If ur a nigur then it means ur dumb and evil

>if ur a nigur then it means ur dumb and evil

I'm sure the guy fucking your wife right now is a nice dude

>I'm sure the guy fucking your wife right now is a nice dude

I dont want to come off as racist but i just generally find people of any other ethnicity more attractive than black people

Not racist at all. Just preference. I like brown girls best.

>I make the same unfunny thread on Sup Forums everyday because I crave attention

>Not racist at all. Just preference.

>getting bullied by jamaicans

>I banevade in order to make more brainlet threads

>nigbers r ooman

If you are a nigger then you are likely dumber than average person, and also chances are that you will commit a crime are higher than for an average person. These are hard facts and there is nothing to dispute.

>If you are a nigger then you are likely dumber than average person, and also chances are that you will commit a crime are higher than for an average person. These are hard facts and there is nothing to dispute.

>niggrs are nice people and have a lot to offer to this countree

>niggrs are not nice people and do not have a lot to offer to this countree

>i is canadian

I used to not find black women very attractive compared to other racial groups but they've grown on me as I've gotten older for some reason

>I um not cuhnadian, e am ethnically Italian nd also reside in ootaly

>Not a racist, I'm a race REALIST

Some of my friends are black. Yes they can be dumber than usual sometimes but they’re not bad people.

>I used to not find black women very attractive compared to other racial groups but they've grown on me as I've gotten older for some reason
The reason are quite simple. With age people become dumber and eyesight becomes worse.

Anyone who claims not to understand that they're dumber and more criminal because they're a social underclass is either stupid or pretending to be stupid.

And we owe it to people of a low caste to at least reserve judgment

>look at my subtle and witty canadish banter

>Anyone who claims not to understand that they're dumber and more criminal because they're a social underclass is either stupid or pretending to be stupid.
Niggers aren't dumb because they are social underclass. They are social underclass and more criminal because they are dumber!

Name an underclass they didn't say that about.

I can't

If you're a Russian then you are likely poorer than the average European and also chances are higher than average that you will commit a crime. These are hard facts and there is nothing to dispute.

Where are all these quality threads coming from

>ppfhfh sgrhgphg sphsh

The average snownigger had never met a black person in his life and are afraid to talk to one if they ever see them
Italians and Brazilians are already niggers larping as racist snowniggers so ignore them

Many Kangz in Cairo?

Had the opposite experience, I used to really like brown "exotic" women but as I get older I like white women more again