Do Brits feel like they are the premier European country?

Do Brits feel like they are the premier European country?

Do other Western Europeans see the British as the premier European people? If not, what would they say the premier Western European nationality is?

Please be honest, I'm asking this question for science.

Brits are not europeans. They're brits. They're very different from the people on the landmass.

>Brits are not europeans.
>They're very different from the people on the landmass.

we sort of are, there isn't a single more accomplished or greater country on the continent
we've never felt european though, thanks to our island seperation and as seen with the brexit fiasco, but that helps us to have no remorse or obligations to help when the others start to struggle
europe needs each other but Britain doesn't need europe, and it's ideology that Britain and British values is more important than european is what has made it the dominant posterboy of the continent

By that logic Southerners are not Americans. They're very different from the rest of the country

That's very interesting. What exactly would you say the major differences are between Britain and the continent that makes you feel non-european in? Is it just the great measure of success you had in comparison to other European countries? Or is it something more ephemeral?

Well, geographically, you're right.
But you can't deny that british values are very different from continental european values, more so than between the different countries within the continent.

> Brits

Fuck off, mutt. England can go fuck itself (except London), Scotland and Ireland are fine

Why are you so angry?

Brexit, I guess.

>(except London)
kys EU shill


t. Vladimir Vladiskovisky

tbqh, brexit is a big, big mess.

Same with britons, we never felt like "Asian" you categorized us and it is always used by continental Asians. we are the Japanese not Asian.

what are they even implying

What are British values, and what are European values?

British values are individualistic in nature, while continental values are collectivist.

the success is a big key, plus the fact that we've had fights with pretty much every other country in europe which leaves a slight layer of xenophobia behind
plus, they're all so close to each other that their cultures begin to blend and are very similar, whereas britain has constantly been separated and left to its own development
we've always been told to not trust the countries around us and we can see the problems that letting them lead us can cause, which is why Brexit was such a big deal and leaves so many krauts so buttblasted
there's always been a level of paranoia and distrust which has caused a rift between us culturally

1. france
2. germany
3. the uk
4. russia
5. italy
6. spain
7. netherlands
8. switzerland
9. sweden
10. austria

so false

Britons fought for tyrannical monarchy while the continent tried to free itself from it with the liberal French revolution.

FUCK london

Europeans hate us and seek to destroy us at every opportunity. They want nothing more than to see the UK break apart and the British Isles to become a disunited, irrelevant mess off the coast of Europe. They want Brexit to fail to see Britain become a vassal state and dissuade anyone else thinking of doing the same. Multiple times we were the only ones preventing further European integration. Britain and the EU are not compatible. We want a simple trade bloc, they want a superstate. When we entered the EU our leaders did not inform us of what we were getting ourselves into. They lied, and still do. Multiple times our MEPs failed to represent British interests. And so the people are not satisfied with our politicians and the EU. Brexit was a slap in the face to them all. Of course, it's worth mentioning our interests naturally go against France and Germany's. This has historically always been the case. Nothing has changed. We just have nukes and America policing our behaviour. Conflicting interests make conflict inevitable. If the UK does not leave the EU, the UK will eventually become a puppet state of either France or Germany. We have far less land, allies and resources than either.

alright then calm down la'

>Do Brits feel like they are the premier European country?
Depends what you're basing it on.
France is the premier cultural centre of Europe, but the UK was its industrial centre during the Industrial Revolution and has been its banking centre for decades. Then Germany has been the UE's main political engine for the past decade, although it looks like things are starting to change with Germany's political crisis and Macron's ambitious policies. So really, there's no objective answer, but it's definitely between the UK, France and Germany.
>Do other Western Europeans see the British as the premier European people?
They don't. Nobody ever thinks about ranking the countries in such a way.


just england

Dutch people dont consider the British influential.

we pay for everything the scottish have

It's true. This is politics at it's most slimy. A weak British Isles cannot challenge Germany or France. Germany does not see Scotland as a threat to their power. So Germany supports Scottish independence. An England without Scotland is not strong enough to be a threat. The UK is strong enough to be a hindrance. And so Germany seeks to dismantle the UK. It's not personal, it's not actually hatred despite my melodramatic rant. It's just politics.

The brits are amazing, and the people we should look up to on this god forsaken continent.

But I thought nowadays everyone is supposed to get along and that
you know everyones gone soft like

Power and money lad. Same as always.

We consider the Germans and British our European allies.

The Germans the leaders of Europe and our main economic partner. And the British like minded allies.

Hm? What was that?

>tbqh, brexit is a big, big mess.
Boomers are shit and I want them to die.
Know what that all consuming hatred makes me?
Ahead of the curve.

Awww, luvU2! Just a shame this place is turning into new Pakistan. There are literally sprawling areas all over the country where you can drive for miles without seeing a single white face and all the females have their obligatory bedsheets on. Sadly this island is dead and buried, the gov't literally broke, the NHS is in a state of collapse and respected statisticians expect Britain to be in our current financial crisis / austerity for at least another 10 years.

t. hasn't left the house in 56 months

Not worth a response.

You're always welcome here.
I'd rather have you, compared to whatever the EU is trying to force on us.

I'm tempted! Fortunately have an escape route planned if all goes truly to hell, family in South Africa so as soon as I conquer my fear of snakes, scorpions, big cats and baboon's I'll probably go over there.

nice chebs

what isnt nowadays (in the realm of politics)

Good luck with your future endeavours!

Mystique really let herself go.

>except London

Weebs make me angry

Danish weebs make me laugh

I can imagine you grunting a guttural "uguæuu"


bra brev

we aren't European only pakis and ledditors say otherwise
lol no you are all mutts together
there is zero(0) difference between somone in a northern sate and someone in a southern state the difference is akin to that of a Scott and a northerner

i hate danes
piss off

France and Germany are the premier european countries.
England isn't premier, accomplished, or european.

Being a weeb in public is disgraceful


Everyone outside of London in the UK hates London.

Love france too! Huge rugby fan, England first of course but my guilty pleasure is supporting france (previous ex was french), but Germany?

This is 101% true.

"Fog in the channel, the continent isolated."

I want mommy may to give me spankies for being a bad little mutt.