forbidden in Islam unless ot saves your life. Other than that, no it's not.

I wonder where those fucked up views originate.

sure I'll believe you that it's not allowed to lie ... guy from a religion where it's allowed to lie

They? Its only natural muslims are upset at these people as well because of this Hate crimes arent uncommon but they usually dont get as much attention as this because she was 11.



This is call "Taqîya", they can lie as much as they want if it aims to destroy us. This is their path to heaven.

>lying may be good
Try harder.

This. And that's why everyone with two sane bones detests identity politics/intersectionalism. Even Marx & Engels would have detested it.

We had similar case with muslim German or Portuguese tourists claiming to be attacked and giving false testimonies
Truly the most spineless of people

Moroccans in Spain are infamous for being liars.

The jews are lying again
No goyim we victims not muslims

Kinda provin their point


>"what were the circumstances that made this girl lie".
You are absoloutely right.

If you look at the mother in the background. Im very convinced she is a big part in making the girl lie.

Why would she make such a story up? How did her brother and mother be so eager to spread her face all around the world? Have they no care for her personal saftey?

She was used for propaganda by headless virtue signalers like Please take your post seriously and CONSIDER the circumstances.

>not even 10% of the news stations that coverd the incident because of prime minister Trudeaus comment will report on the revelation of a falsified story.

why don't they migrate to uae or sweden?

the muslim slaps you while crying out in pain

jesus fucking christ
couldn't she smack herself in the head with a bat or something? Acid leaves you a mess for life

remove kebab



I bet she accidentally ripped the hijab whole horsing around or something to that extent and blamed it on an attacker to avoid punishment from her parents, and the whole bing just snowballed from there. I wonder if there's any significance to her specifically blaming an Asian attacker though.



tl;dr dont believe anything a muslim says


It's probably just an SJW doing this to bring attention to herself. I've seen this many times, attention seeking women larping as muslims or 20% black to get free gibs from the government.

fuck australians.

>it's all Saudi rabia falt!

Ottomans tried many times to stop the spread of Wahabsim because of it's extreme views. Now that they have power in Mecca, they have the ability to spread their extreme views on the world. Also it's truly beautiful for Amerikkka to defend their great ally, Saudi Arabia.

is this bait

as a third party and a pacifist, I'd say women lies.

>Ottomans tried many times to stop the spread of Wahabsim because of it's extreme view

False. They tried to stop it because it's rooted in the Anglo-kikes ass.

Reminder that this isn't an Aussie.


I never heard the story until it was revealed as a hoax. It was a disconcerting local story, as a hoax it has become international headline news.

Just typical Muslim in the West behavior.



Muslims always try to intimidate someone or play the victim.

They can't ever behave normally.

>Saudi rabia made me rape blonde woman!

Because it's progressive

actually they kinda say stuff like "we will conquer their land and rape their women." it was even in a mosque. They actually support these act.

No one gives a fuck what some palestinian subhuman says, if your people knew anything you'd have an actual, functioning country.

the evil inquisition meme is a protestant hoax, you falling for a religious meme

t. Saudi sheikh

>It doesn't matter if what she said wasn't true

>everyone me no liek is Saudi rabia!

>I never heard the story until it was revealed as a hoax.
>visits Sup Forums
>thinks his google profile isnt feeding him the same as his hivemind
>what is algorithms

>I only argue use brainlet wojak memes in my arguments

that isnt really anything saudi related, muslims all over the world do believe that muslims are destined to conquer the world, so stop saying wahhabism is the fault for everything, while it is for most things, but "WE MUSLIMS ARE DESTINED TO RULE AND CONQUER" is something any muslim is going to attest to, moderate or not

Unironically this.

cute cat

>84435276 # (((You)))
Sucks to suck faggot, you’re not gonna get my @

Because mudslimes are lying, dirty rats. I wish Germany eradicated Muslims and not Kikes.



Sympathy has been the greatest form of power wince television became widespread.

Hitler is ashamed of you.

Lmao I never heard such bullshit. Not sure where you were taught about it but from where I taught , Islam isn't going to take over the world.


>all these bigots
better watch yourselves

blonde women deserve to be raped tbqh

Is 2018 the year that sees Australia reclaim its rightful place as Sup Forums's premier shitposting flag?

Reminds me of last year when a muslim woman here claimed nazis were jumping out of the bush and beating her up while yelling racist slogans.

In the end police found out she was beaten by her husband.

Australia never stopped shitposting. Sometimes Canada and Turkey were more intense and notorious, but Australian posters never lived it down.

Like clockwork.

And they wonder why people are being Islamophobe.

>t. Mohamed Hammoud

Wahhabism is the only true form of islam

Does anyone have the video of the mom nodding her head beside the girl while she is being interviewed

Because they were born in them? Most Muslims who live in white countries are white.