I call that breaking the ice

>I call that breaking the ice

The bundler

is this guy a secret pedo or something?

>it's a frank gets a bad deal because he's fat and short episode

also sick trips


I know its fucking stupid but I love this show. It's just so comfy to watch.

>mfw Frank and Mike try to make reasonable deals on shit the owner didn't know they had and they overprice all of it

Mike and Frank are living the dream. Traveling the country by day looking for deals, and having hot, sweaty gay sex in their van at night. I'm pretty jealous desu.


What do you think?

No they fuck the girl thats why she has to meet them in nashville sometimes

>imagining Franks sweaty hairy overweight body

American Pickers is seriously one of the most comfy shows on TV. I could watch them pick through old buildings, talking about junk, all day.

got it down to an art

I liked Antiques Roadshow when I was younger so it just makes sense I'm totally into this. Two guys making deals with characters without the smug bullshit attitude like on Pawn Stars.

Frank is what's known as a power bottom. His small, squat stature allows him to generate an enormous amount of power. Mike has described their love making as "putting your dick inside a bucking bronco". It took years of love making before Mike could build up a tolerance to Frank's pulsating mangina and not come instantly upon insertion.

>It's an old woman has a crush on Frank episode


>I call that breaking the ice
Did he step on it?


>Frankie loves oil cans.

Danielle would be so hot if she hadn't covered herself with awful garbage tattoos.

a lot of them are garbage but the trill looking spots on her chest / neck are godly.

I hate the tats on her chest the most desu.

>It's a Mike gives his double handshake episode

this. they look gross

you'd really prefer a woman with lettering across her fingers than one with animal/alien looking A E S T H E T I C spots on her?

I'd rather a woman with no tats desu.

Hmm, well you have to put up with that huge mega faggot who keeps saying awesome, rad and other unfitting superlatives all the time.
That skinny twat.

i know a guy who went metal detecting with frank fritz a few years back near gettysburg for the 150th anniversary of the civil war. they were going to get food at a local seafood place but ended up getting some at the hotel. i guess frank drank a ton of gin and tonics and started trying to joke around titty twisting daniel. a bit later frank tried to kiss dan and ended up kissing his neck.

>Not liking Mike

Mike is fucking based.

Only reason to watch this shit.

>that one episode where Danielle joins Mike to pick
>she's wearing tanktop to show her tats
>tanktop also shows her tits
>sweaty from picking
>that slight nipple bulge
never imagine i'd jacked so much on a history show
last time i wanked it was the caligula documentary where they potrayed him raping his sister

If Mike is the tall stringbean then no he really isn't based. He's trying to say as many superlatives for everything so that people think he's cool and hip. you obviously do so the douche won there.

I hope that is true.

They filmed an episide in my town last season. Misses my chance for dat dusty barn picking 3 way :( it was in lafollette, tn. Also fml for living in lafollette, Tn

My mom loves this show and I watch it with her now and again.
She went with my dad to their store and the woman that stays at shop on the show just so happened to be on vacation during that time.

we're out here freestylin today

I wonder if she regrets ruining her body with all those shit tattoos.

My father in law ran into them in our city a few years ago at a gas station. He said they weren't really nice but they gave him an autograph.

*low balls you*

>TFW you lived near their shop
>TFW you drove through the town dozens of times and never once stopped to look at tits
am i cool fellers

Right, I get all that, but would he also be considered a bear even though he's a bottom? And can Mike still be an otter, even though he's the top? This whole lifestyle has so much to it!

yeah, based around eating frank's dirty asshole.. let's be honest here. they're both huge flamers guaranteed