>Saw a factory hiring for $23/hr
>Didn't even bother applying because deep down I know I am too inferior to make so much money
Saw a factory hiring for $23/hr
That's stupid. I'm not the best of the best, but I got a good job receiving a decent payment only because of my voice/the way that I speak, and my boss itself told me that.
Probably there was people more prepared than me to fill the hire, yet here I am. You don't need to be good, just convince them you are, unless it's a high standart job that requires 3000 major formations.
Easy to say for a NORMIE
And it, kids, it's why you don't reply Canadian threads.
>so much money
Go to university for fucks sake
What am I suppose to respond to your normie platitudes
Evil richfag
What the fuck that's A LOT of money
I just graduated university with a CS degree and I can't even find any work.
Costs of living are different throughout the world
What was your GPA, did you do any networking during college or any internships? Every normie I know with a computer science degree makes good money even from subpar schools.
don't do it user
factories are literally hell on earth
It's not that much. That's like 36k € per year. I guess it's ok, if you didn't go to university but honestly directly after graduating, in my first year I made 10k more.
That's nearly $200 each day, ~$4000 monthly pay
Can you write anything but javascript on a professional level? My company is looking for c++ developers, but can't find any good candidates.
That's not even a bait at this point
Why would you want to be a wageslave? Enjoy being neet master race you fool
Wtf it's not bait. My first salary was around 45k per year
t. I do not understand what living costs in other parts of the world are
We don't all live in Cuba or Siberia where $25 can buy you a months worth of food.
Lies, I've been to countries such as Germany and France many, many times and I have friends in Ile de France
I'm not going to respond to these baits, try harder next time
$23/hr is around $46000 a year... before tax which after tax is ~$36k a year.
(At $46k gross income a year you pay $7000 income tax, $2100 CPP, and $750 EI. These are mandatory deductions for employees)
Rent for an apartment pretty much anywhere worth living in my province is $1000+/month.
Plus cellphone, car insurance/other costs, food ($300/month or so) it is not that much.
How is it a bait?
>tfw paid 600€ per month for 9h per day
>it's a manual labor
>no degrees
>only hope to get better is to join the army so i can get paid 1200€ per month for a 24/7 job
i shouldn't complain since there are russian posters here
Nigger here is the average salary per year for jobs in Germany. From top to bottom:
industrial engineer
business studies
If you get something in that range your starting salary will be over 40k easily
I'm done being a leech to my friends and family, it feels awful having to ask people for money. I don't even know how to earn NEETbucks.
Damn homie
i get paid 3k usd monthly for a 8 hours job, but then again I’m from moscow so it’s better than the rest of russia. I thought salaries were pretty high in France, no?
He doesn't understand that car insurance on a rusty old mazda here is probably the cost of his rent in Russia.
Probably measures salaries in other countries by the cost of goods in Vladivostok.
I'll be graduating soon with a meme poli sci major and will like be in the same boat. Dear god why didn't I just learn a trade?
Whenever you mention "jobs" to Russians here, most of them fall into the "I live in Moscow and earn thousands of US dollars working in CS" category. They're all living large there, mate, you know...
>what is extraflags
nope. 1.5k usd is the avg salary here in moscow, so 3k is completely reasonable. idk what’s your problem
Do houses where you live cost a million Canadian dollars while not being mansions?
you can get yourself a nice flat for 300k here. what are your mortgage interest rates again, 3%? try 12.
Wait you got that I said per year right? I'm not talking about what you're getting per month
>there are people that live in regions where you can't own a home outright in 3-5 years
How's life inte armed forces?
Came across some French sailors, and they looked like an odd bunch.
I don’t remember talking to you in the first place. am I missing something here? What made you think im
Людям лишь бы нищими пpитвopитьcя, a нa дeлe y них в aшaнe цeны нижe чeм y нac нa пoлoвинy тoвapoв и элeктpoникa зaчacтyю дeшeвлe.
That's not bad at all though.
Starting salary for 3/5 year STEM degree here is 3000/3200€ per month.
The flag and the fact how mad you seem to be
How did you figure that out over an emotionally neutral post? Jesus h christ stop overusing this word
aгa, я кoгдa в aнглии yчилcя нa eдy/жильe мeньшe тpaтил, чeм в мocквe