>jewish woman destroying a church
Jewish woman destroying a church
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As she, like all other people of Jewish descent, damn well should!
They shouldn't have let Sam Raimi edit the movie.
Holocaust II when?
WOW. That's powerful...
God the Jews hate whites so much. It's really unbelievable.
>those prop trees
nice fakes
Eh most likely Catholic.
you're doing it wrong
>Screenplay: Varg Vikernes
What did they mean by this?
Is it a cucktholic church?
Because if it is, then theres literally NOTHING wrong with destroying a cathocuck church.
Infact it should be encouraged
>white man gives his life to save a jew
>kike detected
manlets aren't white
I wonder what the reaction would be if she destroyed a mosque...
Unironically just made me think.
With Jews, You Lose.
imagine the backlash against all the peace loving jews?
chris is jew too
It's not even subliminal.
The jews' behavior is erratic after Trump's unexpected victory.
>There's a sniper on the church's tower!
>Should the bullet-blocking superpowered woman go inside the church and get him?
>No! We'll give her a nonsensical leverage so she can blast through and destroy the whole fucking church to get one guy!
Trump is a fucking Jew slave you memeing fucking redditor.
neither wonder woman, nor the character of steve trevor are jewish you fucking retards
go back to Sup Forums or stop spamming your shit you here you fucking faggots
This, she is the daughter of a pagan deity smashing a church. It's totally different.
If her legs are producing that much force to propel her presumably normal weight body that high wouldn't she crush the guys holding the car door for her?
The people that made the movie are tho
>Holy strawman, batman
>Gadot, jew.
>Hollywood, run by jews
>Screenplay & story, written by jews.
You think this bit with the church isn't intentional? Eat a dick you commie faggot.
Yes, unless she didn't force too much in which case their leverage would make almost no difference
Also, she jumped higher than that when she entered that building in the Island to get the stuff
>or something
cool I'll stay here then
>kike destroying a kike's monument
oh wrow
>ex-JIDF crying over children being bombed with chemical weapons
Broke my immersion desu
No? That doesn't even make sense because timing the momentum of the lift was a huge part of the height and the mechanics of a jump are way different than a stomp.
Are you functionally retarded?
Patty Jenkins is not jewish and neither are any of the producers
>or something
Who are you quoting???
Top kek
>neither are any of the producers
except Trump's jew friend
>built by europeans that mistreated and persecuted jews
>kike monument
After the culture war and the Jew is named. Historians will recognize the significance of this scene. This film, with its entirely Jewish cast and production put this blatant attack on Christians in this film with no subtlety whatsoever. The aversion for regular people to criticize or reprimand kikes for their underhanded tactics is waning.
>>not jewish and neither are any of the producers
>implying Jon (((Berg))) not a jew
>implying Steven (((Mnuchin))) not a jew
>implying Charles (((Roven))) not a jew
no no no they are white and love jesus
>out of thirteen producers three are jews
>"f-fucking kikes always putting the white man down"
maybe the film should have taken place in that part of world war two europe where there's a mosque at every rural town center
look at that bracelet squeezing her arm dang she was thicc af
>being this protestant
enjoy your shit shed church cuck
>built by europeans who adopted the religion and worshiped a jew
Its really disgusting how marlels have come this low to attack us.
Enjoy your crumbling economy and fifty brown kids, you decadent alcoholic sinner.
>not a trump supporter
>didnt make idiotic claim none of the producers are jews
>being this butthurt at being corrected
PS: Jenkins is actually jewish too.
>no producers are jewish
>o-oh ok some of them are jewish BUT NOT ALL OF THEM
Not to mention Roven is the main producer
the only capeshit flick i have ever seen is gotg and its only because i got memed into watching it
the only more reddit thing than that piece of a shit flick that i have seen is r/the_donald, so you're projection is really pathetic my friend
so if you're not leddit browsing virgin drumpftards, why is it so important to you that a couple of the producers of a flick made for children are jewish?
You're still Sup Forums though. Can you stop fucking up Sup Forums? No one likes to hear you retards whine about da joos and black ooga boogas. Jesus fucking christ you have a containment board for that, go spout feces there
im not planning on having kid but k
i dont wanna fight on religion user it just makes me feel like shit
>worshiped a jew
I don't get this criticism, jesus is worshiped as the son of god him being a jew isn't relevant. He could have been a 10 feet tall albino guy and the thing would be the same.
Are you a nigger? Stop pissing and moaning you faggot. The kikes are ruining the movie industry.
a jew, son of a jewish god
It's another libcucks and jews making excuses and lie thread. Trump remains president.
>there are no jew producers!
>point out the jew producers
>hurfledurfle drumpf drumpf drumpf!
This is the problem, and I fucking love how the game is rigged like this. You can't point out the disproportionate jewish influence anywhere, hollywood, politics, etc without getting called a white such-and-such, a drumpftard, a nazi, and so on. Fuck that noise. Done playing that game.
a jew that cast the merchant out of the temple is a based fucking jew.
You get this all wrong
So did Patty Jenkins agree to make that scene?
Not having any apologies from Jenkins and Gadot show how much they hate the Catholic church
No wonder swedish hindus love this trash
you might not be a nazi but you're obviously a Sup Forumstard NEET faggot who obsesses over fucking jews and blames them for all of your problems
>jewish god
there is no jewish god
oh holy shit, so many poltards are shilling today, oh g-d, go back to your containment board and cool it with the antisemitic remarks, no one wants your lies
no because they did a little bunny hop to counter it
that would be World War III
>not procreating
>pushover bitchboy
these bantz hurt too much user
>Sup Forums - History and Humanities
gal gadot is my waifu and you cant have her
Why don't people mind a Greek goddess destroyed a church?
Or that WWI was launched by another Greek god?
Chris Pine bombed A site in Turkey to destroy suspected chemical weapon and literally no one gave a fuck
Where were you people when Spielberg directed the Nazi to shell the church
I'm jelly, I can't even grow a proper beard. It's all patchy and shit.
But the movie established that the christianity is wrong. That only gods that existed are Greek gods.
In the DC unisverse all gods from different mythologies exist
there are also agents of the christian god, but you dont really ever see him
I mean... there would have been mosques in like, turkey, right?
Fuck off faggot, we #StandWithIsrael
All you can see belongs to us, anyway. Who are the goyim to complain if we destroy any of it?
>I wonder what the reaction would be if she destroyed a mosque...
she was in the IDF
she probably already did
What kind of fucking accent was this guy even trying to do
whatever it was he was not pulling it off