Does she have the charisma to carry a movie without Chris Pine?
The movie has made 700 million off of the female lead alone, so yes, sweetie
We'll find out the ghost of Chris Pine is on some mountain range in south america
hell no
the chemistry between the two and pine's acting propelled the movie from a 5/10 to a solid 8.5/10
and chris pine is probably the most gorgeous male actor on the planet (no homo) so that helped too
another a-list actor will have to put the sequel on their back to make wonder woman 2 a good movie
still holding out hope they can resurrect Steve somehow
desu chris pine didnt have that much of charisma in the movie. Personally, gal carried most of the movie.
I know her superpowers now, which is the whole fun of these movies.
Batman works because we get new villain every time. A new villain that we get to see their abilities etc. Wonder woman could work but only if the villain is incredibly original.
Ya gotta have something new and something quality.
yes, since the sequel will likely get just as good a reception.
>chris pine is probably the most gorgeous male actor on the planet
He's not even the best looking male in DC you fucking cuck. Henry Cavill is literally perfect and looks like a fucking sculpture you homo faggot.
t. zack snyder
t.Chris Pine
Pine has giant goofy ears and fucked up bushy eyebrows. Go ahead and name one flaw that Cavill has. You can't because he's fucking perfect.
>Go ahead and name one flaw that Cavill has.
Gal Gadots acting is pretty terrible at times, to be fair. But the romane between the leads made this movie great and when you see how Gadots looks at Chris Pine in interviews i do suspect that she didn't have to do that much ''acting''' in the scenes with him. As in when she flirtatiously looks at him with burning loins it's not because she 's acting, it's because he actually makes her goose wet irl too
fuck you man
>tfw 25 and balding
Dumb and ugly women will buy tickets again to see an ugly woman as hero again
>It's a Chris Pine seduces you're waifu episode
She won't need it. Any bigger DC movie there is she'll be second fiddle to bat or supes, and her own they'll probably roll out some pantheon bullshit
They do have good chemistry. And I like that she immediately liked him, and there was no shit "I have to win him/her over" plot
>ywn fuck and jizz in her face holes
>chinese poster
>token muslim, native american and potato nowhere to be seen
top kek every time, based china
well Wonder Woman character was well-written, so in my opnion probally yes. The major problem in this film are the villains, they are all lame.
Would you be a doll and speak when spoken to?
Wait, really? I think Affleck looks way better than Cavill honestly. Maybe not as much as Chris Pine but definitely better than Cavill. Not that Cavill is ugly or anythgin
I would spend $15 to watch her do anything for 90 minutes, so yes.