He doesn't has a chance to win, r-right Brazil??

He doesn't has a chance to win, r-right Brazil??

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He is probably in first place already

Lula wins.

Sadly he will, even through he literally admited being a ignorant on everything related to economy, just a liberal pretending to be a nationalist.

The social-democrats have been winning since 2002,so...

We are tired of being rule for these leftists

i'm voting lula

same non ironically

Não, eu vou mesmo, não sou retardado que vai votar por causa de memes e nando moura, se você foi no nordeste pre lula e no nordeste pos lula é inegável que ele ajudou demais a região

>bolsonigger will w-win, you'll see! you'll all s-see!

>having to choose between lula and bolsonaro

fuck my life

Eu não to negando, vou votar nele por ter sido um dos melhores presidentes recentes.

O Nordeste continua um buraco do inferno

It would be hilarious if Brazil once again elects a commie. What are the chances of that happening?

Lula is winning all the polls, and I doubt Brazil is racist enough for these number to change like in the USA in 2016.

Você ja foi pra la? eu serinho me mudaria pra la se tivesse condições

>bolsonaro what are you going to do if you get elected?
>e-eh hmm i'm gonna end the gay kit!
>yeah we already know about it anything else
>eeeehh hmm i'm gonna end the gay kit!

Aprende a escrever seu arrombado

Vai matar comunistas

Ah lá, ficou pistola

Chegou os brainlets do nando moura
Vai chamar Darwin de nazista ou outra coisa seu macaco burro

No, he doesn't. He has only two deputees supporting him. Whoever says he can win has no idea about the political process works.

And if he manages miraculosly win, he's going to be a terrible admnistrator.

you can write it down on your CIA report Jimmy

Eu vou votar no dr. Rey antes de sair do Brasil.

Se numa segunda fase der Bolsonaro e Lula, eu vou votar no Lula não-ironicamente.

>it would be hilarious if Brazil again elected someone that isn't a US bootlicker

Um macaco xingando o outro

lula is the man

Os lambe saco do Bolsonaro, voltem pro 55, aqui é só pra maior de dezoito anos.

damn I love when hues throw shit at eachother in portuguese


Its probably a petista with proxys spamming pro Lula replies

>all the anal-devastaded merdestino communists here

>everyone i disagree with is a samefag
Eu vou comer teu cuzinho, seu bolsofag. Pode ir enfiando o dedinho pra se acostumar. :3

100% voting lula


Não existe tantos anons brasileiros aqui no Sup Forums

so lula vs ebola
is like hillary vs trump?

more like Hillary vs Hillary

you niggas need to travel more

u r gay

yeah you are

u r gay

i mean in a sense a shit vs another shit and try to pick a lesser shit. lula is a commie. and that bolsonaro dude is a low iq retard just like trump

There's no lesser shit, Brazil is the bottom of the barrel

>just like trump
Don't delude yourself, both are nationalists, Trumps wants whats best for the US, just like Bolsonaro also wants whats best for the US.

yes, american dumbass. yes. it's not a good comparison/analogy at all but it's the best you can understand given that you lot are completely unable to conceptualise things that are nuanced differently than what you are used to.
now get the fuck out of our thread

>Trumps wants whats best for the US
good one

more like
>both are fucking retarded

wow RUDE
>é o que eu falaria se fosse uma bandeira europeia ao inves do hamburgi

>Bolsonaro also wants whats best for the US.
and lula wants whats best for himself

> I actually like Jair Bolsonaro.
> I believe that he would be a great leader for Brazil.

this but unironically

Thank you for your insight Agent Smith

who are you quoting

gr8 b8 m8...

nice proxy

>i believe that he would be a great leader for US interests

I wonder if Lula wins and Brazil doesn't win the world cup the country will implode.

>h3h3h3h3 eu vo vota no bolsomito pq os meme mano

both are guaranteed to happen. lula wins, neymar doesn't

They will win


Bolsonaro sounds like the most based man in elected politics at the moment. I hope he wins.


hello fellow makakos putin says hi

pls stop supporting venezuela i thought you werent commie anymore

Can’t wait for Lula to win
Enjoy his government with good economy because of Temer
Then his successor have a bad economy because of Lula decision

Its repeating all over again

I believe that you’re all just blindly following everything you hear. Instead try to think about the long term outcome(s) and not so much about “who’s calling who a nazi”.

cute af

>Can’t wait for Lula to win
he will be in jail

>Enjoy his government with good economy because of Temer
any changes he made will take years to make a real effect

Hitler did nothing wrong you dumb burger

4D chess my friend, nothing personal. now that cia is not dangerous we are going to fuck up latin amerinca in the russian way. we will replace monkeys with bears. let's chimp out together

Yes, National Socialism is actually great.

The Jewish “nazi” stories cooked up from within the Allied nations before and after the war, is what was appalling.

He's retarded (like literally), a parasite and he disseminates prejudice against the boypussy.

Fuck him honestly.

leftist will burn and defecate on the streets

you realize that hitler would gas your ass monkey


He does have a considerable chance to win, especially if Lula goes to jail/second turn. I really hope he doesn't, though. Literally a right-wing Lula, down to his retarded screeching/speech, populism and fabulous, unattainable promises (death penalty).
Eu moro aqui e tá uma merda, quintal do PCC e a grande maioria das obras estão paradas por conta da roubalheira generalizada. O mérito é inteiramente do boom das commodities + governadores que souberam chupar a rola do Lula por gibs da União.
t. pernambucANO

stop being a fag

>Trumps wants whats best for the US,

Then wtf is going on?

Espero verdadeiramente que Bolsonaro fortaleça a economia e a infra-estrutura do Brasil.

ele vai

>tfw the “redpill” you took was actually the bluepill

You must be a liberal...
It’s all in your eco chamber yank

Oy vey shlomo!


>lula is a commie

>"hi im from r/the_donald what are some BASED politicans from your country my fellow pedes! banananaro? i cant pronounce that but he sounds fucking BASED! hope he wins! good luck my fellow mexican pedes!

Seems like a cool guy

Dont forget lula is a CONVICTED commie. How the fuck can they even be unsure if he will be allowed to run?

Current gov is probably going to choose Alckmin (or maybe Serra) as the candidate for this election, and Bolsomeme is going to split their votes. He's probably going to be in an airplane accident soon, just like Campos in the last election.

look at how the chicanos on the right are ugly as fuck and all look like the same people, like clones

now we on the left are more diverse and good looking

godamn i love being brazilian, the best of america latina for sure