Know your country's name direct translation meaning.
Know your country's name direct translation meaning
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Czech Republic as always
Southern Land
Wow ours is very short, what does it translate as?
Some inbreed spic name
why's peru, india, zambia and indonesia got the same name
It is not a name, but is a meaning.
they are river.
If I recall correctly it's driven from ancient Scandinavian for "rower".
We wuz vikangz and shiet.
You are correct
The country where people row boat
what do you guys call us? our name is large compared to the rest
It is a silver.
i thought the japanese were smart
this proves me wrong
what's mine?
I don't believe it. Any proofs?
This isn't the meaning of Japanese names for countries but the meaning of the names in their native language.
eg. India is listed as river
>The name India is derived from Indus, which originates from the Old Persian word Hindu. The latter term stems from the Sanskrit word Sindhu, which was the historical local appellation for the Indus River. -t. Wikipedia
Most country names in Japanese are transliterations.
Hehe :)
t. the land of rabbits
And? Where is it written?
>Slovakia - "Slaves"
>Sudan - "Niggers"
England is obviously land of the Angles
Angles come from Angeln, northern Germany
(from wikipedia) Angeln could come from the word for "narrow", (narrow water), or to do with angling for fishing. I like this one better.
The non-historical Brutus of Troy was the first king of Britain. The Celtic Picts were called Pritani. I like this explanation better
>just found out that 'rus' means 'intoxication' in Swedish
Portugal - Portus Cale - Port of Cale(celtiberian people or deity)
I can not read it, sorry.
Do me!
See this
It is an angular land. Ireland is a fertile land.
Can you read what Mine is?
Aww, you call us by our name.
Bosnia river and Duke's land
Fire land
Roman nation
Elder people
>alliance of the ten tribes
>terraced bay
that's the literal translation
name comes from when the dutch used to call us taioan. Anyone knows what that means?
Don't know which one of you is right, but they're both pretty cool
another meaning is northern shore
what's mine?
>Kami no tsuchi
Lel, what? Where does that come from 露西亜?
Portugal name comes from the Archangel's Michael,Raphael and Gabriel(Miguel,Rafael,Gabriel),they descended into our region during the Battle of Ourique,whispered into King Afonso I ear:''
Te vinces agros sed hoc filiis vestris et filiabus vinces mundi'' which means''You will conquer this lands but your sons and daughters will conquer the world'' and then saint george came into the battlefield aswell and whispered to him the name of the country
Magyar Country
Mine surely means yoghurt
What does mine mean?
>country of boat rowers
And what do you mean by that, jap-tachi?
What's mine?
Rowing has pretty much always been "Ro", in all the scandinavian languages. Doesn't the name derive from the swedish viking king Rus that "founded" Russia?
>land of the free
Possibly from Ruotsi (compare Cyмь (Sumĭ) < Suomi, Becь (Vesĭ) < Vepsä / *Vepsi), the Finnish name for Sweden, from Old Norse Róðrsland (“the land of rowing”), older name of Roslagen, where the Finns and Swedes first met, from róðr (“steering oar”), from Proto-Germanic *rōaną (“to row”), from Proto-Indo-European *h1reh1- (“to row”).[1]
The Old East Slavic (Old Russian) proper noun Pycь is first recorded in the 12th-century Primary Chronicle. Older attestations of the same name in Greek, Latin and Arabic date to the 9th and 10th centuries.
Call me anything but n*rthern
Spain and Colombia are qt
Navel of the moon
伊 is it right? i can't read it sorry.
> イタリア
I've studied this in katakana
rower people
According to that map, Italy means 子牛(calf).
Italy is called イタリア=伊太利亜(伊) in Japanese.
Thank you so much
>Hispania may derive from the poetic use of the term Hesperia, reflecting the Greek perception of Italy as a "western land" or "land of the setting sun" (Hesperia, Ἑσπερία in Greek) and Spain, being still further west, as Hesperia ultima
call me Hesperia Ultima pls
Hesperia Ultima
you are welcome Italy-san.
Island of infinite potatoes
>Land of adventurers
>Land of the rabbits
>Land where the metal get forge
>Northern land (of Carthage)
>Last city of the West
>Land where the sea starts
>Land of king Hispalo and Hispano (descendants of Hercules)
Guess what
>Land of the Free
Polish commonwhealth or Republic of Poland
rzeczpospolita polska
Based Mongolia.
Spain's name come from Phoenician and it means "Land of hares/rabbits". Basically the Carthaginians troops found many hares when they landed and name our country like that.
In fact I never understood why are we called "Isle of shrewmice" in this map.
What is the Pakistan one?
The description for Iran at is different from the description at
← Spain is called ウサギ(rabbit )in this map.
I don't know why map is different from one.
高貴な民族(Noble race)
>His country doesn't have a bootsona.
>Sudan = BLACKS
Fucking rare
The Land of the Silver
Iran is wrong. If you want it literally it would translate as "Land of the nobles" Since it means Land of the Aryans and Arya means noble or of noble origin.
Bosnia is perfectly readable though