Why are they so arrogant?

Why are they so arrogant?
Don't they know the meaning of modesty?

Are they?

but too arrogant is better than too humble in the world.
in Japan it's contrary though

>C_Pmox1XoAAWo6Z.jpg large.jpg

We just know how superior we are.

>german flag

not sure if bait...

>we le frogs are is of superior

Why are they so boring?
Are they a bunch of machines trying to act like humans?

no, we are fellow humans who love fun human activities like playing simulation games

They have reason to be, Hans.

> Modesty
From Middle French modestie


superior intellect and artistic sensibility

We invented it

It's not only arrogance OP, french are full of shitty attitudes they believe the other world is performing as the same level than them.

one of the most common is talking shit on the back of someone, especially at work or at school, even the mens do this, also there is a regular coldness in every relationship, french are too mean-spirited and mock everyones on a bad situation, they are very closed concerning social relationship and don't like when people they don't know speak to them, and after it start to mock you if you have no friends, they also like saying things who make you awkward or uncomfortable in front of the others and are obsessed by giving surnames.
a lot of people are ignorant americanized retards and french are triggered when you forgot to says "hello" or "thank you".
it's like that on the entire country, parisians are shit true but the rest of the country is pretty much the same, people from the country are also more rude and loud.

they also believe most of the world is third world when they go outside in vacations.

No offense but we're just stating objective facts like France is the best country to live in or French culture is superior. Everyone thinking for 5 minutes could arrive at those conclusions.


French? Arrogant? I don't know where in Paris have you been or with what french you talked to, but I know for a fact french people are very friendly and polite.
If you were in Paris and spent your time with french there and decided to round up all french are rude then go fucking kill yourself. Paris is a tourist city, french there don't have time to being polite, if you have money then you can see their hospitality. Also the local there are not interested in tourists because they are so sed to it and their daily life is much more important than not being cold towards you or any stranger.

Because they ARE superior.

But Germans are fucking arrogant too, and what's worse is that they don't even know it.

i don't think french posters are really arrogant on Sup Forums, brits in the other hand..


o b s e s s e d


it's the reason why we're the most modest people in the world, and the best at being it

>just came here to say that

>best culture
>best food
>best art
>best philosophy
>best literature
>best film

hey, you'd be arrogant too.

Because we are fabulous.



At least we are the thinnest in the Anglosphere, fattest in the Francosphere though


those charts are meme tho, obese people in europe are considerate overweight in the states..

I think the OECD sets a BMI that is standard throughout

ok then, i remember i've seen a chart where obesity in the states started at an unexpectedly high weight.

We just know things you don't and can't. That is it, we share a common secret with God.

>burger tier reply
like father like son