Why does Spain still have a king?


Other urls found in this thread:

libcom.org/files/The Battle for Spain_ The Spani - Anthony Beevor.pdf

Why does your country still exist?

Because a few assblasted generals threw a fit over a lost election 80 years ago and decided to doom Spain to backwards irrelevancy.

>backwards irrelevancy
Literally the other way around, this happened with the """"democratic"""" transition.

>arriba españa
>muh cara al sol
>muh cruzada

>this is what Francofags actually believe

Because we're the most powerful and relevant country in the world. What's your excuse?

He gets triggered easy, couldn't take the catalANO banter.
Old Juanca wouldn't give a shit about no bullshit.

>Old Juanca wouldn't give a shit about no bullshit.
agree with you,the elephant killer was really baseado

can he just die already so we can have a cute loli queen

amerimutts get so triggered by monarchy, it's hilarious
I wish we still had ours, republic is a sham

>Because we're the most powerful and relevant country in the world. What's your excuse?
what is china

The Spanish Crown has been shit since the Bourbons took over.

No, but at least people had morals and the economy wasn't shit, tyrone juan.

>we're the most powerful and relevant country
kill yourself and whoever raised you

its called being civilised sweetie, try it one day :)c

Get the power back to the Habsburgs

>the economy wasn't shit

>t. Jordi Xien Garcia

Since 1714 haburgers are part of the Catalan-Freemason conspiracy.

All the non-royals should experience famine at least thrice in their lifetime.

What would that change exactly? We should just go parliamentary instead of Pr*sidential system.

The war was not about a lost election dumb goblino

The eternal goblino throwing shit to countries with history and culture. no way

wtf, I HATE spain now!

I don't have nothing against Americans but Jesus these USA flags here are really stupid people.

Funny thing, because when Franco died, they didn't want to consult the people about it because they we're afraid they would vote against him.
The declarations about that are public, but no one cared.
He's just that guy that comes out in TV once every year to say some shitty speech, no one really cares.

Obviously it was a long time coming but that was the immediate trigger.



if he’s a citizen, he’s part of America.

kys francofag

The trigger was leftists starting the persecution in everyone that don't align with them.

gas yourself republikike

primo de rivera was a cuck and had homo friends

Fantastic post

>Republic tries to pass some moderate land reforms
>puts some restrictions on the church, which are taken too far by certain local police forces and magistrates
>tries to pare down Spain's bloated army
>military, landowners, and clergy start screaming about how the Republic is literally the devil and communism is taking over Spain despite the fact that there's not a single communist in the government
>rightists provoke riots and assassinate labor organizers so they can accuse the Republic of being unable to maintain order
>rightist demagogues and publications openly encourage violence against the Republic and its supporters
>Finally some generals stage a coup and proceed to rape and murder their way across half of Spain with an army of Moors while calling themselves 'patriots'

>'it's the left's fault!'

b-but muh Paracuellos...

Politics - >

The persecution against Catholics started way before the civil war

>steal the churches
>kill priests
>rape nuns
>burn the churches
>Franco still hesitate
>kill Carlos Sotelo
>Franco decided to start the rebellion
>start guerrillas and continue to persecute everyone that is not a Anarchist,Socialist or Communist
>start losing the war
>Republicans decide that let Soviet Union interfere and send help is a good idea
>commies decide chimping on others that don't agree with them
>Franco finally win

Franco was the bad guys WE DINDU NUFFIN


Don't worry the Republicans dislike Soviet's



pretty much this, the republic has been always heavily idealized here, when even they know we would have ended up in a worse shape than fucking venezuela

I can't read this, it's all in Mexican

To produce royal lolis.

It's Portuguese, tells every time that someone try apply socialism except for Spain that had someone to stand.

>when you get the bad genes

she’s hot. great figure.

that fucking kid tho

It's funny how absolutely no one in Portugal knows about the towel meme. I found out about it the instant I got to Spain, though.

It's been that way since the armada sank and the new world gold messed up their economy.

explain pls

most towels in spain are made in portugal

There's a big towel industry in portugal and the spaniards meme about buying cheap towels every time they go on vacations there.

>steal the churches
>kill priests
>rape nuns
>burn the churches

First off, it wasn't the Republic that did these things, it was groups of radical anarchists/socialists. And yes, some priests were killed but the mass slaughter of the clergy only happened after the war began (and after the church pretty much openly sided with the rebellion and priests went around denouncing people to the rebels to be shot). Also the rape of nuns is a Rebel propaganda meme. Cases of that, if they happened at all, are literally in the single digits.

Franco didn't even start the rebellion btw, it was Generals Sanurjo and Mola. Franco held back from joining in until he thought it had a good chance of success, then he maneuvered his way to head of the movement.

Calvo Sotelo's assassination was a response to the assassination of Jose Castillo, a socialist police sergeant, by rightist killers.

>start guerrillas and continue to persecute everyone that is not a Anarchist,Socialist or Communist
>start losing the war

The Republic did its best to reign in indiscriminate violence, and in Catalonia helped clergy and others targeted by anarchists and socialists to escape the country.

This is in opposition to the rebels which murdered hundreds of thousands of civilians en masse for the crime of defending a democratically elected government or belonging to a trade union. Not to mention how they encouraged their troops to rape women in Republican towns and cities.

>Republicans decide that let Soviet Union interfere and send help is a good idea

Yes, after they pleaded and pleaded for the other democracies to help them, only to be met by silence from France and Britain who were busy cucking to Hitler and Mussolini. Of course they were going to accept aid from the only country that would help.

>Franco was the bad guys WE DINDU NUFFIN

I can't read portunigger.

>There's a big towel industry in portugal
There's really not, though. It's just one of those weird things.

>Implying those socialist groups werent allied with the republic
>Implying those anarchists werent paid

>Rebels murdered hundreds of thousands of civilians en masse

Las checas te las dejas eh...no te lo crees ni tú

>The crime of defending a democratically elected government

Yeah, one that was going to make spain's another fucking xx century commie republic

and the knife any meaning to that or just a knife

>the anarchists were getting paid even though the two anarchist insurrections that happened during the Republic were quickly suppressed by the government
>Franco said so

>Implying those socialist groups werent allied with the republic

First off, 'the republic' wasn't even an inherently leftist state. The Right held power for three years before the 1936 election and used it to trample all over laborers' rights and whatever attempts at modernization the existed.

>Implying those anarchists werent paid
They weren't.

>muh checas

Existed for a few months in the immediate aftermath of the rebellion when governmental authority in the Republic completely broke down and power was in the hands of local unions and militias. As soon as the Republican government was able they shut the checas down. Again, unlike the rebels, they actually tried to reign in bloodshed.

>Yeah, one that was going to make spain's another fucking xx century commie republic

There was not a single communist in the government on the eve of the rising. The Communist Party of Spain had something like 3000 members. The communists were deliberately excluded from important positions in the People's Front government to maintain their moderate image.

Communists only began to gain influence in the Republic AFTER the war began and giving increasing importance to the PCE became a condition for aid from the USSR.

Why Americans are so left-wing?

Good joke. If you're a pre-French Revolution conservative maybe.

Because we've been liberal since our founding.

they are cucks. insulting the king in spain is like insulting mohammad in muslim countries. not even kidding. say something bad about him publicly and go to jail. 2018

do you even know anything about wings?

The Republic didn't nothing to stop these crimes and this is the point of the rebellion against the Republic

Not even true. The Republic was hard on radical left groups right up to the outbreak of the rebellion.

There's no justification for the bullshit rising.

Also what type of Republic don't give a single shit if people are being persecute because of their faith?Is moral stand with a group of people that have the power and condition to make the persecution stop but don't do it because of a butthurt?

No they should wait and continue to tolerate the persecution and wait the government have good will to stop?The war start and the Republic start to favor leftists even more and give less shit about the persecution just proves that they don't care about these hunt against Catholics.

Get the fuck off our board if you hate America so much

>Also what type of Republic don't give a single shit if people are being persecute because of their faith?Is moral stand with a group of people that have the power and condition to make the persecution stop but don't do it because of a butthurt?

Maybe the Church shouldn't have blatantly set itself against the Republic and spouted from their pulpits that the Republic is an evil that needs to be destroyed by violence if necessary. The church hated the Republic from the very beginning.

If it was between a bunch of parasite clergy and the landless laborers of Spain who worked from sun up to sundown for starvation wages and were murdered by Civil Guard if they went on strike or stole a bit of food from the master's fields, I know which side I'd have taken.

>If that guy hates me I will kill him.

Do not forget that Monarchists won in 1931 but didn't happened because you know who would try push a civil war.

If the Republic managed to win the war would be a Soviet satellite state just like Eastern Europe and the real starvation would happened.

Nothing justify steal too.

>If it was between a bunch of parasite clergy and the landless laborers of Spain who worked from sun up to sundown for starvation wages
here it is. typical sub-80IQ amerimongrel post. Do us a favor, please, and stick to the anglosphere since you understand nothing about Spain or Catholicism.

Except it was unironically true. The Spanish working class was broadly anti-clerical. In many provinces of Andalusia and Castile church attendance rates were under 10%.

Spain was in a state of low intensity class war in the 1930s and the church had chosen its side.

>The Spanish working class was broadly anti-clerical.
totally wrong.

Spain and Portugal always had and will have strong connection with the Catholic Church.

No, it isn't. That doesn't mean they were atheists, but it means that they didn't tend to like the church hierarchy or its representatives.

The Spanish Civil War was one of the cleanest examples of class war that exists in modern history. If you were from a propertied family, you almost certainly supported the rebels, if you were from a working class family, you almost certainly supported the rebels.

>In many provinces of Andalusia and Castile
Which ones, exactly? And how does that compare to the church attendance of all other provinces?

*the Republic.

Madrid, certainly had pretty low attendance rates. I think the same was true for Seville and Malaga.

This would be in contrast with areas like Old Castile and particularly Navarre, which remained fiercely Catholic (and the Basques, but that was a strange case).

Check this out:

libcom.org/files/The Battle for Spain_ The Spani - Anthony Beevor.pdf

(It's not the source I originally read but contains the same info)

Ctrl+f for 'attendance', it'll be the first result. It says that in Spain overall, attendance of mass was below 20 percent, and in regions below the Guadarrama Mountains (where Castile and Andalusia are) it tended to be below 5%. Since the laborers and peasants were the overwhelming majority in these areas, we can safely assume they didn't go to mass very much. They tended to be baptized and hold marriages in the church (though not even that, sometimes), but that was all.

'Battle for Spain' is considered one of the best books on the war and Antony Beevor is certainly not some left wing radical, btw.

The Anarchist trade union (very anti-clerical) had something like 1 million members on the eve of the Civil War, and that's just officially registered people.

Here's a website dedicated to Josemaria Escriva, the guy who started Opus Dei, so certainly not sympathetic towards leftism. Read the 'Spanish anticlericalism' section where it's written that there was a growing rift between the church and the working class.

Forgot link

josemariaescriva.info/article/documentation-1931-19323a-the-second-spanish-republic-and-spanish-anticlericalism#Spanish anti-clericalism

Ok. So you are full of shit, using a cosmopolitan urban center to represent the mainstream population?

>he read literally the first word of my post and then ran to post this reply.

If you're just going to be a disingenuous cunt fuck off.

>Do not forget that Monarchists won in 1931 but didn't happened because you know who would try push a civil war.
The monarchists left because they lost in every single city, they only won the vote with the laborers that were most likely forced by their landowners.

They won in the popular vote....didn't accept the result be right if isn't your choice?this don't sound democratic to me.

>this don't sound democratic to me.
Nobody threw them out, they had the army on their side, they willingly left because they realized the situation was unsustainable. And check it out not a decade later we had a blown-out civil war so turns out they were right.

They return years later.

quien ríe último ríe mejor

>quien ríe último ríe mejor




Yeah, when a war erupts, it turns out the side that has an actual army and support usually wins.

He let Spain in the right track, make some mistakes in the beginning but no one is perfect.

The republicans murdered 70000 civilians. The nationals 40000. Read actual primary sources and get a clue. The republic was not a legimate goverment as it was stablished by a coup. The popular front made a coup in 1934 as well and manipulated the 1936 elections stopping the recount and never publishing the final results (as they lost). The 1936 coup was justify in every way shape and form

All countries should have a monarch, it's the superior way.

The army usually do the right thing btw

jajajaja we fucked them good jajaja no gold here but deah jajajaja chapalapachala

>The republicans murdered 70000 civilians. The nationals 40000.


Even Pio Moa, who was basically a hagiographer of Franco, agrees that the 'nationals' killed tens of thousands more than the Republicans.

>The republic was not a legimate goverment as it was stablished by a coup.

The king fleeing the country in the face of mass unrest and possible violence is not a coup.

>The popular front made a coup in 1934

Interesting how the Popular Front carried out a coup two years before it was established as an electoral coalition.

>as well and manipulated the 1936 elections stopping the recount and never publishing the final results (as they lost).

Bullshit. The Right didn't even try to claim electoral fraud until much later when they had to justify their uprising.

Funny how no one ever talks about the Right's narrow victory in 1933, especially when it was well known that local landlords pressured their workers in mass to vote for parties of the right or face eviction/unemployment.

No historian, not even the ones unsympathetic towards the Republic, claims that the elections were falsified, because they weren't. The most that can be said is that they were narrow.

>The 1936 coup was justify in every way shape and form

No, it was not justified in any way shape or form.

Brazilian Mexican is still Mexican.

So in Spain, you're either Catholic or Atheist? Are there no protestants or other religions?

Not really. Did you forget religious homogeneity exist?

In the 30s? No.

There were a few thousand Protestants (who mostly sided with the Republic since the rebels persecuted and killed them for being heretics). Negligible numbers of Jews and Muslims, since they were all kicked out centuries ago.

It was pretty much either Catholic or anti-Catholic.

Because fascists, conservatives and monarchists were allied in the civil war.

Franco was a populist that appeased fascists, conservatives and monarchists, all were united for order against Communists.

He appeased literally none of them he just told them to shut the fuck up and stop arguing and his regime was wracked with internal divisions for decades afterwards thanks to it (see the internal civil war the Franco government had over what to do in WWII).

> all were united for order against Communists.
The 'bolshevist menace' literally existed only in the heads of Franco and his fellow delusional generals until they made it real by pushing the Republic into the arms of the Soviet Union.

>spain literally has democracy because of the king
>republicucks will STILL claim monarchies are undemocratic