Turkish girls look like THAT????
Turkish girls look like THAT????
What do Turkish boys look like?
that's a whore who paints herself. nothing too special about wannabe wh*Tes. They're race traitors.
t. urk
WTF this one looks like a repugnant wh*toid
this is a boy
No, turks are BLACK. This disgusting creature
will never be able appreciate the beauty of KARA BOĞA.
Xocem kara boğa posting nasıl gidiyor :-D
her brown version is cuter
yes, turkish boys are very qt :3
To* , Yakub is trying to toy with me.
She actually look better on the right
Where is her burka? What a whore.
KARA BOĞA posting benim yeni din oldu.
She looks so much cuter on the right. I wanna breed a Turk girl.
No they look like that.
a lot of wh*Te makeup
I'd still fug.
Turks can look like pretty much anything. Some are slavic, others look Mediterranean, and others are arab. Truly a multicultural place.
what app is this?
Tandem, language learning app.
retarded wh*Te subhuman
to the leaf:
If you're going to post non-Turkish looking Turk girls then stop posting "Turkish" girls.
you're pissing me off. Go jerk off to Germans if you love honkeys so much. 90% of us don't look like that.
Why are you so angry about this
Probably getting reminded of all the girls who rejected him for being an ugly turd.
because wh*Te race is an inferior race and everyone would get mad if you associated them with an inferior race.
also we really don't look like that most of the pics are cherrypicked as fuck. and i don't like the "OMG I LIKE THE GIRLS FROM A NON WHITE COUNTRY" *posts a white looking girl from that country* stuff.
I still date your mom
STOP LOOKING AT TURKISH GIRLS, you dirty pigs. Continue jerking off to american girls
Why not? Would you really mind some girls being saved from erdoshit? Do you not feel for your countrymen suffering under AKmafia?
I would rather like to see Austrian girls getting fucked by the AKmafia :)
stop posting wh*Te propaganda the real TURKS are BLACK
pic related the fall of constantinople
>itt: cherry picking
what they actually look like, pic related
No actually this is what we look like! You gotta believe me. Pic related is from Western Turkey (Because Western Turkey is the whitest place and other places are mongol+arab but we're pure and this was proven by many geneticists on /pol and Sup Forums)
Are you really a Turk? I don't believe it.
yes I am
sen Türk müsün almancı bremin :-D
this is actually a good cross-section. the 4th one from the right is hardcore anatolian looking too
too wh*Te
i mean left
she looks like Yıldız Tilbe (k*rdish singer) :-DDDDDDDDDDDDD
Vay kankam sizi cok özledim :D Nerelerdesiniz
Rangeban yedik. Ama postlayabildiğimiz kadar postlarız buralarda. Türk bayrağı bayağı bir nadir olacak ama yine de Türkler burada her daim olacak.
Erdogan is turning a once better greece into a Pakistan. Who in their right mind supports that?
not sure where you get those ideas from. turkey has improved dramatically economy-wise. the general population is no more religious or less socially liberal (hint, it never was) than it used to be either
the difference between greece and turkey wrt the economy is smaller than ever
Sorry I forgot, some turkish vlogger evilnme evimle something like that
She's cuter without the dye and contacts.
>because wh*Te race is an inferior race
Which is why you're typing in English right now?
uh what the fuck- I think this is my ex girlfriend?
and yeah she was turkish
I want to __________ her!
shut up wh*Toid
turk girls are qt thats for sure
Why are t*Rks so gay?
hier in brasilien gibt es jede menge leute mit unterschiedlichster herkunft. bin mit nem türken befreundet, der wohnt 2 straßen weiter
t*rks are cringy wh*Toids larping
We type in English because it is a simple language for cumskin snowmonkeys. Believe us if we typed in our native BLACK tongues it would go way over your inferior, tiny wh*Te brain to the point you will probably shart your pants, you faggot murrican.
wtf i love turkey now
How come an inferior race conquered the entire world?
She is ours
>66 replies
>still no Ilay
Illay is to pure to be fap material
Because KARA BOGA is a man, a true follower naturally becomes gay. You heretics will never understand it, only the holy BBC will make you understand the beauty of the KARA BOGA.
falling for his bait that easy
They all look awkward
Also, third from right is my gf
Mixing with armenian and greeks can have this effect.
No, they wear a hijab and no cleavage.
Thots look like that.
How come the wh*te barbarians sacked Rome?