Can Americans confirm?

Can Americans confirm?

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NY is the kind of shitty cardboard pizza you get at a poor public school and Chicago is basically its own seperate dish at this point. Just fucking get pizza hut lmao

Chicago pizza looks so fucking good. Pizza hut is greasy half cooked trash

Not here. Well its not a 5 star meal but its better than NY pizza and its good on a friday night with friends

It always gives me the shits and it never seems cooked enough

Both of them are literal shit


We call that "deep dish" pizza.
New York style is more like frozen cardboard broke food.

That shit on the right does not even look like a pizza but like some shitty tomato cheese pie.

>actual pizza
>it's a fucking pie
You can't make this shit up

Both look like shit and the one on the right isn't even pizza.

Chicago style looks like a guinea quiche.

chicago sugoi

This is actual cat (for Americans)

yanks are the most arrogant people on earth
they honestly believe their pizza is better than italy's

seeing new-yorkers defend their garbage is sickening, even more so in person

also detroit style is the best, chicago style gets soupy

New York pizza is the shit.

Why eat either of those horrible pizzas when you could have New Haven style pizza instead?

I like all pizza desu

Nice tomato-pie you have there


Italian pizzas don't have enough calories for 'mericans

Can confirm.

NY Pizza is real pizza. Deep dish pizza looks gross.

>american """""""""""""”""""pizza""""""""""""""""""""""

Why can't Burgers just eat fucking "Italian style Pizza"?
It is the best anyways. Everything posted here looks like shit.

>all these master pizza chefs in this thread
NY pizza is easily the most superior

>what is culture

"ancient italian pizza" was just bread with whatever meat they had on hand

very well, very well.... HOWEVER

>a thing that the US lacks

I’m from Illinois but I think New York style pizza is superior

Just my opinion

Same reason why our hamburgers aren't just the patty
We have our own version of it and we eat that version

not quite

>Was in Chicago once
>Didn't eat Deepdish Pizza.

Now I have to go all the way back just for this. Fucking bucktooth inbred oversees retard family of mine doesn't even know whats good.

>modern German culture has mainly American influence
Hi West Germany!

The original had it too, tho.

Dönerpizza, one of the very, very few good things that T*rks ever created.

>was in Chicago
>didn't get shot
Fucking hell Dutch can't do anything right.

>not taking part in every part of the local culture even if you expect it to be bad
Your family are plebs, user

What's that image supposed to prove? That's not a hamburger, that's a rundstuck.

Which comes from Hamburg and is the original "Hamburger".
Thought the history of burgers would be some major topic in US history classes.

Be Dutch never amount to much.

May Allah strike these fucking infidels down.

NJ actually has the best pizza

In culinary class, maybe.

Chicago pizza >>>>>>> new York """pizza"""

The original hamburger is the hamburg steak, user.
Not the rundstuck.
Rundstuck's nickname being "the original hamburger" is just a nickname. Hamburgers as a sandwich came from the Hamburg steak. Rundstuck never really got to the US.

really cool map

i ate ny style pizza before.,
i dont eat chicago one yet.

Y'all looking from the wrong perspective tbqhwuf

Why do Americans circlejerk so much about their cardboard pizza?

Even the fast food varieties of their pizza are shit. I was in Italy just a few months ago and they have all kinds of awesome fast food pizza. The toppings are way better than the shitty "pepperoni" bullshit from 'murica. And the dough is on another level.

Why cannot capitalism into good pizza?

Chicago pizza is a meat pie with assburgers.

>inferior dough
>inferior filling

What's the point, lol?

>it's another "fucking up /ck/ doesn't quench my thirst anymore" episode

Here you can choose your own fucking toppin you must have gone to Chicongo or the east coast
West coast best coast 9/11 best day of my life I hope second civil war kills both north and south

In Mexico they eat pizza with thousand island dressing.

Kebab pizza was unironically the best thing I ate in Nordic countries

Chicago pizza is healthier too

love that fucking pyramid

Pizza is disgusting

>Chicago... "pizza"? Don't you mean... *snickers* a 'go 'za? I don't think I've ever seen anybody outside of Drumpf country (i.e. anyone who actually matters) fawn over that disgusting lasagna soup. No, I think that we adults can all agree that New York style is, at the very least, an honorable facsimile of the one and only Pizza Italiana (do you flyovers even know what that means?)

Release me from this pain Italy.

>actual pizza

this looks so good

>He puts frog legs and snails on his pizza

polish pizza is the best


you forgot the fries)

>i don't know how to defend my american overlords so i'll use the funny frog and snails meme
every country has unusual foods, even italy has this and it doesn't change the fact that both our countries have contributed more to cuisine than you new worlders

For me? It's the Hurgin.

>Frogs and snails

that's a quiche mate

pizza's are square unless made in naples style lol

That's not a pizza, though.

It IS you cunt. Ya know why? They're made from OUR superior ingredients that the Italians can barely figure out. food

Tea niggers don't know anything about food so please leave my thread

Everything is greasy half cooked trash in our shit hole, Ion

I've been to some places that make a good french fry pizza.

1) go to Italy
2) sit down at Pizza place
3) order and eat pizza
4) have a legitimate opinion about pizza

Not gonna lie the US has some of the most delicious looking food in the world. Downside is getting fat.

It’s not that good my dude

>our pesticide, herbicide and mycotoxin-infested ingredients are better than fresh ingredients from the Mediterranean
>our culinary expertise which can be summed up by the practice of deep-frying is superior to traditional Italian care for ingredients

Chicago pizza is GOAT

t. Chiraqi

> Norwegian pizza

Looks like someone fucked up a quiche

looks good to me

Looks can be deceiving.

I've only been to chicago airport, but that is exactly how the pizza i had looked like. It was the worst pizza I ever had.

The best pizza I ever had was not actually in Italy, but from an italian owned pizzeria in the french alps. Close second is pic related



>One pizza margherita with extra honebee, turnip and dissease, por favore, Luigi!

that pizza looks horrible, like it's going to fall apart the moment you try to pick up a slice. they didn't even bother cutting the vegetables to a reasonable size. it's literally just a bunch of shit thrown onto dough.

>kike york

>eats snails

Lmao, y*Ropoids would still be eating edible dirt if it weren't for our superior culinary skill and crops.

Classy for you, maybe. Here it's the opposite, for europeans its classy to sky in Canada/USA. I can literally plan a weeks holiday for less than 900 dollars to the alps, everything included
This is why you eat it with fork and knife

>canadians are STILL not perma banned from internet

Better posters than you Chimpanzillian

Leave the leafs alone monkey.

>'Go 'za
More like 'GOAT 'za, am I right?

>doesn't eat chocolate eggs

That was bad.

I remember reading the news article about kinder eggs coming to the states and thinking, "Finally, we can lay that tired meme to rest."


If Chicago style was any good then how come every other pizza place across the US doesn't do it?

New York's pizza is a pale imitation of the great pizza found in New Jersey