Flag i like starts roasting my country

>flag i like starts roasting my country

Other urls found in this thread:


>mfw finland is being racist to hispanics

>france insults me

>denmark is being rude with france

>UK and France form a truce and gang up on you

>Poland is being nice and cute

yeah, that can fucking suck, know that feel

Dumb frogposters go to hell.

no u

>relevant flags don’t even know the existence of my country
>most favorite flag in the world is not rare but tends to disappear during long periods of time

I unironically like Spain and Spanish culture and I haven't posted one of those stupid anthropomorphic amphibians

can we turn this thread into a thread about Spanish culture?

>germany post about how much he hates sweden

>tfw people automatically react with amerishart or amerigoblin meme with my flag

Of course we know about you silly!
You’re Texas right? Part of the US?

Love your BBQs xxx

>own flag starts roasting my country

>germany or austria makes any kind of post at all

>french and dutch flags always bullying me

Don't fucking dare to compare our Apu with the true dumb cancerous frog ever again, faggot.

Sure, what do you like about Spanish culture?

all the prostitutes and the nice sunshine. also cocaine in spain is very good

The girls, the music, the cuisine, the landscape and even the language (although I can't speak it for shit)

We love you, it’s just tough love

>brazil and argentina always call us their province

wtf I hate france now

I'm Hispanic and English in ancestry so every time a Spanish or British flag is mean to me I feel inferior

>israel teams up with the euros

just chile man

havent been on int in awhile, i guess theres still lots of country trolling

>i actually kinda like americans

>russia starts being a cuck


Jokes jokes x
Spread the love (and your arse)

>france and england being gay one more time

>MFFW (my fucking face when)
I’m half English and half French, except unironically

>russia calls me a 56er mutt

You're okay, though you need to get rid of your Commie Socialist NHS system.

>everyone is nice to New Zealand



What about Australia?

just stop liking them
i don't like anyone for obvious reasons

Gimme Kiwi gf then we can be frens

you two become specially gay when it comes to bully tiny countries

wtf do you like russia

>poland calls you a nazi

I like Uruguay and would like even more if you guy's stop with the abortion and weed

Families always bully their little bro.

Same. I have nothing to do with Americans but the mutt meme is fucking ugly and disturbing and targets wrong people. I would literally strangle the faggots who started it. I want the cute ameribear meme back.

I can't find one

hows your russian course going
he didnt mean it

Baaaaah it’s ok let’s be frens anyway!

Same for you!
Also, how can you recognise gay people on the net so easily?
Are you gay? *wink*

yes, don't you?

>mutt posting amerimutts
kys faggot

> Australia is being nice to me despite the fact that I hate their guts with a passion

I have nothing to do with your conversation but this. I miss ameribear too

>he continues to bully poor texas
france is evil

I don't see what's wrong

Not true schweden bro. I like some of your food. Not the hardcore old fishy stuff tho. I love your woman, the metal band sabaton. Some folk music when im drunk. The history is cool too. Maybe should have killed more to get on our level but still :)

>bullying tiny countries
But user!

Post BBQ machine

>russia is nice and defends you from bullying

yes, but they status difference them from a tiny country like mine

p-post some snails

>Being double of UK and bigger than France
>Feel tiny

You have a size complex.

>someone calls me a potato nigger

>estonian flag appears

>everyone starts bullying americans so they take their anger out on us

shut up and understand my point berú

TOO violent Tx.
Just too violent.
I thought we were frens?

>always the bullied flag when nordics get together in one thread

That reminds me, I need to make that potato omelette thing again soon, its epic.

What is this picture portraying?

>own flag starts insulting people in an otherwise comfy thread

you don't have tru frens you only have slaves (except england)


countries on my nice list/countries i will be nice to
- france
- switzerland
- netherlands
- uruguay
- croatia

countries on my rude list/countries i will shit on at every oppitunity
- usa
- mexico
- the uk
- brazil
- poland
- finland
- belgium
- turkey
- baltic countries
- iceland
- germany

yeah, it hurts

recipe please. that looks great

don't be rude

>Portugal isn't calling you a dumb favela monkey, for once

Awwww, I love Denmark now

>Say I liked someone's post in a completely harmless manner
>They call me a self-hating fat mutt who's sucking up to Europeans

Kek that's great

>own flags insulting me based on the flag in the complain about insulting thread
>i am not even american

Feel like you’re being a bit of a tsundere, Tx

t. Danone

you don't understand the concept of healthy frenship
I refuse to enter to your fanclub

>European mentions their heritage
>Everyone is curious and asks questions
>American mentions their heritage
>Everyone mocks him for being a >muh heritage faggot who's in denial

What do you mean.
I live for frens, if I don’t have frens I feel lonely
Be my fren

>European mocks me, sarcastically talking about my nordic genes
>post my ancestry results to prove it's real
>European mocks me, calling me a mutt

You can't win. ;_;


>Britain says he doesn't want us back and never loved us anyway


El ColombiANO y La Creatura

>make a fun, innocent jab at finland
>they insult my country

Probs just bante lad Chile ( *wink*)

What does this mean

>lightly banter france



why would you want to have a irrelevant ''texas'' fren in the first place
no no not *winks* at me

What's a Uruguay?
Last I checked it was called Cisplatina.

You hate me don’t you