driftin edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Italians LOVE Germanic and Greek cocks
All nighter
yah or nay?
Perfect Edition
How tired are you at the moment?
Not very, my eyes are just a lil droopy
We only love ourselves :3
>t-that pic
You love Lombard cock desu.
Taking a naked shower now, be back!
I don't know, I don't want to encourage ya to fuck your sleeping even more like mine.
Do it if ya feel like you can.
Why is the thread död?
Why won't you be my gf?
I was thinking about posting but I had nothing interesting to say.
I'm going to the shower desu
Israeli plot
>nothing interesting to say.
you mean like normal?
Too far away desu.
oy vey
Fucking rude.
want to be someones fuck toy
want to be someones fuck toy
*fucks you*
jeez, I get the hint
you gotta treat me like a toy
God I want to be Fennec's pet
Bunny wants to see some pics.
This is the mine looking down to the beach, you can't see jack shit of the mine.
I wouldn't worry anyway it's not very interesting.
And a another one, I can't find them all...
I had much more I think, but aw well.
thank you desu
*find your location*
hehe, your bunny is now mine
want to be a fuck toy for all the kiwis as well as bunny
Why are you so horny all of a sudden
i'm always horny master
but i'm a slave so you don't need to satisfy me unless you want to
It's on /cp/, I want to start posting there ahah
h..here a pic from Liechtenstein
This is what was behind me,it's called the Denniston mine, it's a shitty tourist trap but it's a nice place to go and have a wander around.
You're the ones upside down now.
You like foxes?
>drifting edition
yes, yes I do
anything with ears and a tail really
>anything with ears and a tail really
You stay away from the neighbours pets.
that looks interesting desu! from what era was that mine? I..if you know that
liechtensteiner cocks
Apparently open 1878 and closed 1968, I didn't read about it while I was up there, I just was having a look see at the views.
Liechtenstein looks bloody nice buddy, good picture.
german cocks
european cocks
that was on one of our mountains desu. Down there is my village
here is a picure of or capital desu
white cocks and the sperm of white men...
Looks cozy mate.
Everything looks tidy as fuck as well.
how do you start a conversation on interpals
With your classic entry
Which is?
Say something controvesial and reply to the bait
To whom take the bait
that might not be the best method to get a language partner
Just had late night/early morning shower.
Why not?
Only the first post it's like that
The other has to be serious
"hello, wanna be my language partner? " works everytime
"I could talk to people from all around the world with interesting personalities and full of knowledge and yet I choose to talk to you"
would work on a guy but not a roastie ahah
w-was it naked?
Lol has this approach ever worked?
I don't know I've never tried something like that.
If she's got any humour that would work I guess
Woa lewd
>Try looking for "La Reina del arroz con pollo" (The rice with chicken queen).. it was a prisoner in Maracaibo that raped a child and was welcome with tons of torture shit, they made him suck a lot of guys, he was raped by the same guys and with a roll-on deodorant, he was dress as a lady and walk around the backyard of the prison waiving and saying he was the queen, then he got decapitated and you can see the prisoners playing football (soccer) with his head..
the first part is hot ahah
You really are a lost cause.
Am I?
You're the most perverted person I've ever came across.
But I'm only a virgin desu.
I wanted to change FB profile pic but I don't have new photos
Put a pic of Astolfo, should be good enough
>hey user why do you have a pink haired girl as profilepic?
>haha..y..yea girl
Kek no
I am not ready to reveal my power level yet
Beside it would be like pic related
My profile pic is Satania!
Luckily I use a pseudonym and only add my closest friends, and I don't have any girls in my friend list.
>I am not ready to reveal my power level yet
it is a big step to climb
My friends are either super normie or extreme autists
I don't have anyone in the middle ;_;
Some of my friends are normies and some are autists desu.
Yeah nah I will bring my secret in the coffin
f-forcing yourself to interact with strangers over the internet is an even bigger step to climb desu.
I don't even have the balls to take and upload a picture of myself...
What's with the paddles?
want to hold westies hand desu
that's a good idea too.
>I don't even have the balls to take and upload a picture of myself...
Still stuck on that? I guess it's not easy but if you want to learn a language those apps can be so useful
It's because you are younger than us
We (me + frenchanon) have seen the evolution of the web 2.0
You are born into it
I probably would never had the ball if I were you
For whipping desu.
Nah that's for a later time desu. For now I'll just go around on interpals and hellotalk without revealing my face. But I know eventually I have to face up to the challenge
I guess that's true but if I were truly "born" into it I'd be like the normies I know who upload their pictures everywhere desu. But I'm very conservative about my personal info and I need to get over that barrier desu.
w-well at least I've gotten over the "uploading my voice to the Internet" part...
It's not a barrier you are rightly to wabt to protect yourself
But sometimes you have to easen up a little and say "fuck you I will do that anyway"
Alright I'm gonna head to bed.
Nightie night everyone.
You can hold it while I drift off to sleep.
That it was my first time too eheh
I only talked with friends onlune before
Good luck with that. Also you kinda make me want to learn some vocab in Spanish. I've never studied Spanish (by that I mean I didn't study on my own, just went to class) and lack vocabulary
Good job lad
Good night mate
Goodnight :)
Have a nice sleep
Yeah, that's a necessary step when doing certain things desu.
I'd only had one reluctant appearance on skype with non-friends desu.
Good night cutie.
Don't leave me!
*takes a shit on this general*
Are you staying up all night buddy?
There is chatroulette or omegle or whatever for brief appearance with stranger
I never do that though
Thanks desu
My philosophy is that to sustain a level of interest and ability in a language you mustn't take lessons desu. And that's true for a lot of polyglots.