What is his fucking problem?

What is his fucking problem?

Damn those shoes look sick.

he's a manlet

A dude must've forgotten painting those sneakers in suitable color (笑´・艸・)

That's why he got them

He thought they were dope

What I don't understand is if you are going to wear shoes that are so obviously designed to help you with your manlet proportions, why would you draw attention to them by having them be such a bright color?

where is his feet in those things exactly?

Think of them as high heels like she's wearing. He's really on his toes.

they're wedged sneakers his feet are elevated at an angle

more than that, why put that white part at the back that makes them look like high heels

what a douche

The worst thing is that there are more discreet and decent lifts that don't look like complete ass.

My guess is that he's trying to make it look like he's wearing high top sneakers.

He's stood right next to another person wearing heels, why is that not a problem too?


maybe its a gambit so if anyone points them out he can go: "Oh these? They're obviously a joke"

im not even small but i like wearing trainers but hate it when they have visible "heels"..

are their any decent makes wear the whole shoe is one colour.

Why doesn't he just get surgery?

i finally figured it out

he wears them because the company pays him to




>her man is a manlet
>obviously self conscious
>she decides to wear high heels


The only come in that color

How has no one ever called him on it? There's no way he would keep humiliating himself like this if he was aware that it was blatantly obvious to everyone that these retarded looking shoes he wears are designed specifically to conceal lifts because he's insecure about his height.

maybe it's not... maybe we're the only ones noticing and the normies think he's just wearing chunky kicks like DCs or whatever