The only countries that matter.
The only countries that matter
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you forgot japan and germany
Shithole countries. They should get people from hardworking nations like Norway.
Norway is shit since the departure of Ragnar Lothbrok.
Where my flag at? You're obliged to include a south american country for diversity
I see only two that really matters there.
france and china?
thank me later
France is shit since the beheading of Louis XIV.
the nigger stepchild of South America
Tbh the Japs and Jerries started the world wars because they were butthurt
The Sun King was beheaded ? Didn't know.
XVI for fucks sake. You haven't acheived anything since then. Macron is a meme.
And Napoleon ?
really doubtful now
I often check BBC but topics about japan are basically worthless to read
does my country matter
>Forgetting fucking Napoleon
What the fuck I'm an American, I'm supposed to know less about history than you people. Fucking shameful display.
He did not achieve a thing, everything after him was retracted, and you got a massive economic deficit after it. Do you want to know why? When he rose you where country was in chaos, the people starved. But Napoleon, he chose to fund the army, supported by the nobilty, while ignoring the common people. He went on and ravaged throughout Europe with great passion, but ignored the domestic, France. Prussia, Italy, and England could've done the same thing, but they did not, because they could not afford such a campaign, no they had to take care of their people. Napoleon is a good general, but not a good statesman.
Yes, those are the countries that control UN.
>But Napoleon, he chose to fund the army, supported by the nobilty, while ignoring the common people. He went on and ravaged throughout Europe with great passion, but ignored the domestic, France.
God daaaaaaaaamn you're a moron, like holy fuck. Holy fucking shit you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
current cultural output is much greater than france
economy is much higher than france
Also the only countries that have had worthwhile empires
Ok, that's rigth, now please, stop to bully the others and make all the shit in yours club.
>conquering a bunch of niggers and amerindians
>Criticizes uK/us
>In english
Fuck you both. He implemented the total destruction of monarchy. He was funded by the masonry dammit. He ruined the centuries old code of conduct of monarchy that worked very well beforehand. Oh, me judiciary, get real. The ruler aka the king/the richest ancestry would always rule a country, because they decide the military might.
For what purpose? Russia could dissapear tomorrow and shortly after the initial oil shock the world would be a better place.
Napoleon created modern Germany by the unification.
He also the father of modern EU. Show some respect.
>Russia could dissapear tomorrow
This but unironically
and every one a shithole to live in all worth
>He also the father of modern EU. Show some respect.
Bait or stupid. Considering the flag it's probably the latter.
It's a figure of speech. *If* russia were to dissapear tomorrow would have been a better way to word it.
nigger are you one of those faggots from chechnya that were given political asylum in canada?
>I-i'm not like the other Americans (or "mutts" as I call them ; )) p-please pay attention to me euromasters!
Is there anything more pathetic?
inb4 you reply with a "le 56%" picture
Wow, that really seems to have triggered you, mutt.
post something there as well
You do realize it's not your meme right? it's not for you to post, YOU are the one being made fun of in that meme. Regardless of what your actual skin color is YOU are being made fun of. Trying to "get in on the fun" is pathetic. Euros aren't going to suck your dick because you posted the "le mutt" meme. It. is. not. for. you. to. post.
Okay, let's get this clear. All countries, except Norway is SHITHOLE countries. No one wants you, no, they want hardworking people like Norwegians.
Oh no. You finally did it burgerbro. You dragged great europa down to your level of knowledge. Best frens nao yas?
>German misinterpreting self-deprecation joke as an attempt at an ego boost.
As expected of the country with no humor.
> American misinterpreting a contuination of a joke
As expected of a country with no humor
ROC should be let back on the UN Security Council instead of the PRC so it's colour coordinated
Yeah imagine the geopolitical ramifications of that kek
lol who's napolean
>He did not achieve a thing
Where do I even begin?
>Everything after him was retrected
Where do I even continue after beginning?
>Massive economic deficit
Not really no, Napoleon's economic reforms (including the founding of a national bank) actually left the economy more vital than before. The revolution started with the country on the verge of bankrupcy and Napoleon pushed through the reforms Louis XVI failed to implement. Despite constant warfare.
>When he rose you where country was in chaos, the people starved.
The worst famines were already over, he was invited over for a soft coup by Abbé Sièyes because the Directoire was in perpetual stalemate. Most of the Terror had also passed and royalist uprisings were a lot less frequent.
>But Napoleon, he chose to fund the army
No duh, France was at war with literally everyone else at the time. What was he supposed to fund, fucking art?
>supported the nobility
Only in asfar as allowing émigrés to return during the Peace of Amiens.
>while ignoring the common people
Which is why he reformed the legal system in such a way that every citizen (not subject!) in his empire had a court of law within a day's walk of his home?
>He went on and ravaged throughout Europe with great passion
Every single coalition war was declared on him.
>Prussia, Italy, and England could've done the same thing
Which they did, see above.
>Napoleon is a good general, but not a good statesman.
He is literally -LITERALLY- the single most influential statesman since Roman times.
>He implemented the total destruction of monarchy
He was brigadier-general when the revolution begun. He spent most of the early years of the revolution in Italy. How the fuck did he control affairs in France, mindjacking?
>He was funded by the masonry dammit
Yeah, the freemasons were a liberal society. Napoopan was a liberal. No shit. Lafayette and Washington were also freemasons.
>He ruined the centuries old code of conduct of monarchy that worked very well beforehand
It didn't work, which is why the entire revolution happened in the first fucking place. It was an outdated system, unsuited for the challenges of the time.
>The ruler aka the king/the richest ancestry would always rule a country, because they decide the military might.
Try reading du contrat social, Rousseau treats the problem of might makes right reasining in the very first chapter. You're too lazy to read it so I'll tl;dr it for you. If might makes right, absence of might no longer makes right. This means the king only has the right to rule until someone stronger comes along. His power is therefore not legitimate, in the absence of might there is no defense for his power. If you truly believe might makes right, you have no argument in defense of Louis XVI and no argument against Napoleon.
Fucking educate yourself.
No idea, I can't think of a single Napolean from the top of my head.
just no.
Empire of shit.
Never fought anyone that mattered.
None of those matter more than the UK
Although soon idk
>cultural output
Shit that numales like is not relevant to the people who actually are important.
Stagnant as fuck
You forgot
>global presence
Oh and
America is the dominant force in the world effectively controlling the entire America's and Europe as part of its informal empire, as well as certain other strategic "allies" around the world such as Israel and Saudi Arabia. Just because they're not playing Romans doesn't mean it's not an empire.
>Colonial empires don't count as empires
Cool story bro.
Now please tell me about the "Empire" of Brazil, an "Empire" that had almost as many niggers as Britain's empire at only a fraction of the size, economy, military, navy, industry...
Even today, stripped of its empire Britain is clearly a top 5 global power. I'm not fond of the Brits, but I'm also not delusional enough to think they don't matter.
You have to be a country to be a part of the UN.
It could have some ramifications that disturb stability. Think of shit like this: you're effectively saying that China doesn't count as the successor state of China. This could also lead to shit like saying Britain isn't the successor state of Britain (there's no British Empire!), France not being the successor state to France (there's no fourth republic!) and Russia not being the successor state to Russia (there's no more Soviet Union!). Basically it would lead to potentially the entire security council being reshuffled.
This is also why the treaty still refers to the RoC and Soviet Union. Because if someone decided that perhaps we should exchange RoC for PROC, it could lead others to change Britain to Brazil, or France to India or what not. Nobody wants to change anything about the treaty because it's a diplomatic game of MAD. Admittedly Russia and China are by far the most vulnerable here (you'd have to be REALLY fucking pedantic to argue against France and Britain here) but still.
clearly you have no idea what you're talking about
don't ever reply to my post again without contributing to the discussion, filth
America too could disappear tomorrow and the world would be a better place. Doesn't change the fact it is an important country
They are not independent states, both Japan and Germany are basically American colonies.
>Country whose flag is just 3 parallel coloured lines
Lmao no a country's flag needs to be a iconic and aesthetic symbol before that country matters
>mfw they forgot abouut the real supahpawah .
>Britain and France
anything but relevant.
More than you, chapati nan.
Bobs and vagana pls
Next thing you're going to say is that Hawaii is totally a country and it totally matters.
American protectorates doesn't matter.
Why do people care so much about being "relevant"?
Australia, Canada, Norway, Switzerland and the Netherlands are all way better than any of those 5 countries for the average person.
So EU is a protectorate now ? And even by being a protectorate we are more relevant than you, chapati
>average person.
because the average person is irrelevant.
When shit starts flying.. the nations (and people living in those nations) you listed can't do shit for themselves.
>EU is a protectorate now ?
not EU, France and UK.
France is in EU for information. Have you heard of the franco-german couple ?
>France is in EU for information
Doesn't matter. EU for most part doesn't toe the line drawn by US unlike France and UK.
Lack of independent voice in foreign affairs, for one makes both of you irrelevant in global affairs.
Yeah, that is why you bought French planes fighters and China few days ago bought Airbus planes for 17billion through Macron
>So EU is a protectorate now ?
Isn't it?
>muh P L A N E S
so, is that why you consider yourself relevant?
Also, a low income shtihole country buying stuffs from you is not a something to be proud of.
not in a militaristic sense, more like economic conglomerate, IMHO.
>no germany
Raphael was a sweet deal ;)
but too bad will be outdated in few years.
Just don't sell Pakistan anything.
If the tri-band flag is not iconic, why does everyone adopt it?
>can't do shit for themselves
Canada and Australia have the Queen of England as a head of state. Guess the consequences in case of war.
Switzerland can not really be invaded and it's more or less self-sufficient for vital needs.
i agree
it's really pathetic
Lamo whats with the hue monkey with a chip on his shoulder?
>everyone who posts with an american flag is an american
Remove UK, China, France and r*ssia and you are right.
el Goblino
Trigger discipline, mutt!
t. most likely a minority sandnigger
>opinion disregarded, discarded, thrown out of the fucking window, shat and pissed on
>let's put a bunch of flags together and call it our flag
Thank you
No need to be so buttblasted you mad virgin.
And claiming that someone you reply to is of some particular ethnicity just shows that you have no actual arguments.
Also despite what you want to believe the minorities here especially the muslims hate America much more than we the ethnic russians do, and vast majority of them do like modern r*ssia (because they benefit the most from p*tin's policies) so they wouldn't even post that.
Britain? But it's just your colony now. Puppet of USA.
La creatura...
>Lack of independent voice in foreign affairs
That's partly why the EU exists, European countries realizing their waning influence on the international affairs scene.
But despite our current lack of influence, we're not America's lapdogs by any means, save that for the UK. We're the country that refused to help them in the Iraq War, and although Sarkozy forced us back into NATO, we're one of the few countries with vetoing rights and the only one that refuses to take part in the Nuclear Planning Group. And we might be helping them on every front right now, but I can assure you that we'd never support them in a fight that goes against our ideals, NATO or not. The US itself is losing influence, and France will be happy to use that fact to reinforce her position.
> The only time France vetoed a UNSC resolution was in case of France's sovereignty over the island of Mayotte.
In all remaining cases, France has sided with US. Also, the Iraq war.
Be Norge get DUTCH'D