Why is this allowed again ?
Why is this allowed again ?
What's worse is that they walk inside with their shoes on in their homes that usually have carpets that cover large parts of their living space. It's unsanitary as hell.
Wait, they do?
Even to go in swimming pool
Eww, that's disgusting
Whiter than you Chico
Stop watching shitty chink cartoons. Unless you are in your own home in comfy mode you always wear shoes inside home unless you are a frenchy faggot or a amerindian mokey who lives under a palm tree.
Do Spaniards not have carpets or something?
No. As soon as I arrive in my home I remove my shoes. First thing I do.
that correlates with their usual skin color hahaha
My ancestors :)
literal subhumans
ogro de europa... la atrocidad iberica
Me too but only if I'm in my home alone. if I have guests or I'm in somebody else's house I don't remove my shoes and so don't they.
fuck off chinks
you mean "keep shoes inside" as keeping them inside some hall or as keeping them on your feet as you walk inside the house?
Thank God for the japanese influence on my country
walk inside the house with shoes
Update your graphic. Brazilians also wear them shoes and flip flops in their ceramic-floored houses
Hey, Dago, remember back in the day we beat you and your immigrant families to death?
we do that too
ogros americANOs del norte y del sur
Hey, Amerimutt, remember when your continent was named after one of us?
why would you do that
i understand if you're a guest and the host asks you to wear shoes
dont they hear about slippers?
il profano...
y qué si soy
중화인민공화국(중국어 간체: 中华人民共和国, 정체: 中華人民共和國, 병음 중화런민궁허궈[*] 듣기 (도움말·정보) 영어: People's Republic of China)은 동아시아[1]에 있는 공화국이다. 줄여서 중국(中國, 중국어 간체: 中国, 정체: 中國, 병음: Zhōngguó 중궈[*]) 또는 중공(中共)이라고도 한다. 수도는 베이징(北京)이고, 최대 도시는 상하이(上海)이다. 세계 최대의 인구와 넓은 국토 때문에 그 영토를 중국 대륙이라고 부르기도 한다. 1949년 국공 내전 도중에 사회주의 세력의 중심인 마오쩌둥을 수반으로 하여 건국되었고, 지금까지 중국 공산당의 비민주적인 일당제로 통치되고 있다.
건국 이후 크게 실패한 대약진 운동과 수많은 국가적 피해와 민간인 피해를 남긴 문화대혁명으로 인해 '서방이 10년 진보하는 사이 중국은 10년 퇴보하였다' 라는 얘기가 나올 정도의 국제적인 추세에 경제적으로 뒤떨어진 중국이었으나, 친미세력 덩샤오핑의 지도로 개혁개방을 시행하면서 2010년 일본을 추월하고(fuck off chink)국내 총생산 기준으로 세계 2위 규모이다.
la abominación... viene de la oscuridad...
małe pod-ludzkie oko
yo soy un chino y no desprecio a los japoneses y coreANOs
no voy a postear en un idioma que no entiendo. polaco de mierda
¿Qué vas a despreciar si te has escapado a su país?
If it's anything like here, no.
We have rugs and tile floors. Maybe wood floors, depending on when the house was built, since it went in and out of style.
The civilised within us wear slippers, though.
no sé, estoy usando un proxy.
Soy de singapur.
What if there's dirty snow outside? Do they still keep their shoes on?
alri ye little nonce
la tua giornata sta arrivando alla merda
no we don't, you filthy subhuman
Did your ancestors fight for Koxinga or something? Dumb mutt.
lmao, dumb nation traitor. Go back to China.
But I'm not from China. And neither am I Japanese.
que no nos engañen, Singapur es Malasia
You know you do
where should I keep my shoes then? Outside?
singapur es un país de mierda pero al menos no somos malesiANOs
pic relatada.
Nice post
Actually in most countries, people keep their shoes inside.
as an american i will have to agree this once that it does piss me off when people walk around my house/room with their shoes on. i always ask people to take their shoes off (politely of course)
it's like how so many people here dont wash their hands regularly either. the lack of sanitary awareness is appalling.
Do Europeans really wear their shoes outside? They would get dirty.
What about women's wet in your hand ?
here it would be considered EXTREMELY rude to keep shoes on when going inside someone else's home
women's wet what? I sure hope they wouldnt be putting their wet shoes in my hand, if that's what you mean, because that's even more unsanitary
I take my shoes off when I get to my room and put them in my closet. don't know why Europeans get so offended about that.
In Brazil I only took off my shoes in my bedroom; I usually use flip-flops at home
In brazil we don't take our shoes off when we stay in someone else's home because nobody here cleans their floor and most people are too poor to afford carpets, so if you tried to do that you'd end up with feet completely covered with shit
We dont take our shoes off in patagonia, in any house ever.
In Buenos Aires we neither