Realistically speaking, who would win in a fight out of these two?
Realistically speaking, who would win in a fight out of these two?
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Vin would perform The Pacifier and OHKO
Are they oiled up and naked?
The Rock would.
neither can "fight", but the rock has a good 40 lbs on vin and is on a truckload of gear, plus is a good 4" taller.
I think The Rock would have a hard time against this machine.
the one not wearing the girdle
Vin's body type is prime for hidden retard strength. When the going got tough the Rock wouldn't know what hit him
Definitely not the fat nerd.
the Rock has the stamina to fight for up to ten minutes. How long can you fight before tiring out. I can tell you Vin's down for the count. I wrestled before and let me tell you it is hard, it is hard it is hard, and to go at it with 100% for most of that ten minutes isn't easy at all. You'd rather run five miles than fight with another guy for up to ten minutes.
Vin lays him out.
vin diesel makes the rock look like a baby. of course he wins.
Vin would absolutely destroy The Roid.
can someone explain this fucking scene to me already? i havent seen the movie and wont ever see it, but i see this image and wonder: is it really an attempt at forced perspective in an effort to make them both seem the same height or something? Why not just have one of them stand on a milk crate? why was it necessary in the 1st place? does one (or both) of these guys have insecurities about their height?
Or is there something i'm missing?
The Rock is a manlet.
in the movie it seemed like they just stood next to each other and talked facing the opposite direction. it wasn't until Sup Forums that i started wondering if it was a perspective thing. i doubt it because that's even more retarded than them standing next to each other.
fucking lol
oh i see they stood shoulder to shoulder instead of face to face because they hate each other or something and can't stand to look at one another.
Gets me every fucking time.
Vin is an actor and D&D nerd who just loves to work out and has a badass look so he got cast as an action hero.
The Rock is a wrestler, has experience fighting and is like 3x larger. The Rock would win because their backgrounds are completely different.
In reality, they'd probably be (or are) total bros.
>tfw you will never play D&D with Vin.
It's quite obvious in the movie that they're standing next to each other since the shot after is from directly behind The Rock
Still a good meme
ok. i don't really remember anything from the movie besides it being ridiculously stupid. i just assumed it could be what they tried to do.
The Rock is natty. He just works out a lot. He's always posting his gum sessions on social media. Some people just have better muscle genes
It's well documented they hate each other, and had to be kept separate during promotion of FF8. If they ever cross paths, there is chance for a legitimate fight
You're getting worked, mark. They just pretend to have beef off screen to build heat.
>retards thinking the Rock, a trained wrestler wouldn't win against a fat guy with a gruff voice
>Dwayne Johnson: 6'5 1/2"
>Vin Diesel: 5'11 3/4"
In Fast Five, Dom literally almost bashes Hobbe's skull in with a pipe wrench after a big fight between the two.
>The Rock is natty.
Yeah, he just copied the Ronnie Coleman program and diet plan. Thats how you get so big. No roids required.
If he wasn't he would have bitch tits, backne, tiny balls and have roid rage. None of those things have happened. In fact he's one of the nicest guys in the business right now. He's clean
What about Statham vs Diesel?
You're a complete fucking moron.
>the bald and the furious
diesel plays tough guys but he's a pussy irl
Training for ""pro"" wrestling doesn't really make you a good fighter.
Exhibit A
Charlize and Michelle aren't bald.
t. Someone who knows absolutely fuckall about steroids
Maybe not against actual MMA trained fighters but against shithouses like Diesel it would.
One is a faggot and the other one is a rock.
The rock wins.
The Rock doesn't take steroids, he produces them.
Statham would clean up them both
Baldness is the pinnacle of masculinity. Bald males have more testosterone and thus larger manhood and stamina. Females subconsciously know this and this is why bald men have more sex and sexual partners studies show.
Neither of you have no idea about steroids or what you're talking about. You have no proof he uses them. He's just a big guy. And to you this evidence of gear. Couldn't be farther off the mark.
>Bald males have more testosterone
This was proven false
>shave head
>pay for a hooker to have sex
Except it never has. It is true. I love how guys with hair try to justify their low test. You're all basically women.
You're not bald because you have more DHT(Testosterone), you're bald because your hair follicles are more sensitive to DHT.
not the manlet
Lel. Imagine being this retarded
Your source if fake, nice try
Underrated post
t. baldlet
What about Brock who won the heavyweights championship you retard?
as a baldy, i like the representation
maybe i'll get a gf if i put on 40 pounds of muscle. 'cause right now i look like a dying chemo patient.
You mean the guy who was a national champion in actual wrestling as a kid?
You're not wrong but that guy is also 40.
Imagine being this insecure that you're going bald
reminder that these two represents the future of america
reminder than in the upcoming decades, people like them will be considered white
Vin is an honorary white man
Dwayne though? Lol no
Le Rock. He have more real fighting skills.
lol hairlet
F&F is a very bald friendly series
lol yes, anyone who has actually seen the film knows this is the truth, but why did they do that anyway? it's still retarded
They hate each other irl since Vin is jelly of the Rock taking away the mai spot in the series so they film as little together as pssoible. This stand-off scene was filmed with each separate actor alone and then blended together creating this retarded picture.