Why is this allowed again ?

Why is this allowed again ?

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Crony capitalism

Crony capitalism sounds about right. I've never been to America but I've heard many Europeans who went to America say that their bread tastes like cake because of how much sugar it has. SUGAR. IN BREAD. No wonder so many Americans are fat, even trying to eat healthy is prone to give you diabetes. Probably explains their obsession with superfoods, but how long until those are pumped full of sugar?

Because consumers want it

USA doesn't have sugar, though, it has corn syrup. I was just there, nothing said "sugar" on it.

that's why you get the micro breads

>America as the highest

>consumers want massive corn subsidies

not even microbreads, you can get decent fresh bread at any supermarket bakery
only poorfags eat sliced bread

no u

Cheap way to get food to taste good, hence easier to get the population addicted to their product

>supermarket bakery

an independent one wouldn't survive
they make decent cakes and bread and pastries

>'ve never been to America but I've heard many Europeans who went to America say that their bread tastes like cake because of how much sugar it has. SUGAR. IN BREAD.
Well the sugar content in ameribread would qualify it as confectionery according to EU regulations.

The west is a cuck to corporations.
WHO was lobbied by sugar manufacturers to make the recommended daily dose of sugar higher to drive sales up.
Corporate trash pays millions of dollars every year to fund studies proving that the obesity epidemics is caused by lack of physical exercise and totally not because average amerilard/euroshit consumes a handful of sugar in junk food and washes it down with sweetened water.

your bread is absolute shite, do not ever try to imply otherwise
t. bread enthousiast that went to the US

>Because consumers want it
And because the FDA and other such institutions allow it. Not saying it's perfect here (there are traces of sugar in our meat for example), but over here adding high fructose corn syrup is banned and recently a major supermarket chain was the source of controversy for having cornbread without corn in it. This also why we're happy the based Walloons stopped TTIP: so we don't get American shit tier products that don't conform to significantly higher EU standards.

Again, not saying the Netherlands is perfect but it probably has a lot to do with some backroom deals in America.

where did i try to imply that our bread is amazing
the bread from bakeries is just infinitely more palatable than mass produced sliced bread

They sell cane sugar, but as a specialty item. If you buy white sugar from the store, it is likely from beets.

>The west is a cuck to corporations.
Honestly everyone has been a "cuck" to money for as long as money has been around. Relativism and secularism didn't do us any favors, but men of integrity have always been in short supply. The folks over at WHO probably thought "a few more grams of sugar as recommended daily intake and I'll get to buy a new villa and send my kids to that really prestigious university, what's the harm in that?". Very few people will shoot themselves in the foot out of a sense of duty.

You've got it backwards. I've never seen sugar at a store that didn't say "PURE CANE SUGAR" in giant letters on the packaging

absolutely disgusting country

They do have sugar cane for household use and as an ingredient in more premium food items, high fructose corn syrup is for industrial, all the "hidden" sugar you get in foods and drinks.

The way they're able to compete is their sugar industry is a mafia tier lobby living off protections and subsidies set in the 20th century, we get a quota for how much sugar we can export to the US even with NAFTA.