Why is Finnish such a silly, silly language?

Why is Finnish such a silly, silly language?

It sounds like baby talking gibberish


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idk but she has a speech impediment

reminds me of Catalan

>that R
shut the fuck up, stupid thot

She can't roll her R's. Something i had in first grade, but nothing a few extra classes after school couldn't fix.

It's the first time I hear a girl having a speech impediment.

>en voi sille mitään
Häh? Senkus varaa ajan puheterapeutilta.

Doesn't sound like it at all

Any examples of Estonian?

Think about it this way:
>English is more closely related to Bengali than Finnish
That's why it sounds strange to you. And the best part is that standard Finnish is totally made up and spoken Finnish is a different thing. Even better is the fact that standard Finnish is based on western dialects and eastern dialects can sometimes be too hard to understand even for people, who don't speak the dialect. So if you ever learn standard Finnish, you will only understand written Finnish. It takes some time to learn the spoken Finnish and basic western dialects. You'll probably never learn eastern dialects.

So it's basically code language for 5 million people since others can't learn it?

Yeah please tell us what an internationally savy national such as americans are have to say on Finnish, you of all people with your witty insights and famously mad multilingual skill can surely break it down better why it doesnt sound refined to your ears.
you cock

Yes and no. Finnish is not as difficult as people say but on the other hand I've never met a non-native speaker, who spoke Finnish on the same level as native speakers. No matter how long they've lived here. But the biggest problem isn't learning Finnish and speaking understandable Finnish. The problem is understanding others and especially Savonians and Karelians. Most young people don't speak the dialects but I was fortunate enough to learn proper Savonian dialect (or one variation of it) and if I want to, Finns from other parts of the country can't understand me.


wtf i love finnish now

>Most young people don't speak the dialects but I was fortunate enough to learn proper Savonian dialect (or one variation of it) and if I want to, Finns from other parts of the country can't understand me.

Bull fucking shit, lmao. I hear savonian dialect every summer, it's what it is, a funny sounding dialect, not a completely different language like you make it sound to be. Can't understand you...

What you most likely hear is quite standard Finnish with a little bit of Savonian features sprinkled on top.

I hate Savonian dialects so fucking much, speaking them instantly makes you sound like an inbred redneck idiot

It's better than Spanish. I fucking hate Spanish.

The truth.


Her name is Matilda and she is mine

This woman in the picture is adorably qt


Translate to standard Finnish:
>Mummoen ripsuvvaa aeta ja ukkoen tuop kapakalloo paa iäree. Saanaannii aekoovat. Sillo pittää kassara kua mehästee raavusta. Liekö löötyy vuaralta vae havuka kallioilta? Suarelta ej sua karasii.

Oh fuck off, stop mystifying finnish. No one writes or talks like a witch from kalevala.

That's how I talk... If you have everything figured out, great, but a lot of people have a hard time understanding my dialect. So I should say stop thinking that Finnish is spoken the same way everywhere and everything is simple. You've no idea how frustrating it is when you have to repeat everything you say three times or switch to standard Finnish, if you're for example visiting Helsinki and the person you're talking to doesn't understand half of what you're saying.

Wait till you hear Estonian.

Matilda is a Swedish name

Shitty "language"


That’s her name senpai. Watch her early videos.

Want a medal?

Nah it's cause it's a mongolian language, pretty sure Turks could probably learn it quite easily.

Is pic related true?

Applies to spoken language, yes


The thing about understanding spoken finnish is, you don't.

Some of the spokean dialects are unrecognisable to even some natives. Though most of the msot ridicolous ones are dying out.

For example. Helsinki dialect or Stadin slangi, just piss poor shitmix of loaned words from other languages. Especially Russians or Swedes may pick out some words from it.


This explains a lot.

same can be said for turkish too

>I've never met a non-native speaker, who spoke Finnish on the same level as native speakers

Doesn't it apply to every language?

Mummojen puhetta ja ukkojen tuopit kapakassa tule ääreen (seuraan?).
(Jotain) aikovat. Silloin pitää katsella kun metsässä kävelee. Liekö löytyy varalta vai havu kalliolta? Saarelta ei saa (jotain).

And I'm from Helsinki

It's not a different language, even if some wanna be some special snowglakes


joo hei, masennuskin parantuu sillä kun varaat vaan ajan terapeutille :)

It sounds exactly the same

Se voi auttaa. Huomaa VOI


it's not indo european like most other european languages

Estonian is a bit faster and more spurdo spädre

People can generally pick up English and speak it as if it was their native language.

>got asmr from that video

What an delicious language...

Karelian sounds slavic with lots of zh, Volga finnic and veps even more so. They have so much "V"s, "Shk"s and "ы"s that they sound like russian from afar. Since I'm a slav, Im sure I can pronounce them correctly if i learnt them. Finnish when written sounds like japanese but when spoken sounds like swedish's retarded cousin.

Mari song. Sounds like tonguetwisted russian. There's a reason slavs called finns Chuds(means strange, outlandish, or bizarre)

mari are so weird

Karelian is almost like slavic Finnish tbqh

I understand most at least while reading

That's because it's populace is slavified so heavily thye can't speak it properly. Only old people. Also it's just an dialect which was raped by slavs to an abomination.


how did Finns defend themselves against the soviet barbarians?




Proof? If anything, finnish languages influenced russian language and culture.

Also slavic languages and volga finnic sound much better than finnic. They sound much more aryan even though they've retained original finno ugric phonolgy while finnish got SWEDED. Also as I said finnish sounds gookish while other finnic languages sound like white people languages.

shes been mine cuh. Better backoff wh*toid.

>Since I'm a slav,
What kind?

Finnish tribes historically have been the hunter gatherer native american( with the exception of oesalians) equivalent of east europe so they were barbarians.

I speak Swedish natively but being surrounded by Finns I have been exposed to Finnish for my entire life and as such can speak it at almost native level

I find Michael Jackson jokes in Finnish funny especially after they are translated to English (directly translated from word to word leading to mistranslation).

Here is examples:

What did Micheal Jackson say in the elevator?
-I must fuck a child.

("täytyy painaa nappulaa", correct translation was I must push a button)

What did Michael Jackson say when he broke his leg while skii'ing?
-I must fuck a child.

("täytyy panna lasta", correct translation was I must apply a cast/splint "for my leg")

What does Michael Jackson do at the garden?
-Fucks children

("siementää mukulaita", correct translation was he is planting there potatoes)

Finnish tribes historically have been the hunter gatherer native american( with the exception of oesalians) equivalent of east europe so they were barbarians.

Fuck sorry for doublepost

Half bulgarian/russian

bulgarian = gypsy

Whiter than you, Pentti

finnish sounds russian to me desu

the whole finnish language is a speech impediment

Language relatedness doesn’t influence sound-alikeness.

>Doesn't it apply to every language?
It depends on education, time and language families. Russian guys can easily learn Ukrainian language in no time. On the other hand Russians will likely die first than learn Navaho.

Unstressed vowels in russian are reduced to something between o/a/e and are often short. Not in finnish.
Russian language has defined long and short syllables, finnish has them. Otherwise phonetics is kind of close.


Perse = ass

Think about it for a moment.

russians didn't have good equipment, training nor morale, while the finns from the countryside usually hunted before the war

haha lol! epic! XDD



I used to live in Tallinn. I will say that if I could be fluent in any language, it would be Estonian or Finnish. I find them beautiful.




How can I get a cute Finn bf?

The Chuds were a Finnic tribe and co-founders of Novogorod, along with Veps, Ingrians and some other Slavics tribes. The name probably comes from them, I believe a slur against Finns and Finnic peoples "Tšuhna" come from then or from "Chud", which you mentioned

Is that Finnish superhero movie any good?

as someone from Oulu, I can understand every dialect including your funny eastern ones, as I'd imagine most people can
however, for a non-native our dialects must be a nightmare

OP is obviously baiting, but yeah, to him anything but "American" probably sounds like gibberish. He can't help it, coming from a culturally impoverished background.

No just no

You have probably never been to Helsinki

You are making things up or have no idea about what you talking

He's right that stadin slangi has more loanwords than pretty much any other finnish dialect, but yeah, when non-Helsinkians attempt to describe or imitate it they often go full retard.


Has English subs too.

It's edgy as shit. If you like cheesy and edgy B tier Batman clone then sure

>Only old people.
You're misunderstanding the karelian dialect and the language. The language has all "suhuässät" which makes it sound Slavic it's a trait in Karelian language. Not an accent spoken by native Russians. It should sound slavic
Karelian language is almost as understandable as estonian

>gutter r

mitä vittua

This mongol speaks fluent russian.
You probably know him.

>R- vika

desu even finns cant understand finnish

what the fuck was that? sounds like swedish/german on steroid