Do you consider his podcast brutal?

do you consider his podcast brutal?

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does Sup Forums not follow joe rogan?

jamie pull up that video of chimps ________ _____ _____ __________.

no never

Brutal to try and sit through sure.

>getting 99 twice in a row


Is Joe Rogan a real life retard?

I watch his podcast, I didn't respond because your thread is shit.

you just know Joe is wrecking that toilet with his jalapeno and egg shits every morning


as much as i think joe rogan's a moron and kind of a dick, i admire his enthusiasm for everything in his life and his genuine desire to better himself in every way. i might start watching his podcast just to get some of that to seep into my own routine

why did his show get cancelled?

why does he dress like a fucking toddler

height issues

Did he throw it in his Pan of eggs and fry it up for breakfast?


Only billy boy's podcast is brutal.


someone should send these to joe

only clothes that will fit him

Rogan is the epitome of "Manlet detected". It is well known that he wears lifts in his shoes to do fighter interviews and his height is, if you want to be generous, 5'6".

why does he look so fucking smug and full of himself in every single picture that he's in

Does it really make any difference? What does a man's height matter anyway?


it matters a hell of a lot

>i admire his enthusiasm for everything in his life and his genuine desire to better himself in every way

the problem is he has a huge platform with his podcast and provides a forum for crackpots and snakeoil salesman to peddle their bullshit and then tries to wash his hands of any repercussions because he personally isnt endorsing it - "just let people hear the different viewpoints bro!"

that's why the best guests are people like rhonda patrick are the best. she contacted joe to come on after a prior guest was spewing a whole bunch of unsafe medical advice telling people there's literally no value to taking any vitamin supplements

me on the ... far right

>only takes a short glance at the manlet


She can't keep her eyes off the tall one whole smiling.
>glances at the manlet, and looks back at the Chad and laughs along with him at the manlet

But to be honest just look at that nigga. He's already attractive with a ripped body. Even if he wasn't that tall he'd still be swimming in pussy.

oh yeah, these are my problems with him and why i don't watch. but i wouldn't even remotely agree with anything his guests are trying to propagandise and would just watch for semi-wholesome life affirmation.
for example the ones with joey diaz are the only ones i've watched, and they were great. i wouldn't probably watch episodes featuring people like you're describing.

stuff with other comedians (especially Burr) or mma guys are the most comfy


why are fit people so vapid

I don't care what people say I like Joe's sense of humor.

It was for the best, Rhonda is one of my favorite guests, all of her appearances are fascinating.


Imagine having the mind of an adult but the testosterone levels you had when you were sixteen.

I get it, I eat a shit load of eggs too. But why even bother with the sandwich at that point? Just eat the eggs and use the bread to mop up the yolk.

joe rogan is a kino

She's smart but still buys into snake oil bullshit. Cryotherapy, for instance, and pedals that keto bullshit.

She's hip on biological mechanisms but not clinical data and doesn't seem to get that bio mechanics don't necessarily show what we see at the macro level. In short there are too many processes going on to rely on the explanatory power of biomechanics without taking into account macro level evaluations like clinical trials.

A better question is why arent you fit?

Funny enough, the shorter guy is 5'11

Yes, only children wear jeans and shirts

In the sense that it's brutal to listen to the exact same talking points over and over again, yes.
You can only listen to so much discussion about martial arts and how video games are bad for you before it gets grating.

It can be very brutal to listen to. His fanbase is on par with Applefags, they don't understand his critics because they can't see his flaws. They're delusional.

He' a personal deity for me and my twitter followers.

Why would you ever eat 6 eggs i one sitting? what the fuck?

He really doesn't, it's because you are sexually attracted to him and percieve him that way.

This will never stop being funny.