Why are black people triggered by this?

Why are black people triggered by this?
Arent they proud of their skin color?

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The same reason why you mongoloid subhumans are triggered by this.

moron that trigger only corean

It is a direct gesture you look down on us asians.
But, painting black ink in our face to look like black people does not mean racism.
And this musician known as chanels here has great respect to black musicians they got inspired a lot.

Japan is racist


In the west its mockery .....blackface

>But, painting black ink in our face to look like black people does not mean racism.
It does.

>Why are black people triggered by this?
What can you do if you're born a nigger? Only have permament butthurt because of existence.

>Why are black people triggered by this?
Post something that validates this. You barely have any blacks in your country to be offended over something like this. Most reasonable people would just assume Japanese are uncultured or just ignorant about non Japanese.

Why are Japanese people triggered by this?
Arent they proud of their skin color?



Because it's a caricature that was designed to be offensive on purpose, it depicts black people in a very comical and stereotypical way. It's still funny though.

>Make fun of black people
>Brazil gets defensive

lol, it's very funny pronunciation.

Everyone envies BLACK people, as they are the KINGS and QUEENS of the world.



>It is a direct gesture you look down on us asians.

And black face isnt a direct gesture?

I'd rather be black than be a paki desu

That's racist.

Everyone needs to chill down a bit
This great music here was censored because two guys did the blackface thing. I didn't understand why at first but then I remember americans find it offensive... pretty lame desu


Well from watching that I would assume Japanese are now somewhat aware that putting black paint over ones face can be seen as racist outside Japan. These sort of events help bring light to issues not seen by Japanese society. Also note most of the time its people that think its their job to be mad for others that bring up the issues.

Reminds me when I was in art class, we had classmates pose as models. I immediately got bad looks for shading in the skin of the black student. To me I was just drawing the shade of his skin, I didn't get in trouble. But I get why people may have thought I was making fun of the guy, kid next to me was laughing. Kid I was drawing took a look at the drawing and had no issue. It was mostly the people around me who made it a big deal.

>oh my gosh he painted his face a darker color thats racist!

Bl*cks are just hypocrites