1.country 2.Do people in your country eat these?

1.country 2.Do people in your country eat these?

Yes, they are master seafood

Other urls found in this thread:


wtf is that


uncut dicks


>benis sautéed in poo wine
Glorious Korean haute cuisine.

your point?

whale dicks

It calls fat innkeeper worm or penis fish in english
I really enjoy to eat them, but wiki says it is described as eating only in my country
I thought that there was a possibility to eat them in other countries adjacent to the sea
Their urine is also a very distinctive delicacy.

it looks like bleached nigger benises
disgusting af

huh I thought they were geo ducks
cousins maybe?

>This spoon worm is commonly eaten raw with salt and sesame oil or chojang in Korea.

You do realise we are judging you for this

It looks like Russian dick. :D


>It looks like Russian dick.
Do you see Russian dick often? Do you like it?

But that would be the Japanese(and the rest of asians, for that matter) :D

Show us yours


Cocks.... Lithuanian boys....

the russian ones are much smaller 2bh

we do not makeshitup like gooks, you goblin bear

>"Mom, what are you making for us to lunch today?"
>"Today we're gonna eat sloppy cooked dicks with foreskin, son ^-^"

sure, sure, I’m sure your “BASED japanese race is sooo superior over the rest of your cunt-for-eyes race”, goblette. see, that’s what happens when you gooks don’t bleach your skin

Here you go lad

They are no problems. what is worng with the picture? Go back to read the fucking article you gave me it did not say anthing about us.
We go to beach to get tans and wheat skins in summer unlike sissy HOMO gooks which make you look more healthy.

They are eaten in my country too. They are called Yumushi here. They are delicacy.

what's your fucking issue, why are you denying the obvious? guidable.co/culture/why-skin-whitening-culture-is-so-popular-in-japan/

wtf is this for real?

>be korean
>eat dicks

y'know those kind of JAV where they put stuff up their cunt? really wanna see it with this one

>be gook
>eating benis is delicacy
>drinking urine is delicacy


I'm aroused by those

best kind of haram

tfw no bepis to chomp on

>Their urine is also a very distinctive delicacy.

>Their urine is also a very distinctive delicacy.

>I thought that there was a possibility to eat them in other countries adjacent to the sea
You just want attention because your country is irrelevant

Uma delicia

Uma delicia

Uma delicia

Why are Orientals so fucking weird?

It that the thing anime girls masturbate and then it cum on their tits?


>Not eating lampreys


Waddafuk is going on here

Gooks eat this everywhere

>eating benis

So eating a fucking insect? disgusting chinks

