Guise how many kids can you likely afford to have?

Guise how many kids can you likely afford to have?

that man looks like a pedo

Right now? None.

I think I will be likely to afford one kid. Maybe two but no more, even if I had the money I wouldn't have the time or energy.

0 2bh


About none


I can't even afford myself

I can't even feed myself on daily basis at this point

Rice is $1 a pound so 20 will be 40 usd daily for 2 pounds of rich per person, minimum wage in us is 60 usd daily.
So one personncan afford the food for 20 people but tgen comes the issue of not being exposed where landlord bleeds you dry.


If rent isn't an issue due to you building your own concrete home, then yea you can be very comfortable.

I could probably afford three little Thai girls for a couple of hours.


Right now we could afford 2 on my salary alone. We want 4 or 5, ultimately.

>How many can i afford?
Like 4-5
>How many will i have?

Well you can get rice for 50 cent a pound, so $20 daily to feed 20 people 2k calories each

Humans need more than just rice to live.

>Guise how many kids can you likely afford to have?


A single income two-kid family on my income can afford to live a not-quite-poverty-level life. They'd go to state schools and we wouldn't go far for holidays and and we wouldn't pay off the mortgage until after I retired.

Corn and potatoes could be added.

even with all the government grants, i doubt people here could have more than 3 children without affecting the life quality significantly

If you don't cook your own food and dine out of course you can't.

If you cook value foods sich as potatoes, corn, rice and other high quantity produce you can afford all the children you want that they will have food on the table, and an education.

>until after I retired
Mate, we'll be working till we die. They keep bumping up the retirement age to make sure of that.

like i said, without affecting the life quality significantly.
if you asked me if i wanted 4 kids or going on vacations in summer, eating out now and then, and driving a car that isn't 20 years old, i'd pick the latter.
my parents have 3 kids and i want the same upbringing for my kids as i had

I could afford a lot of kids. more than one woman can produce. I would need to be polygamous to have more kids than I can afford.

I don't care about you, I'm just stating facts.

alright then

government pays 150 euros a month per kid until they turn 18,so couple of hundred i guess



About 0

yep, it's his harem and servant mother figure

Who invited r9k in here?

2 max, would be tough.

What is going on in that pic? Is a Sup Forumstard trying to save the white race?