Post ur cunt's parliament

Post ur cunt's parliament.

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Why is there a picture of sopa de macaco bowl on the monitors in your parliament?

Because our politicians are really the scum of the scum

>finns love cocks so much they even have them in a parliament hall



looks shit



Scotland has the best one.



Take those statues of christo out of there!!!

what happened to reichstag?

how does one such beautiful building manage to be so ugly inside? looks like ikea designed it

take of the racist flag off your wall and replace it with somali flag

Because the half circle is a recent addition.
This is what the old chambers (we had two, and upper and a lower) looked like (they are still in use, hosting party meetings ect)

it's a working environment, not a museum

looks better

t. somali

kill yourself, preben




bad. is that plywood to the left?

best one




bad ikea


Fuck right back home to MENA please
It's very nice, Sweden used to have a lot of nice traditions and pride, but it's erroding quickly.

Top = government
Left = chairman
Standing on top = whoever is speaking
Standing in the middle = interruptions
Bottom + right = parliament members

You gotta be kidding

looks more like a city council

Rome city council

it's really shit but at least our senate looks a bit better :(

Sorry, all money went to the King instead. Not some lowly parliament members. :^)



This one is beautiful, wew.

Also here's the italian Senate, similar to the Chamber of deputies but smaller (it looks bigger in picture)

I don't think I've ever seen that many meps in the eu parliament when I've watched streams. Usually there's just few people


It's the same building

Don't mind him, he's a muslim.



damn it you stole my joke I was going to make.




This is PĂ rlamaid na h-Alba
I want to like it but it's too directionless for my tastes
it also cost 400m+ instead of the 10m+ it was supposed to

Outside and inside

shit forgot pic related


that's probably the most beautiful parliament chamber in the world

this is our old one, but it's just used by Dutch school children today

And the Ridderzaal is used by the first and second chamber of the Staten-Generaal combinded

Reminds me too much of our disgusting circus

is this the banter lair

>tfw no comfy benches


The Senate is nicer

>tfw the inside looks like any drab municipal building

Disgrace desu


nice classroom



Nice one

Cold, industrial autistic, humorless.

Yup, that's Germany

beautiful frame for beautiful flower to bloom

government on the left

Yours look nice though

Meds definitely have the best parliaments.

Of course, we invented democracy


from the outside

>dat fucking wood design from the 90s




empty house of lords

a fucking office building

>United States Senate


house of commons

I had a tour a few months ago and learned that after damage to the chamber from ww2 loads of countries gave us stuff for parliament. that big (speakers) chair is from australia, the massive table in the middle is from canada, and the two boxes either side that the prime minister and opposition lean on is from new zealand. loads of other countries gave us stuff too

hungarian parliament
