Did you have pools/swimming lessons in elementary/middle/high school?

Did you have pools/swimming lessons in elementary/middle/high school?


1. Flag
2. Yes


Schools can't afford pools here

Yes my dad came and watched sometimes I started getting fat at the end of primary school though and became embarrassed to go swimming.

yes it was always funny to see those 5 people who couldn't swim and had to stay over in the baby pool

Yes, it was horrible

in elementary
once a week

>my dad came and watched
You dad is a creep


yeah few hours per week
it was the only thing i liked about school

Yeah. I was pretty good too

No for fuck's shake we live in Spain.

Even the most stupid lad is capable of decent swimming.

>Even the most stupid lad is capable of decent swimming.
I thought the goal was to try to be a little better than decent

for what purpose, don't kids also learn to ride a bike by themselves?

Not in school.

For exercising. Didn't you have exercising classes in school?

Yes, and I got a very very nasty infection from it. The side of my stomach turned into honey-filled cysts, easily most painful thing I've ever felt in my life.

On the 4th day I took a knife, went into the bathroom and carved them off. Bled like a stuck pig, but it was less painful than having them. It left a scar, but it's basically imperceptable now.


The more school subjects the better, the point isn't for children to learn but for parents to have more time and less responsibility so they can work more(especially mothers part-time). Doing everything under supervision and doing mandatory activities that are seemingly pointless also conditions children to a certain behavior that is regarded usefull in todays society of meaningless, unfair wageslaving.

Swedish niggers aren't taught to wash themselves?

ye but we don't have swimming pools at school. My PE teacher would throw us a ball at the playground so we could play football and he would go back to the teachers room to drink coffe, that was our exercise.

This was some time ago, nothing but whites in my school. I was the nigger because I came from out of town.

It's a sport

yes and it wasn't fun because I had pectus excavatum and everyone wanted to touch it and look at it

got your hole fingered a lot eh?

No, schools don't have pools.



yes, but only in elementary and middle school.
In highschool I worked as a lifeguard though.

No, because fucking Chile.

But I wish we had, I love swimming

of course

>Schools can't afford pools here
neither do our schools, we went to a public swimming pool

No, but my town had it during the summer.

>No for fuck's shake we live in Spain.
>Even the most stupid lad is capable of decent swimming.

I've read that a majority of Brazilians are unable to swim although they live next to the sea, dunno if it is true.


Because of the erratic population distribution, our schools tend to be far too smalls to have any kind of a pool. I assume some bigger schools in the larger cities might, but even then, they likely just visit the local public swimming halls.

We just made a trip to the nearby town to visit the swimming hall there maybe twice or thrice per year. It was shit.

yes, but was optional

No, thank Jesus. I never learned how to swim


yes, i even started training for the olympic team when i was just 12 but then we moved to spain

only during elementary and middle, and not on the school itself, but on the town's pool

Uh, of course not. Only playboy school would have pools.

How'd you get an infection from a pool, did you scrape your stomach against the side of it or something? Just water to skin contact shouldn't do that

Here the school pool was so chlorinated that it dried your skin out and after you got out of it your eyes stung a little for the rest of the day, but at least there was no way for any infectious bacteria to survive in there

I did have a swimming pool in HS, and a public one.

We had school swimming every wednesday in elementary school.

It was more educational, because you also had to swim with your clothes on and so on. My school also went on sail camp a couple times.

no, never heard of a school that had one

Famous last words lol.

We always have foreigners drowning in the Netherlands. Especially Poles.

A few months ago a kid refugee drowned in my street. There is a small canal that you cannot possibly drown in next to it. But apparently he still managed to do it.

Yes, I did.

My first school was in the middle of a desert and poor as fuck, the new high school they built was nice but there were no pools, most could swim anyways because the town was near a river and there was a community pool.
Before my third year of HS i moved to a new town and that one had a pool but there wasn't a class for it, it was for freshman during gym and the swimming team. There was a lifeguard course you could do after school to qualify for jobs as a lifeguard.

There were mandatory swimming classes as part of the sports classes eventhough everyone could already swim by the age we had them

We had to use a bus to drive to another town in order to swim in a swimming hall


yes i love this pool

the only one nigger in school coudnt swim though lmao