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Television and Film
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Television and Film #845
Television and Film
Good morning
Weapons in films
Best Depiction of Hell in Fiction
Post characters that did nothing wrong
Why does leonardo fuck as many women as he can?
Why are American documentaries so shit?
Every single George Carlin bit is exactly the same
ITT actresses who will never do a nude scene
Doctor Who General - /who/
I handed my 4 year old a sparkler and he immediately yelled "Expecto Patronum!"
This scene bums me out his first day back and no one shows up to his welcome back party and he tries to bant an old...
Cringe kino at its finest
This show was pretty fucking mediocre
Saw an advanced screening
ITT we talk about overhyped film's and tv
What are some movies when a Sup Forums mod tries to become an alt-right e-celeb?
What's that? You don't have your own excel file to keep track of all the movies you've seen?
Sup Forums am I the only one who watched revolution? I don't hear anybody talk about this show
He did nothing wrong
Jurassic World 2: Fallen Kingdom
Stephen King's The Stand
Who decided this was a good idea?
Do movies make you believe you can out run guns?
I'll Be The Best Fucking Judge Of That. I'm The Director
Is it time to admit that GoT was a mistake
/bb/ Big Brother 19: Borzotra Edition
What did he mean by this?
Why are there no good spooky movies?
The soundtrack is so good
Comfy Horror Shows
Now that the dust has settled.. can we agree this was shit?
Listening to Craig Ferguson's radio show
Why is he on every show about space?
The wrong kind of race mixing
Who else stoked for the kino event of the year?
Mexican cartel leader who dismembered a 6 yo girl while still alive is jailed for life
Who will play him in the adaptation?
Now that RLM has attacked the sacred cow, will it allow others to come out an speak the truth...
Whats next for Natalie Portman's career?
New Sup Forums jani just went on IRC and said he forgot his admin username and password and can't log in
Are there any good movies about doggus to watch with my pupper?
I don't deal with psychos
What's his name again?
Let us discuss Allison Brie's body of work
ITT: Post failed Oscar bait
So what's next in Emily Blunt's career?
ITT """""actors""""""
What did you think of Turbo Kid?
Thoughts on Mr Robot? Did you enjoy season 2? Pumpy for 3?
I watched this to celebrate 4th of July
I think hollywood should cast these two in a musical buddy cop film
Was this HBO'S biggest flop?
Are you given a month to survive
What do you think of pic related Sup Forums
Why didnt she leave when she had the chance ?
Here for the sleepover user!?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
First scene is a man putting on lipstick and makeup
Whats next for Emma Roberts career? Im sad Scream Queens got cancelled...
What are some comfy movies from the 90s?
Most intelligent post in Sup Forums history and a perfect summation of why Baby Driver was glitzy trash
Late night celebrity candids thread!!
Mayor Goldie Wilson. I likes da sound o'dat!
Elizabeth debicki n cate blanchett muh dick
Can we get a Based Cop Movies thread going?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
If season 9 was the first season when The Simpsons were beginning to run out of steam then season 10 was when the train...
Why hasn't he made any movies lately?
Who would win in a fight?
Have you ever considered fapping to an animated television character?
2001: a waste of space odyssey
Just saw this for the first time. It deserved Best Picture and made me very sad
Why didn't they just fly the eagles to Mordor?
What made Sheev so powerful?
Is VR the future of the theatrical experience?
It isn't that great right? It comes around forced as fuck in my opinion
This has got to be in the top 10 best TV series ever aired. On ABC no less. Incredibly underrated and overlooked...
Who did I missed?
What kind of people find out about sex this way? I didn't need someone to tell me, it's literally human instinct...
Why the fuck was he so underpowered?
Its a "fading bullshit captcha cucks user from shitposting" episode
Was Vito gay? I don't understand why he sucked that guy's dick, and let that other dude fuck him in the ass
Accidentally single-handedly uncover the whereabouts of the largest and most infamous cartel boss since Pablo Escobar
The Millenial Female Suicide Epidemic Has Begun
Tfw googled little miss sunshine actress present day
What went wrong?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
How come her career never went anywhere?
The Twilight Zone gets brought back into the modern day. What types of episodes would there be for the first season...
Now that I finished The Office what show should I watch? Episodes should be short as I watch them while having dinner
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Why aren't Japs fucking their women?
Any good movies on mass shooters...
/who/ - Doctor Who General
So what happened to her?
Give me one good reason why he isn't the definitive Superman
Fuck, he looks good!
Do you feel some sense of calm now that you finally know the face of baneposting?
They're the highest quality razors in the world, you can slit your wife's throat
Who should be BatGirl in the new Joss Whedon movie?
Wtf I hate Putin now!
How do we make people go to the kinoplex again?
Which actor/actress would you most like to go on a dewy afternoon walk with?
Can we please have a porn/kino/ thread?
Who will win?
What are some films about stoners
/got/ general
40 ENTIRE Days, how the hell did he do it?
Any movies about going bald young?
Tfw going to jail for 8 months in 2 weeks
/bb/ Big Brother 19
What are some good Vice documentaries Sup Forums?
I don't get it
I haven't spoken to another human being in 6 weeks
Is Dan Schneider a pedophile?
Alien Covenant 2017 720p
What is she doing?
DOCS: Penis Envy
A few years ago
What did she mean by this?
Ah, unfortunately no company is permitted
Justice League
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Why the fuck is everyone so scared of winter?
What's with CW hiring 20 something actors to play teenagers?
Your age
Which two will you pay for to watch in theatres
What is the best youtube channel?
Morrissey – England Is mine
/teevee/, recommend me movies like Coherence, Primer and Moon
This might just be the worst sequel I've ever seen. There's lots of bad ones...
So, uh, what did Tarkovsky mean by this
Michelle Trachtenberg
How many daily calories does he need to survive and where does he get them ?
What's her endgame?
Was Avengers kino?
Decide to rewatch Inglorious Bastards after not watching it since 2009
It's just cruel that Anno leaves the fans hanging for years
What's it like to not be extremely ugly? I mean fuck how did my parents manage being so ugly?
ITT: Films that women will never understand
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Is Rick and Morty the deepest show on television?
Movies women will never understand
Peter, my yoga class was cancelled, could you help your dear old aunt stretch?
When will we see her biopic?
It's about time we end this Sup Forums
If you can't understand this distinction you are a pleb and should leave this board:
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Finally got around to watching this
How can I get a mustache like this?
Why don't you take your tshift off user?
Any other films like this?
So whats the consensus on Oliver Stone's "The Putin interviews"...
Box Office: Hollywood's Franchise Crisis Worsens
Watch cinemasins video on Get Out
This is an unexplored planet, lets send a ground team...
How can one woman be so aesthetic?
What's the oldest film you've genuinely enjoyed?
Wonder Woman
Why can't women be funny?
Nice Alucard
What's it say?
I miss the Nostalgia Chick
Hey Sup Forums
Will he be RDJ of post-Infinity War MCU?
Marvelkeks' king
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Holy shit, I never thought capeshit could be kino
How do you go from this
That one episode where house switches to methadone and gets total pain relief but for some reason stops and is never...
Lets make a girl power super hero show!
On season 5, does this show just keep going in circles? Should I stop now?
Spider-man Homecoming will open to a tleast $135 million going by the super positive reviews and growing buzz...
Party rockers in the house tonight
Just watched Blade Runner for the first time today. It was a pretty fun and cool movie...
The Millenial Female Suicide Epidemic Has Begun
Is this good? Sup Forums has been telling me to watch it but it's too long
2017 movie
Would you give her your soul for one night with her?
What are you watching tonight?
Darth Sidious
Gotham star Donal Logue's daughter Jade has gone missing
Reminder that Sup Forums liked this before reddit shitposting
Suggest me a murder mystery movie, doesnt have to be a recent movie. ty
Why was this allowed?
Which Star Wars movie is your favorite? TFA does not count
He's shitposts on a Monday
/got/ general
The Rock is 15cm taller than Vin Diesel, how were they in the same height in that iconic scene...
Jurassic World 2
Watching one of the best scenes in cinema
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Now that the dust has settled, what is Sup Forums's consensus?
What are some good movies about crazy people? Schizophrenia specifically. Pretty much every thing I've seen like Mr...
Hey guys let's fix the galactica
So, is Dawn actually the real Light Bringer?
What happened to the fans of this show? There are series like Sopranos or the Wire that are still talked about today...
ITT: times when Chef Ramsay went too far
Humans repeatedly use racial slurs to refer to cylons as toasters
This will never be you
Which show do Millenials prefer?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Why does Hollywood hate titties so much?
Spider-man Homecoming tracking for $75M opening weekend, underperforms in SK previews
What the fuck was he thinking?
The fall schedule looks shit
Superman reluctantly kills a mass murderer, who swore to kill every single human being on Earth, to save a family in MoS
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
ITT: Female cringe comedy. Give us your worst
ITT: "Villains" that tried to save the world
What are you going to watch today?
What's the most unsettling thing you've ever seen in a movie/show?
Show gets you hooked on a story line
What's his name again?
The GREAT debate
Doctor Who
Better Call (((Saul)))
Baby Driver
What am i in for ?
What does Sup Forums think of Alia Shawkat?
DCucks on suicide watch!
If you could watch one movie with Vladimir Putin what would you pick?
Stevie Ryan commits suicide by hanging
Liberal "comedy"
Has Smithers come out of the closet yet in the new episodes?
Comfy tv
MOVIE or show has a nerdy girl character that has no friends and nobody notices her
Big Little Lies
Gotham' Star Donal Logue Asks Public to Help Find Missing Daughter
After a certain age a man without family can be a bad thing
Which of your actress folders has the most images saved?
If you saw Baby Driver this weekend, chances are you saw this trailerkino during the previews
Will there be ever anything like it again?
The Real Reason Rey is overpowered and trusted
Luke, did I tell you I'm only 40 years old? Time hasn't been a good friend
Armie Hammer
90 Day Fiance
Things that scared the fuck out of you as a kid. Bonus points for life scars
Holy shit I'm so glad I never went to see this trash in cinema
His wife has resented him for a long time and only played along to protect family
Get me Laurence Fishburne
Doctor Who General - /who/
What does Sup Forums think of this guy?
The Shield
Donal Logue's transgender child is missing in New York
The new twin peaks isn't as scary. I am not sure what the difference is...
What's his name again?
ITT: Your favorite shot of all time
Movie has women in it
Tfw the mommy posters in Sup Forums suddenly make sense
Apocalypse Now
TJ Miller Left Silicon Valley
Thoughts on her performance in Glow?
Thanks for buying me dinner, user
ITT: guilty pleasures
What did the rock mean by "ovey"?
Disneyspics seething
I'm so goddamn sick of these movies. Has there ever been anything like this in the history of cinema?
Films that progress like video games
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Barry Lyndon
Did you guys see the Cult of Chucky trailer yet? Looks pretty fucking good and I'm so glad they cut that CGI-Chucky out...
ITT: masterpieces
Sup Forums related tattoos
Alright it's 2017 , The wonder woman was successful...
It's a Paige scene
I think it's time we have a serious discussion about this movie. No memes
DOCS: Penis Envy
Do you download 720p or 1080p, Sup Forums?
Meanwhile, in bizarro Sup Forums
Doctor Who General - /who/
Wait, how did Lorraine know what kissing her brother was like?
Giv betty gf pls
Is it worth watching the Babylon 5 franchise? That's a 5-season commitment of 22 episodes each...
Kino or Criterion?
Help me out guys. I'm looking for a movie to give me a push in the right direction in my current situation...
Kylo would have beaten the shit out of Anakin
Mulholland Dr
Is she like George Constanza of Girls?
What did you think of the Neon Demon Sup Forums?
Is there a film that you refuse to watch because it's too scary?
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
Alien Covenant
Why the fuck did they cast someone with pancake tits to play Lara?
So yesterday I sent a text to David Mazouz saying he should give me an amount in July 10th
Why does Emma Stone have such shit taste in hats?
Alright, you all know the drill
Don't have a job
Why didn't they cast an actual wonder woman?
I recently watched Manhattan and just now finished Deconstructing Harry
Would you fuck Lois?
Can we please talk about how well the third season of Gotham was directed?
Kong Skull Island
Will Valerian be her big break?
American Beauty
/bb/ Big Brother 19
What made friends so good ?
Wtf? Why did he just decide to stop being racist halfway through the movie all of a sudden...
Twin Peaks
I don't expect anyone of you to know him, but
What would you have done to make this a better movie?
Does she have the charisma to carry a movie without Chris Pine?
Tfw no doctor poison gf to curl up and watch the fireplace with
Tilda Swinton is the greatest living actress prove me wrong pro tip you can't
This is more than just a 'muh 90s' nostalgia thread...
Why wasn't there a push to get World Peace back on the air...
Is it Kino?
Ridley Scott
Well, this was shit. It was the most generic superhero origin I've ever seen complete with a shitty plot...
I'm excited for this, but fact that movie comes out in two months and they didn't even started marketing, scares me
Doctor Who General - /who/
How do you keep 65 bags of heroin in your house?
A Better Tomorrow
Why did both Hulk movies bomb?
Can we talk about this? What did Sup Forums think?
I'm not a comic book villain...
What went wrong?
What did Sup Forums think about the character Moana from the film Moana (2016)?
So basically
*tips fedora*
First Foreign Film
I don't like the movie because of things the director said 20 years after the movie
What's the deal with these stupid fucking movies
Name a more devastating film/television loss
Who was in the wrong here?
ITT we come up with ideas to save the Terminator Franchise
Will this be remembered as the best trilogy to ever be made?
Let's see Paul Allen's dubs
What is the most overrated film of the century? I nominate pic related, Boyhood, or Birdman
Please, come forward. May I have the password?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
The Departed vs Infernal Affairs
Why did they make this
Rami malek as freddie mercury in upcoming kino
Me and qt coworker finishing work late and closing up
HOH: Cody
July 3rd 2017
July 3rd 2017
Donal Logue's mtf trans son has been missing for almost a week
Fear the walking dead and mexicans and indians and racist white males
Fuck off Seinfeld. Fuck off, Friends. Best 90's sitcom coming through
What would you do in there?
Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose > Jose Chung's From Outer Space > War Of The Coprophages > Humbug
Who should play her in a live action adaptation?
Name ONE movie that both Reddit and Sup Forums agree is good
What does this mean for the future of wh*te "people"?
July 3 2017
Cast the Hey Arnold live action adaptation
Watch a film from 2011
Frasier General
What went wrong?
What a fucking slut
Itt: the best sitcom characters
Colin Farrell did nothing wrong
Emilia Clarke is ready to bring Khaleesi's story to an end
So I had this friend of mine, and one night I was drunk and we hooked up. And it was very this drunk thing and we're...
Gloria did nothing wrong
Who's gonna play her?
So when are they gonna make this into a film or AT LEAST a documentary?
Try and defend this
What are the best Marvel/DC TV shows so far, Sup Forums?
Who was that little fucker anyway
The Critics are LOVING the Spiderman Reboot!
ITT: movies that piss you off thinking about them because of it's fans, large budget, director etc
What tv or movie tattoo are you going to get?
You ever get high and watch movies?
Kevin Feige confirmed that "Infinity War" is the jumping off point for several of the old MCU stars...
Movie soundtrack
Who would you cast in a Power Girl live action kino?
Got a bone to pick with this movie
Am I the only one that thinks this show is shit?
ITT: We write the next Prime speech
Is the world ready for a racially diverse Wonder Woman...
Leave foodkino to me
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?
Can white males ever catch a break?
Dcucks will defend this
The Wheel of Time® by Robert Jordan is becoming a cutting-edge TV series
Do you consider his podcast brutal?
ITT: Your favorite shot of all time. Something so incredibly particular must be very personal
What films have the best soundtracks?
Now that the dust kick up by the rear tires of the American muscle cars has settled
Will this be remembered as the best trilogy to ever be made?
Left or right?
What movies are donald core?
I call that breaking the ice
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Surprisingly accurate
Tfw the President of the United States's twitter feed is more entertaining than any current television show
Remember the black kid from stranger things? This is him
Friendly reminder that 90% of this movie is outright garbage
Which room would you go to?
Will any era ever surpass the 90s?
Wonder Woman box office numbers inflated by over 400M
FTWD thread?
There are people who think that Kong, the inferior and less popular character will win
What's some father-son kino?
Movie is set in the middle ages
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Now that the dust has settled, do you think Donny was out of his element?
Why are they pitting against each other?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
/got/ general
Has Colbert gone too far? What is the purpose of his show, exactly?
Hey user, I w-want to have b-babies with you! *blushes*
Tfw the 'shi 'za is an insult to both pizza and Japanese food
I've been feeling in the mood for some Asian gang films. What would y'all recommend...
Can you imagine being a grown man in your 50s with a successful television show and literally all you ever talk about...
Who will play him?
Do we like him?
This is much better than True Detective
This is embarrassing
'American Horror Story' and 'Babe' Actor James Cromwell Sentenced to Jail
*Literally blocks your path*
Villain teams up with hero to defeat another villain that's even worse
Is he actually a good actor who just had to deal with a bad script?
Re:View Blade Runner
Would you ever name your child after a character from the Star Wars universe?
Let's talk about Beauty and the Beast (2017)
After her mesmerising performance in the award-winning epic Hercules, what is next for her Hollywood career?
Can we have a comfy Jackass/Viva La Bam thread?
Lesbian kino
I'm probably gonna get raped by mods but I'm genuinely curious, what are the most anti-semitic movies ever made?
Does Stefanie Joosten have a future in hollywood?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Which actor/actress would you most like to go on a dewy afternoon walk with?
Would you like to see a "LGBT For Kids" show on TV?
Character finds two clones arguing
Stranger Things 2
ITT: actresses who look like a transsexual due to their masculine appearences
Who was in the wrong here?
Tfw you are to old for Sup Forums taste
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
They call me a KIKE
The Leftovers
Dominates your box office
Batman Begins
What was so special about LOST?
Donal Logue's daughter missing
Is he right about jazz?
How would you get out of this abandoned pool?
When your show gets canned after 5 episodes and then your comedy idol humilates you on a his podcast
Cast Away (2000)
Hey user, want to pet my cat?
If you could be any living celebrity who would you be?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Transformers: The Last Knight
“I hate conservatives, but I really fucking hate liberals."
Its a Harry turns Ron into a frog and flushes him down the toliet episode
Can someone give me a run down on this because I can barely remember it and not sure if I want to watch it again; I...
'Wonder Woman' Soars Past $700 Million Worldwide
Stop watching capeshit
Pusy post
SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING Opening Scene: "A Film By Peter Parker"
Samuel L. Jackson Will Co-Lead 'Captain Marvel' Film With Brie Larson
Jean Syndroom van Down will be the first autistic MMA fighter in history
/bb/ - Big Brother 19 General
Does the casting couch exist?
Conservative "'"comedy"""
Gonna take LSD within the next couple hours. Which one should I watch during the comedown?
Who is best Riverdale girl Sup Forums?
Jay Bauman praising Lynch is like virtue-signalling. Everybody already knows, nobody fucking cares. No one's impressed
Although the acting, writing, cinematography is important, the best part of this trilogy of the soundtrack
Why is Fassbender such an aesthetically talented actor?
It's a Turk episode
ITT: best movies of the 10s
The rest of yall know when i durn to yah
Tarantino and his gf
What's your take on it?
Whats Sup Forumss opinion on Friends?
Be honest with yourself. The series is pure kino
What was the point of this?
Young Biel is kino
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Stop eating pork
Redditors of the Galaxy
What is the best trilogy?
Liberal "comedy"
ITT we discuss movies like Reddit discusses movies
Give me good horrorkino, Sup Forums. preferably from the last ten years
Today is Larry David's birthday
Is Scrappy Doo the most hated tv character ever?
Celebrity Candids Thread
Our guy brad
What are some movies bout defeating your bullies?
And that time your finger went through the toilet paper and you got poo on your finger? It was me, James
How hyped are you?
A CUTE appears
Some hours ago I made a bot that created 200 fake accounts on Instagram to send a text to David Mazouz on Direct saying...
"Sex with a 5'8" big-titted 17-year-old? That's 25 to life buddy!"
I cannot FUCKING WAIT to see every one of these little shits fade into cultural obscurity. I hope it hurts...
How the fuck was Charlie so rich?
This fat piece of shit demands you bring him food or else he's gonna get real cranky
Was there a bigger cuck in any series ever?
Forgotten crime/gangster movies worth watching
This was better than I expected of a zombie movie
Looks at Sup Forums catalog
Is it true that Dane browses Sup Forums?
What did you guys think of Milana's performance in Ghostbusters...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that reddit actually has excellent taste in movies?
Alright, listen up you donkeys
ITT: Cool minimalist movie posters
Is there any word on if a Warhammer movie is on the horizon?
Was it rape?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Why didnt he just escape the room?
/got/ general
So did he actually get out of prison when he was still young or was it his fantasy again?
The fact he went into media rather than acting is a world class tragedy. This is pure kino
Can someone beat Lady Fyre in terms of mommy kino at the moment...
ITT: Cringe Kino
/bb/ Big Brother 19
ITT: movies Sup Forums never discusses
Is this the only sci fi movie where humanity are the aggressors?
16 years old
Spider-Man Homecoming presales are lower than Wonder Woman
Realistically speaking, who would win in a fight out of these two?
Post movies with excellent tension
We roll to create a essential Sup Forumscore chart
Jews make a tv show
Adam Driver lost 50 pounds for Silence
Are you ready for the return of the kino?
Check youtube
Andrei Tarkovsky
What movies do women watch when they're alone?
Bitch or misunderstood?
Brian Knappenberger confuses "free speech" with stealing video and hosting it
Shittiest episode i've seen
What's your favorite show that nobody else watches?
Cast the new Watchmen HBO series
Did high schoolers really look like this in 2002?
(((American))) Gods
Do you watch movies on your phone?
13 Reasons Why
Is this movie some elaborated satire?
Tobey Maguire and his son Otis
Why didn't he just pay a hooker?
Do you pity Brad Pitt?
Is this the greatest war movie ever made?
Hulk is the only capeshit kino
Sup Forums and reddit recommends Snowpiercer
How did they make so much money if meth is a cheap drug for poor drug addicts?
Rumoured BATGIRL Actress Short-List
Margot Robbie
This is the greatest scene in capeshit; only rivaled by the train sequence in Spider-Man 2
Resident Evil
Why are they so based?
DC is dead, bury it
ITT: Old features that made the series better
What is the worst golden era Simpsons episode
When is she gonna start acting again?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Bangbros now has a fake Jordi
Does an American children movie star that haven't fucked his career in his early twenty exist?
*rubs your head*
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
What are some good utopian films? I just watched pic related and Brazil, loved them both
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
What did he mean by this?
Do you feel lucky, punk?
What's next for her career
In 1963 Mario Bava directed the very first italian Giallo film: "The Girl who Knew too Much"...
Would you?
You will never again walk up nervously to the casheer and ask to rent your favorite movie
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
What's next for /our girl/?
/trek/ Star Trek General
Perro caca
What does Sup Forums think of Milana Vayntrub?
What the fuck?
What was Eyes Wide Shut really about?
Is there a bigger hack in Hollywood than this guy?
Why didn't Jim go for it, bros?
Be honest this was funny
Redletter media frauds
Her voice is so cool and sexy, squee!
What does Sup Forums think of Susan Sarandon?
Nolan's best movie
He a good yew he dindu nuffing
Why did they do it?
Honestly she isn't even that hot
Any good Japanese movie suggestions?
What movies do millenials like?
Top 30
Miss me yet?
Why is it that the first Wall Street was kino but the sequel completely sucked?
Yes... well done Tolkien... HOWEVER
You got sent to Oz and you have a choice between bunking with Adebisi or Vern Schillinger. What do you do?
*blocks your ideology*
How is Roseanne so based?
Doctor Who General - /who/ NARDOL IS COMING BACK - EDITION
>Peter Parker's decathlon team needs one more member
Wow this was ultrashitty even without considering its dishonesty
Mods are dead
This is a fucking masterpiece
Casting Shortlist for DCEU’s Batgirl
Why does Sup Forums like this?
Historically, the majority of cowboys was black due to white men not wanting to bother with such a tough job. However...
Transformers: The Last Knight
Will it make more than 10mil?
Remember this video?
Why has Michael Bay wasted his career making shitty Transformers movies when he's clearly capable of kino?
Brad Pitt: 'Elite Hollywood Pedophiles Control America'
How is my za'
Why is /ourgirl/ barbs doing this to us, bros?
Sup Forums related reaction image thread
Recommend some Closed-Room Kinos or horror movies with restrictive sets
Alien - Covenant
Turn around
The witcher getting a netflix adaptation
Where were you when they Geoge Lucas'd South Park?
Reminder that this happened
Doctor Who General - /who/
ITT: your personal 10/10s
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Pre-YouTube Kino / Retro thread?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
I know Nolan gets alot of shit on here for being for plebs or whatever, but I can't find a single flaw with this movie...
The current year
Why do I even bother anymore?
Why did Anton not kill her?
Any good movies about Japan?
Tfw they genuinely can not stand one another and drive the other crazy
/Stargate/ General
/got/ general
Do you know youre a CIS male?
So Sup Forums. what did you think of the Seinfeld finale? was it a heaping pile of garbage...
/who/ - Doctor Who General: my name jeff edition
Has an actor ever peaked this high? Gosling's 3peat in the early 10's is the stuff of legends
So this was, without a doubt, the greatest episode in television history
Terrible CGI/Effects
47 Meters Down
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Why did people overrate this piece of shit movie?
Why is this film scarier than it has any right to be?
Watched this shit in the kinoplex then watched the Korsub tonight
What would a Sup Forums meet-up look like?
Somebody please, unironically explain this scene to me
This is the worst MCU film. It looks cool and that's all...
Emma Watson is basically an amazing actress to have pulled off what she did in Beauty and the Beast...
It's a "Dexter rides his mom" episode
Do you love Joe Rogan?
300 million dollar budget
What's your favorite movie fight?
Why do black people like kung fu so much?
Why is it called the lord of the rings...
Why aren't you watching dogkino yet?
What is the thematic significance of this scene? Is it just pandering to the virgin loser demographic?
It was just a prank bro, your arch nemesis is not real
She's on the precipice of becoming irrelevant. only landing meme tv roles, and starting to slut it up on social media
Show my dad Suicide Squad
Childhood is idolizing Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal
What is wrong with Sup Forums? What's wrong with you people. Explain yourselves
What do /wethink/ about this?
Save my career Cruise edition
Why do girls like romance movies so much?
Opinions on Pink Floyd: The Wall
Is this /Men's Rights/-kino?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Why do I recognize that thing?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
I never understood this
Who WILL direct the inevitable remake?
/who/ - Doctor Who General: Simm Eye Liner edition
Family feud!
The O.C
Now that the dust has settled can we agree that this was cancer and the Ricky Gervais show on XFM was even worse?
Who was in the wrong here?
ITT: celebrities that surprisingly aren't Jews
ITT: Movies you were memed into hating
They should've removed this scene
Thoughts on this movie?
How are ya holding up Sup Forums?
Take a look at my face, Dick!
Why didn't you mongrels tell me how good this show was?
Why are Mizrahi Jewesses so cute, thicc, and sexy; while Ashkenazi Jewesses are bony rat-faced gremlins?
ITT: Plot holes in movies
When was the last time you waited in line for a movie ticket?
What did he mean by this?
I just finish to watch pic related and I cry like a fucking bitch anons
RedLetterMedia BTFO, Mike Stoklasa BTFO
Directors who have never made a good film
After Death Note, what anime should get a live action version? I'd vote for pic related...
They actually tried to continue the series without micheal
Will konglets ever learn?
Why was Frodo so willing to take the Ring at the Council of Elrond when he was clearly in over his head?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Admit it, you aren't going to watch the new Spiderman movie because you're a racist piece of shit
What the fuck am I watching. I legit nearly turned it off at the masterbation line before it turned out to be a dream...
Michael Bay has a great eye for cinematography, much like Zack Snyder
Which finisher would actually work in a real fight?
Jewish woman destroying a church
Crixus > *
Klingons are warmongering vikings
/who/ - Doctor Who Containment Threads
What's the deal with this film? I'm not that much of a Carpenter fan...
Is there anything more autistic than buying movies?
Post pictures, get recommendations
Best scary movies? I want something that will actually scare me not jump scare bullshit
I like this guy's show, but there's no way it'll last much longer
Just ____ __ ____ __ ___
Genre-Decade Defining Movies
Its a Nile puts all his shit on Frasier episode
What was his best performance?
Why do white people praise this guy so much?
I-it's t-totally the patriarchy's fault this movie flopped
The Wheel of Time
All of his movies are overrated and unfunny
If you were to get a tv related tattoo, what would it be?
Ex Machina
What were the orcs in Moria actually doing? They just hang out in the lower levels doing what? Are they digging...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
ITT: The most impressive actor/actress body transformations for movie/TV roles
Are there girls on Sup Forums?
Just finished Sopranos
What did Conor mean by this?
I tried to be a serious actor once, but nobody cared. Now I play a retard in everything I do...
Just finished john wick 2
Yellow Ranger is Asian
Should I keep on watching after 2x09?
The Daily Beast: “Jonah Hill is still not hot”
"You give me a time and a place, I give you a five minute window. Anything happens in that 5 minutes and I'm yours...
Is this any good?
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed"...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...