What do you think of Ukraine and Ukrainians?

What do you think of Ukraine and Ukrainians?

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i hope they stop any war soon

same with what I think about Argentina and Argentines

I don't

Are replacing our native population very fast

I hope you will be golden, good-natured: 3

I have a female cousin living in Dnipro and I smelt her clothes once

Poorest country in EU, literally europoors

>be replaced by yourself

Many of them look exactly the same but there's always this little thing which tips you off, like 80s hairstyles or odd leather clothes

Ungrateful pigs and violent thugs, they do not deserve to have a country

Stalin’s only crime was not finishing the job.

Very edgy


But its true. If he got rid of them he would do world a favour

>tankies actually believe this

>muh 100000000000000 milion


>Muh Stalin did absolutely nothing stalinism is not a fascist in denial
>"btw we'll send you to a workcamp lol"


westerners rarely remember that people were sent to work camps in russia like ever since siberia was colonised

the idea of working off your sins in white hell is innate to russian prison system despite the long period of state atheism

its arguably better than forcing prisoners to actively fight in the military or just rot in penitentiaries

History has shown that the enemies of the people do not deserve freedom.
I never said he didnt make mistakes. Fuck off, retard

ukraine stole my heart

I think Stalin did plenty of bad things, getting rid of Kulaks wasn’t one of them.

This is like a parody of tankies

my straight sister went to study there, she now has a gf

I dont even follow your dumb childish name-callings nor I am a member of any political option.
It is basically this

They should either get their own shit together or bend over for Putin's cock. From a retarded American's standpoint, it looks like Ukraine's government is causing its people to suffer for its pride alone.

Pls don't bully Ukraine with your red terror propaganda, Croat retard, 2 children of my grand-grandmother were eaten by the neighbors during Holodomor.

don't like

>2 children of my grand-grandmother were eaten by the neighbors during Holodomor
commies are fucking subhumans

totally not neighbors fault for eating children


Last hope of the white race

I want to breed their women also

Good cheap whores.
Men make better slaves than central asians.

Ukrainians caused holodomor

When you become 18 in Romania you have to change your ID pic. So I went to the place where I did the papers, pics etc.
There were a considerable number of Ukrainians doing their papers also. For sure refugees.
Only 1 thing I have to tell Ukrainians, I'm 50% Ukrainian myself, you will pay, pay for everything you do regarding Romanians, Romania. Russia wants land, we want land too, but more importantly our people.

3th judicial battalion "Ian Mamaliga" working on complaint against ukraine to hague court
Victory will be ours!

ca. 2017

>Soviet statistics are reliable

>[country_i_dont_like] statistics are reliable

American flag

>A country known to falsify historical documents is trustworthy


>[country_i_dont_like] is trustworthy

I bet he thinks statistics of enemies of the Soviet Union regarding what happened in Soviet Union are 100 times more reliable, even tho they werent even there
Everything westerners say is a fact, there are no lies in "freedom" and "democracy"
>that flag
>that post

>Tries to erase people from history
>The statistics that would show wrongdoing are somehow unchanged though.
>>that flag
>>that post

forgot pic

They are not worse than moldova user


What, are you not aware what is your country doing? You are literally interfering in internal matters and elections of other countries worldwide, you are the most untrustworthy country there is.


Ukraine chose West like all other Eastern Europeans unfortunately for Ukraine, Russia fucked them other like they did with Georgia and Moldova.

You implied were known for falsifying historical documents though. Show proofs.

> Russia fucked them

the only who russia fucked, is the ones who believed in her

I like Ukrainians because they kill Russhitians
Obama is a pussy for economic sanctions only

And Europeans are even worse for letting Ukraine suffer all alone vs the eternal judeo-bolshevik empire

I was talking about being reliable. You for certain are not reliable and your statistics should not be trusted, especially not when they talk about Soviet Union. Of course you will use false numbers for propaganda purposes like you do in all other matters when you talk about hostile countries.
Its all based on estimates by your agencies who have no direct access to actual data

Georgians fucked themselves, they should have known what would happen if they launch an invasion on South Ossetia and kill Russian peacekeepers.
In the end it turned out they were just used by their american allies to turn the polls in favour for republicans

No? NATO doesn't accept countries with disputed borders so for time being NATO is out of reach for Ukraine, EU integration is slowed too. Russia fucked whole Ukraine not just brainwashed babushki.

>if they launch an invasion on South Ossetia
It's their own territtory. They have full rights to conduct operations.
>and kill Russian peacekeepers.
They only started to get killed when they opened fire, nice "peacekeepers".

Because peacekeepers are there to keep peace, retard.

Yes, thanks for the support
We will protect your women
Yes, they are, at least in the war zone, my church and many other sent clothes, money and other to those unfortunate fucks, at least they managed to convert a good amount of them. In a few years, yes few, there will no longer be a Ukraine.

I guess USSR was actually heaven on earth which is why it crumbled

>Fucking commies! We only burned our own grain during a famine and collaborated with the Nazis a tiny bit we swear!

t. You

I think they should apolagize to Poles for the ethnic clensing.

should not exist

better than r*ssians

They need to give us back Cernauti and Bugeac. It's an injustice that romanians born on the wrong side of the Soviets' map lines have to suffer under Hohol rule.

hate this shithole with passion

>lives in last bastion of free speech in Europe
>enjoys European products such as hamon and cheese from France and Switzerland
>very rich due to absence of sanctions
>still dislikes it
Are you a putinshill or just dumb?


Cheap as fuck, I love it

I dont think about such things which do not exist

They have qt boys

wha'ts wrong

The West's biggest mistake in last 30 years...

No that was not taking nukes from Russia while she was weak and willing.

They should be given refugee status in tge US alonh with all balkans and russians, people living in warzone and suffering immensely.

t.Cao Ping Pong proud member of CPC

An interesting facts:
a) Stalin had no friends with property in London, money in Switzerland and yachts with British Offshore Islands flags.
b) he took the poor agriculturual country with uneducated population, he left the atomic powers, systems of schools and universities where every peasant had a chance to become professor, where you did not needed an aristocrstic surname to become big , country of opportunities.

Listen: full of Freedom and Liberty Somalia or Totalitarian Authoritarian Singapore?

Why do Russians still love evil jews and georgians like Lenin and Stalin?

t. Sup Forumstard obsessed with making the US white again.

What the hell?

>gave up nukes from Soviet Union, believing that the West will protect them from Russia ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum_on_Security_Assurances )
>eventually fucked over
>Best Korea
>developed nukes and saying 'fuck you' to the world
>they are fucking over the US

Ukraine and Best Korea clearly show a country should have nukes to have a full autonomy.

The US did totally wrong things when it came to both countries and clearly showed the world that it is a coward that does not protect a country that gave up nuke voluntarily and it is a pussy who cant do a shit for nuke

Shithole full of subhumans


Nice and kind people fucked over by a psychotic neighbor. I can relate.


>Nice and kind people

He's obviously from DNR or LNR they lead pitiful existence now.
Proper Ukraine is much better.

A lot of russians took asylum in Fracne


Slave mentality
>At least Rome is great state whom enemies fear


I have a cute friend from Ukraine
I want to visit her

good pasta

Can't argue with that. It's America's fault to ignore them tbqh

Russia strong!!!
Russia strong!!!
Russia strong!!!
Russia strong!!!
Russia strong!!!
