Who would win in a fight?


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No one!

Probably the invincible one.

Dallie is cute and perfect!

My dick.

Considering one is literally invincible I'd have to go with X-23. Though if 11 destroys her mind with her powers.... can her mind/brain regenerate? Hmmmm

The cute one.

yes, but with a lot of memory loss

They're both cute, user

I'd probably say x-23, given that she's trained in combat and is invincible.

Millie/Dafne bros, quick!


Man I like her hair out. ST2 will be kino

11 would have to decapitate x23 but that's probably impossible with x23 jumping around.

Her hairs gonna be curly in season 2



Is that a bloodhound?

Eleven for sure!

English mastiff

Claws torn through every limb.
Nothin personell, kid


that's one tough cookie!

What did they mean by this?

>Millie will never beat you while degrading you in an English gutterpunk accent while your hands are tied behind your back

X-23 can't die so she wins by default


wolverette would prolly win a fight but imagine nosebleed telepathically vibrating your dick as you slip inside her tight pusy

This is what happens to your daughters seen you sell them to Hollywood. Your sons too, actually.


where can i watch dafne livestream? why isn't she active on ig??

Her parents are pretty protective it seems like. She doesn't give interviews or use social media. Stay tuned to the Sup Forums autismo discord for any new content

>decapitate x-23
>t. someone who has no idea what x-23 is
You can't decapitate someone with an adamantium skeleton, you homosexual asshat. Not unless you have an adamantium blade of some kind to slice her neck with.


>adamantium skeleton
Stopped reading right there.

She's a private person :(

You're thinking Wolverine.
X-23 only has adamantium claws and hymen

The boy.

she has joints that are not coated
take a look at this pic, this is what would happen in a straight up fight if both were actually serious

not when she gets cow tits

X-23 kills 11 before she even realizes what is happening.
If 11 is already pissed at X-23 (let's say she's threatening her friends) the best 11 can hope for is to banish her to upside down world, which X-23 can fight through EASILY until she finds the facility to come back.

Comrades, get in here, quick!


>mage vs warrior one by one

pretty obvious answer

was about to post this

lmao i bet you think wolverine could beat magneto too


>posting a gif instead of a webm

I'd love to believe that this isn't a subtle pedo thread.

why don't they teach girls proper technique?

no but he sure as fuck can beat professor fag in a heartbeat

Where do you think you are ese?

>adamantium hymen
uhhh...damn...how would that feel?

The one with the really sexy footclaw

mr j the pedobot already got arrested so this board is safe now

It would be extremely painful.

The one that can't die, has swords in her hands, and decapitates grown men casually.

Curly MarySue

dem buds :3

no he cant. maybe if professor x is sleeping or riddled with alzheimers and als

wtf what is this even for? Not stranger things right?

11 can literally make 23's brain explode in an instant. Unless she can heal from that it's game over.

She can die, but she has regenerating abilities and slowed aging rate, but she probably will die in 300 years or so

its from a photo shoot she did

I'm so happy

11, no question.

You fags seem to be forgetting that X-23 is only physically immortal. You can mentally break her fairly easily. That's always been X-23's weakness. She's the Superman of Marvel: almost unkillable outside of fringe circumstances, has godlike powers, lives forever, but constantly gets fucked by enemies who outsmart/trick/mindbreak her.

11 is the polar opposite: fragile, easily killed physically, probably shortened life expectancy from normal, rather than immortal, fairly weak powers, etc. However, she sustains massive amounts of psychological abuse and withstands it all, to bounce back even stronger. And her powers involve mindfucking people, swapping dimensions, and manipulating matter with her mind.

X-23 could not move in a fight with 11. She'd be immobilized instantly, then banished to the upside-down/broken into a drooling, incoherent, retarded mess.

Millie can't act for shit and is only being carried by Jew producers.
She'll be the Edward Furlong of our generation in no time

fucking pedos

>You can mentally break her fairly easily.
go on...

Why do the pedos feel like they need to spam this ugly little shit who can't act all the time?
She's not even the cute kind of kids

Which one?

well st2 coming soon and logan just hit yify recently

I remember when Sup Forums used to be spammed with chloe threads.

I thought puberty was supposed to make females hotter, not transmute them into kitchen convenience appliances.

>puberty supposed to make females hotter


>brofesor x can't fuck with magneto's head because he's wearing a metal helmet
>he can somehow fuck with Wolverine's head even thought he has a fucking metal skull
Really made me think


what the fuck, the one in the left is a girl? I swear to god I thought it was a boy in a skirt, holy shit

Magneto's helmet is made of Mindprotectium, Wolverine's skeleton is made of Adamantium. They are different metals. That's like saying lead and steel are the same.

>implying thats not one of the most beautiful girls in the world

looks like a man
what a shit taste you faggots have

>looks like a man
well then call me gay

to be fair, the one on the right looks like a boy with long hair. they are most pretty androgynous

But what if you're a big guy?

>looks like a man

Uh I don't think so sweetie

13 yo Millie will probably beat up 11/12 yo Dafne pretty easily

Prof X is powerful as fuck man. Wolverine would have no chance