Tell me about your ancestry Sup Forums, how far into the past do you know about yourself? As far as I know my ancestors and family, they are all Bulgarian, and I am not sure if I could ever even go further to find older documented ancestry.
Ancestry and roots thread
just a bunch of farmers/loggers from northern sweden
>northern sweden
>tfw waiting for results of DNA test
i wouldn't be surprised if i'm 30% finn/lapp
generic Australian and anglo south and east African
100% Anglo diaspora
Besides what my family already knew I looked through town records for the old American side, my dad's side is full of English farmers for centuries so I just stopped looking there
Bost resulds when come
i think i've seen your family tree before...
north italian up to grandparents
dunno before that, probably rapebaby of germans and slavs, dont tan at all and pale as fuck, like sick pale
yeah posted it in the tree threads
crime scene cleanup?
fuck me i want job like this
i'm literally a weirdo and i'm not getting disgusted by anything
shame that there are no murders in poland
Check my heritage.
Honestly considering whether I tell my dad to just sue his father in order to get part of the inheritance
its for college dropouts don't be fooled, pay isn't that good either. The educated ones get all the cool positions anyway I just wash blood off sidewalks and scrape things off walls. Dad is begging me to be a farmer so I'll probably just join the family when I get bored
Mostly Finnish as far as I know
But my dad took one of those tests and out paternal line was South Scandinavian origin
really sounds like a shitty job
farmer is heavy but much better
lot of shit tho
it's all british apart from some norwegian that came up in the dna test but that's further back than our family can trace so w/e
Everyone with my last name has a common ancestor from Amsterdam who was a butcher and moved from some small German village that doesn't exist anymore. The village went empty because of the industrial revolution and he went to Amsterdam.
There is also some Frisian land nobility from the other side of the family, but that's all been conquered by the Hollanders and my family can't claim shit as the counsel of nobility only acknowledges the last people to hold the titles of that farmland.
From then on it's all Amsterdam addresses (except for the one who became a sailor and went to Indonesia).
Shituguese, Sp*niard, Shitalian, and Native American loli
And Sicilian kike
let me tell you how white you all are...
As far as I know, my great great grandfather was Croatian, came to Chile around the 1900s and formed a family, his surname didn’t stick due to his daughter being a women, pretty sure it was Jankovich right something like that. Didn’t met him obviously, but my family have told me he was really cool and funny.
>probably has sami in him
not white
not white
not white
probably white
>polish blood
not white
not white
not white
To add to this, on my mother's side there is also family in Alsace-Lorraine and in the former Soviet Zone of Occupation. My mother's cousin was getting married in the GDR (when she was still small), and my grandparents were afraid to take her along out of fear of her saying something that might get everyone in trouble in the GDR.
Later both my parents would become hippies/communists, my father gave lectures on Marxism-Leninism and my mother recieved guerilla training in the woods and almost went to Libya to get further training (this was in the 70's, they mellowed out later in life)
Why did you skip me?
Did it out of curiosity. More or less what I expected.
My family is literally generations old from a village in deep Northern Portugal so not many records.
sorry bru, you are white in my eyes
Okay cool, thought maybe that Indonesia part threw you off. He got a German qt there and his descendants all went to Canada when WW2 started.
kek, you are good man
>not white
*fellow white man
bunch of karelian peasants farming the same plot of land that my old man is still using for his crops
too much farming is bad for you
its made my family go crazy
my great grandma was from berlin, everyone else were farmers or grew up on one
200 years. Parents both Indian. Dad came from a military family and mom's family were all landowners.
My paternal grandfather's line came over in the 1620s from England. They were bigshot planters and slave owners back in the colonial era but lost it all sometime in the early 19th century and struck out west after the Civil War (ancestor fought in the Army of the Tennessee). My paternal grandmother's line is mostly pacific northwestern Indian with a bit of Mexican. My paternal grandmother's father claimed to have fought with Pancho Villa but he might have been bullshitting.
My mother is from Mexico, her great-grandfather was Spaniard and her other great-grandparents Italian. There's also a decent amount of Indio in there. I know much less about my mother's side because Mexico doesn't keep fantastic records on their backwards peasants (my mother literally grew up in a town without paved roads, electricity, cars, or running water and this was in the 1960s-70s).
My grandpather from my father side, came from Germany after ww1 as a seven years old, he is from a jewish family, but for some reason wasnt jewish himself.
My grandmother who married him, was mixed between portuguese and native, i don't know much about her, and she died before i was born.
My grandpather from my mother side, was son of japanese fathers, he came from a Buddhist family, but turned catholic to marry my grandma.
My last grandmother, is mixed between German, portuguese and native, i don't know much about her, except she was a poor person who lived a miserable life, and had a relative who hunted natives to sell then as slaves for a living.
*japanese parents
Just Korean as far as I know. There's probably some long ago Chinese or Mongolian in there I assume
i've been able to trace my ancestry as far back as the 17th century on my motherside, they were all noman from around Caen, my father is english/irish with a drop of scottish in the mix.
I'm an anglo-norman.
My fathers dad family is originally from Memeland and considering names I don't accurately remember ethnic Balts/Lithuanians
Rest is German to the core
Do you have that ugly korean pan face?
Mom: Portugal, South western France, Lebanon, probably traces of Native American
Dad: Castillian, Basque, Navarre, Extremadura, Asturias.
This is all I know
I am unironically 100% Irish.
Paternal grandfather from Wicklow.
Paternal grandmother from Claire.
Not sure about my maternal grandparents.
There’s also some Spanish from mom’s side, probably Extremadura or andalucia
I've never taken a genetic test, but according to family lore, Im Irish, Ukrainian and Austrian Jewish, English, German, and Alsatian. The English line can be traced back to the 1770s or so, the Irish back to the 1790s at most, the German to the 1830s, the Alsatian back to the 1800s or so, and the Jewish line back to the mid 1800s.