What the fuck am I watching. I legit nearly turned it off at the masterbation line before it turned out to be a dream. Why is he such an asshole. Is this Catholic House of Cards?
What the fuck am I watching. I legit nearly turned it off at the masterbation line before it turned out to be a dream...
Other urls found in this thread:
He's a saint.
the show is a reddit filter
i think it's working
>Is this Catholic House of Cards
No, it's not. The main character isn't a piece of shit
Keep watching user. I don't want to spoil anything, but he does change, it's what the show is all about: his conflict with God.
>show called the young pope
>opens with the most liberal wank bait speech ever
>its a dream, in reality its the opposite
>What the fuck am I watching
Sorrenkino user
Not at all, the beginning is actually more or less how it ends in reality.
The show pretends to be a show like house of cards to draw people in, then it just turns into some faggy libshit nonsense about acceptance.
Ok good. I didn't want to waste my time with nihilistic bullshit.
>missing the point this hard
>not knowing the director is a conservative Italian Catholic
>being this much of a pleb unironically
I feel sorry for you
It's mad men:Vatican edition
Lenny is the pope we need now IRL
Everything you wrote is wrong
It's straight up kino, the first episode is deliberately misleading and mysterious regarding the Pope's character/intentions etc. It was a treat to watch the season unfold, really a near perfect show
wtf I hate kino now
Ok I finished the first episode. Seems like it's going to be good. But I want to end up liking him. He's such a dick not only to those who deserve it but to almost everyone. And he keeps telling people he's a vengeful monster. It really does seem they're going the House of Cards edgelord route but hopefully he won't be a murdering fag.
He's more like Mulder's character in californication.
Its more like Mad Men than House of Cards. Characters develop in a wide range of ways, often good, often surprising. It's not just endless cynicism like HoC
>That's it we're getting rid of the homos and abortion
>lol nvm i just needed to grow up
Wow thanks fags. Hes even worse in the second episode. The real speech was even more edgy and embarrassing in the opposite direction. I can't tell if I'm mad at the writing or if I'm supposed to be mad.
Fags btfo
>doesn't believe in god
>became pope seemingly without trying
>demands respect
>needlessly rude
>tells everyone to seek god themselves and he won't help
>the pope's one job is to help people find god
What is the point in being the pope if you aren't going to do your job?
Why be homophobic if you don't even believe in god?
Why is he doing literally any of the shit he's doing.
Top, top kino. Also Reddit doesn't even know it exists which is nice
>questioning the pope
this is what protestants literally think they can do
It's no coincidence that Young Pope threads turned to shit as soon as it started airing in America.
Pope is /fa/ as fuck. Can we at least agree on that?
>nearly turned it off in the middle of a monologue 2mins into the first episode of a series
you are a retard and don't deserve this amazing show. don't watch the rest
He's a narcissistic sociopath that only wants power and fame. That's the audience the show is catering to.
so you didnt finish huh?
>>doesn't believe in god
but he does, he is only having a mid-life crisis
>>became pope seemingly without trying
he prayed and god made him pope because he listens to him
>>needlessly rude
that's part of his character arc
>you'll never experience puberty with young Keaton as your mommy
He's a genuinely good guy who is going through a nihilist/negative phase. This is explicitly spelled out in one of his conversations with his mentor. Growing out of this phase is his character arc and what the whole show is about.
Keep watching it you momo.
He is a saint who performs miracles but is atheist because why would God let his parents abandon him? That's why they appeared in the end, and Lenny had a heart attack because it was a miracle.
>why be homophobic
wow you are really gay
He's sexy and he knows it. I wonder if he's a party rocker too?
trips confirm
>I haven't finished the show and I'm still going to act like I understand it and know the plot.
I want to apologize, Eurocucks, not all Americans are this retarded.
legit everytime i see someone criticize the show it seems like they didn't even watch it with all the nonsense they spew
The truth is if you don't like it, you don't like. I personally loved it, but you don't have to watch any more if it upsets you so greatly. No one cares that you have problems with it but you.
I was live posting the first 2 episodes. There's simply too much content out there to watch without genuinely wondering if this or that particular thing is going to be a waste of time.
you're wrong and I hate you
Fedora tippers would never watch anything dealing with religion
>intentionally provocative speeches from a character written to be controversial are "edgy"
Nah, the first 3 eps you think it will be like HoC but it turns out to be way better.
It's the Dark Souls of Sup Forums
What's the point of commenting in a thread if you haven't seen the show? The point of the show is that you have to decide for yourself if he's the anti-Christ or the second coming of Christ. There's an argument for both, which is what makes it a good show
>the director is a conservative Italian Catholic
I'm pretty sure I've read an interview where Sorrentino says he's "not a believer" I'm still interested in this show though, and if anyone has more info on that please feel free.
Lenny represents the struggle of every modern believer. He doesn't seem to consciously believe in God because that contradicts what he knows about science. He's a pragmatic man. But he acts as if God exists, his unconscious mind accepts God as a fact and never doubts. And because of that God is on his side.
>Pope is /fa/ as fuck.
> Show is all about the duality of man
> Literally the very first line(outside the dream) is;
> "Who are you, Lenny?"
> "I'm a contradiction"
> "Like God"
This show is legitimately one of the best shows to come out in recent memory. You want to be a jaded cunt? Go ahead, but you'll miss out one of the greats series that you'll ever see.
every time
I honestly feel bad for the people that can't enjoy it
>/fa/ as fuck
hes asexual not a fag
>everyone saying it's good
>I wanted to give it a chance
>I just didn't find the first episode interesting
I know that's not giving it much of a chance, but no one ever says WHY it gets good. What about it gets good?
The job of the Pope is not kissing nigger's feet. His job is to uphold people's Faith in God. By all means necesary.
Literally the best show of the decade. Top pleb filter as well.
Cinematography, acting and sound direction are well above most "best" films of all time. I know the story won't be interest to a lot of people, sadly I'm biased and can't comment since I'm a catholic but I found it a real piece of art as well. There's a lot of love put into this.
Apparently some catholics were against this series? I can't understand why, only if they're the "liberal" kind of catholic.
This scene made me cry.
If the next Pope series is even half as good I'll be happy.
It will suffer the True Detective curse. S2 will be vilified because it cannot match S1. Lenny knew this.
This show is awful and ends so abruptly because it's beyond redemption. The idea of this shit being kino is a reddit-tier meme.
>He didn't get it
I can tell from the first episode that this will be sacrilegious bullshit.
TYP is the NGE of Europe.
It's full of waifus that we should discuss
Young Keaton>Iceland prime mistress>PR gal> Ms. Barrenwomb
The problem I have with shows like this is that they are basically taking the premise "Hehehe, the pope is an atheist asshole, watch what happens next!" and turning it into a show.
It is a fucking disgrace, and is a symptom of our sick and degenerate culture.
I'm not religious, but the fact that people have no respect for institutions, and vice versa, institutions no respect for the people they serve, sickens me.
It's not a fucking joke to portray the pope as some atheist shitbag rude faggot like this show, it's not a joke that the actual pope is some commie scumbag spic who kisses muslim feet.
Everything about our culture is such a fucking travesty and I want you all annihilated in a nuclear winter.
Episode 10 opening scene was the most kino scene in any show in the past 10 years.
This and American Gods are easily the best tv of 2017
no need to fight me, you can't win
He is not atheist you dumb fucker. He has direct line with God and he knows it. He is just being edgy so people don't go all "It's the messiah!!" on him. He needs them to fear his retribution. He needs them to think he lost his mind.
Da big bad voodoo towards the end induced more cringe than 10,000 sharks ever could.
Sup Forumstards suffer from high level delusions. i am not sure if they are mentally ill or just bitter faggots with a big ego like their obnoxious counterparts on the internet. at least feminist bitches are usually bangable and malleable to new ideas but these neckbeard fedora "conservative" virgins that spout this type of shit are worthless to have around. fucking cancer.
> Comparing TYP to American Gods
Please never do this again.
Again people who didn't watch the show. The show tries to elevate Catholicism from its current disgraced state. It shows a Pope trying to respect the church.
Lenny very obviously believes in God even if he says he doesn't as you can clearly see him pray in some episodes. Not only that he's the only character CERTAIN of his existence.
Wrong pic.
Can anyone tell me who these popes were? At first I assumed they were the previous pius' but none of them look like any previous pius and the first pope you see resembles JPII so I assumed they were saints.
>Why be homophobic if you don't even believe in god
I too watched the Daily Show every night
They were previous popes. The garbs they wore just changed over time.
This post is just riddled with inaccuracies about the show. If you're going to post in the thread, at least watch the show. I bet you played the first episode in the background while browsing Sup Forums.
Juvenile garbage. I can imagine some sad 13 year old fedora tipping version of Catholic writing this while stroking his ego.
>this thread
also TYP threads were way better when we were waiting for the italian webrips
did you reddit fucks actually watch this show?
>but hopefully he won't be a murdering fag
hehe. keep watching
it's snack time girl >the rest
>Why be homophobic if you don't even believe in god?
Because fags ruin civilisations
member of the congregation for the doctrine of the faith you ain't
>Hehehe, the pope is an atheist
but he's not. he's only that from your point of view.
>of 2017
lol this came out in 2016. Your post explains why this thread is so shit compared to our euro threads
Some of the greatest leaders in world history were homosexuals, I'd say angry neet loners are more damaging to a society
>Some of the greatest leaders in world history were homosexuals
name 3
it's a narcissistic power fantasy and i automatically despise anyone who likes it.
>plebfiltering yourself
Thanks for saving me the trouble man, that's very selfless
thanks for ya post mr. american
>I don't have the capacity to appreciate anything other than mainstream bullshit so I'll hate it.
What did he mean by this ?