What's it like to not be extremely ugly? I mean fuck how did my parents manage being so ugly?
What's it like to not be extremely ugly? I mean fuck how did my parents manage being so ugly?
>I mean fuck how did my parents manage being so ugly?
how do you? the same way
she's a high class escort
Be thankful you're not average looking. hearing conflicting messages about your looks, never knowing if hot girls you pass could be interested in potentially fucking you
It's a blessing (a lot) and a curse (a bit).
I don't have high standards, but if you can't even manage not to sweat through you're tits you don't pass them.
2/10 would not bang
parents were poor and had no nutrients.
they ate potatoes, so they looked liked ones. you are what you eat.
give me the rundown
Gigi = Pleb
Bella = Patrician
are you gonna post this in every thread? 90% of the pics your posting are glitter, not even sweat.
yachting in Cannes with rich Arabs
isn't her dad very very rich?
>implying beautiful women can ever get enough money
>implying sweaty cleavage isn't patrician
You fucking pleb
proof that mixed race individuals are always more aesthetic
her smile and optimism: gone
he's a fucking retard that doesn't know that she had her career bought for her
starting with this plastic surgery
It aint bad.
btw pro tip. confidence is more important than looks. You can be the most handsome guy on the planet but if you're an insecure wreck nobody will want you.
remember when some fucking retard on Sup Forums said an escort for the hollywood elite was only 10k dollars
what a fucking poorfag
>90% of the pics your posting are glitter, not even sweat.
No one can be this naïve. A lot of times the sweat and glitter coagulate and might confuse you, but these are dirty whores
In the real world some people care about things like your personality (how nice you are to them, how annoying you are, the things you choose to talk about every day, etc.) and they understand that most really attractive people are only that and otherwise unpleasant to be around.