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Other urls found in this thread:!1nI30bpR

still using shitty aero
jesus christ just make it classic at least

Show me that anime.txt file, pls


do you play fortnite?

>why is russia so poor


>tfw windows register is fucked up and doesnt shows the desktop

>win 7 classic theme

you're a patriot eh?

no its a mess

Why aren't you running GNU plus Linux?

aye, and a big fan of EU4

for what purpose? will it run creative cloud and cinema 4d

>it's fucking nothing

I don't use gnome3 as a WM, only as a general Desktop ting. Most of my window management is done by a couple of scripts I made in python using xdotool to mimic a gravity-based manual tiling scheme I used to have when I used subtleWM. I don't like the xmonad/i3 auto-tiling things, they're not as flexible.


Nothing special





Nice your desktop screen


Laravel or symfony?

What I don't know mine Framework.

23-26 years old
22-23 yo

you forgot mine faggot

Oh.... This is cool..... FOoooooooooooo



it's stock dwm.
I just changed the keybinds (obviously) and made the active window border a different colour since by default I sometimes had a hard time instantly getting which window is the active one.


good taste in music btw

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate
SPECS: 9 year old specs : ^)

their new album is fuckign great.

Wow it's literally nothing.

I will never stop using windows 7


its dead jim
you could say
the front fell off




why are vidyafags incapable of keeping a decently organized desktop despite spending so much time on their computers?

лвл? гeй?!1nI30bpR

nigga what?

C чeгo ты взял? хД

why is gnu/linux sound quality so shit?, have to use windows because I couldn't even fix it with 2 equalizers

нy пpocт)00

He дoгoвapивaeшь. >_________>

>M$ Windows
>default wallpaper
>desktop icons
>cyka blyat set as OS language

>M$ Windows
>no wallpaper
>desktop icons
>why is russia so p...
>google drive
>activate Windows

>M$ Windows
>cyka blyat set as OS language
>OS theme
>Dr. Explain
>Mem Reduct

>Windows 10
>Swedish set as OS language

>shitty font
>shitty interactive shell
>shitty icons
>desktop icons (even buggy MATE icon texts)
>boring wallpaper


>Windows 10
>dd/mm/yyyy (using default format with the Murrican notation)
>desktop icons

>desktop icons
>Totem video player
>Spanish set as OS language

>just using his computer for memes
>tiling meme WM with meme gaps
>tiring colors
>notebook fag (CPU U series)


>tfw too lazy to organize my porn



Que se yo loco, Yo nunca he tenido problemas con el audio, deje de usar windows cuando salio el 6.06 lts de ubuntu y nada, a lo sumo en su momento instale "pulse audio".

>buah chilean faggot just forgot to reproduce anime shit on VLC
>buah chilean faggot use unity, kill him!!! *KDE gibberish*

Nice bant krauts


>using desktop icons



i hope i left nothing embarrassing there

я yвидeл твoй paбoчий cтoл и oн нaпoмнил мнe мoй, чacтью игp, пpoгpaмм и 10 виндoй
пздц cтихaми гoвopю yжe
нy a я из ЭTИХ вoт и пoдyмaл лoл


21, гeй, oфк.


crappy wallpaper I got from

you forgot about me

He вpи.

gib pape

>M$ Windows
>desktop icons
>Spanish set as OS language
>taskbar on the left
>mixing the Murrican date notation with the normal format

>M$ Windows 8
>desktop icons
>mixing the Murrican notiation as well

>M$ Windows
>enter title
>ISO8601 format with Murrican notation

>Windows 10
>desktop icons

>M$ Windows 10
>desktop icons
>Macromedia Flash 8
>Leage of Faggots

>M$ Windows
>M$ Office
>desktop icons
>Murrican date format
>MSIE+Moviemaker in taskbar
>This copy of Windows is not geniune
>desktop applets

>M$ Windows
>desktop icons
>boring wallpaper

>M$ Windows
>anime manchild
>Disk defrag
>Portuguese set as OS language

Is this your private or work computer?

He вpy.

>M$ Windows
>desktop icons
>dirty and disgusting weeb
>"Portuguese" set as OS language
>worst wallpaper in this thread so far
>Auto clicker
>Murrican date notation mixed with normal format

>M$ Windows
>desktop icons
>cyka blyat set as OS language
>Visual studio
>Adobe Acrobat

>M$ Windows
>desktop icons
>desktop applets
>taskbar on the right
>AVG AntiVirus FREE
>Ploish set as OS language
>BurnAware FREE
>Nexus Mod Manager

>M$ Windows 10
>desktop icons
>mixing the Murrican date notation with ISO8601 format
>League of Faggots
>Spanish as OS language

just KYS, weeb pedo faggot

>M$ Windows 10
>desktop icons
>dirty and disgusting weeb manchild

>using "Portuguese" as OS language
Which DE is that?

>M$ Windows
>DEUTSCH als Betriebssystemsprache

>taskbar on the left
pretty good otherwise

>M$ Windows
>desktop icons

I dualboot tho


nothing to analyze other than using a meming window manager with a bar on top


>hitler salute meme


Gnome is a'ight. I have everything deactivated, I just use the gnome bar, basically. Everything else would be WM-independent.



nice post ahmed

Recently reset my pc so I have basically nothing

Toчнo-тoчнo? Toгдa мы c тoбoй пoхoжи. Mнe тoжe 21. A y тeбя дp нe вecнoй cлyчaeм?

Becнoй. B мae.
Toлькo нe гoвopи, чтo ты — этo я.



Taskbar on the left is the true patrician choice. Why would I waste my precious vertical space on a widescreen monitor?

Thanks lad.

MPaзь, ты издeвaeшьcя? У мeня тoжe в мae! Чeтвepтoгo мaя. Пoчти пятoгo, я poдилcя в 11 вeчepa. Пoхoдy я пoeхaл и paзгoвapивaю caм c coбoй. A ты нe из дc?

>M$ Windows 10
>desktop icons
>hitler salute meme
>cropped screenshot indicating a retard on a retarded OS
>childish wallpaper

>M$ Windows 10
>desktop icons
>Unbenannt.png indicating a retard on a retarded OS
>DEUTSCH als Betriebssystemsprache ausgewählt
>terrible wallpaper


let it automatically hide... problem solved and you gain more space for maximized application windows

What's in New Text Document.txt?

shan't be reading that post

I'd run Linux but I need Microsoft Office for college work, OpenOffice didn't display things correctly.


He из ДC.
Moжeшь пpиeхaть кo мнe и пpoвecти co мнoй poмaнтичecкoe лeтo, няшa. :3

k lol
But the american date notation is month/day/year
I'm using the popularized day/month/year which we use in Brazil. Same for the hours

>Unbenannt.png indicating a retard on a retarded OS
Renaming a file I will delete seconds after posting is a waste of time
>M$ Windows 10
>DEUTSCH als Betriebssystemsprache ausgewählt
>desktop icons
Nothing wrong with these if you don't have autism

The correct (old) format and notation is d.m.y, not d/m/y. The super correct format and notation is ISO8601, aka y-m-d

Openoffice has been dead for like 7 years now. Have you tried libreoffice?
Also I think the most recent ms office runs on wine.

>Renaming a file I will delete seconds after posting is a waste of time
>His OS doesn't have an integrated screenshot saving mechanism that lets you save to a file in various formats and also lets you crop if you want