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>we wuz rawhide

Wasn't too bad of a bite, just a warning

>Islamic creationist
Simply ebin.

Black people literally look like monkeys, what the fuck this niggers are thinking?

Someone one post it



>Albaniggers is a meme



>Who is the primitive here
You. You are a monkey.

Is this picture unironically satire? I thought i read in a study that you average chimpanze and gorilla has been observed to have higher cognitive problem solving ability than your average african. On top of chimpanzees being stronger and better fighters than humans

thats right, whitey

The comic itself is not so much about race as it is about some Nation of Islam creationist shit. The people on the left are supposed to represent "atheists and agnostics".

>reverse search image
>google fills in with god complex and megalomania


>I thought i read in a study that you average chimpanze and gorilla has been observed to have higher cognitive problem solving ability than your average african

This honestly ought to tell you more about whatever test they used to determine cognitive ability than anything else.

t. Macaco de Brazilo

ass blasted wh*Te subhumans absolutely BTFO by BLACK ALBANIAN Bull ITT


Aliens are radioactive Chinese from the future.

IL Prado senories

Galactic Kangzs?

>I thought i read in a study that you average chimpanze and gorilla has been observed to have higher cognitive problem solving ability than your average african.

nice "Study" I'm sure it was objective and impartial, and the fact it was only a single study with these findings only speaks to it's validity

>I thought i read in a study that you average chimpanze and gorilla has been observed to have higher cognitive problem solving ability than your average african.

t. rapefugee

There's a gorilla named koko, her iq is 80...

We're more similar to chimps because they're more human than niggers are! top kek


Stop man
Stop trying to be white
You're embarrassing

>Stop trying to be white
I'm jap, you dumb ass

And I am Greek

wh*Tes BTFO!

Eu sei que não existem japoneses na Bahía, mas no Paraná e em São Paulo nem todo mundo é mais escuro que a noite.