Who did I missed?

Who did I missed?

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Idris Elba

In what movie?


Steven Seagal


This little guy

Van Damme

Also, Chuck Norris always sucked.

Probably . But you could also throw in Van Damme, too.

arnold and stallone are in a class of their own, then there's a bunch on the next tier

Schwarzenegger and Stallone are by themselves at the top of the mountain.

Norris, Seagal and Van Damme are fighting for scraps at the kiddy table.

was thinking Van Damme as well

Van Damme & Sea Gull.


Bruce Willis

Van Damme in what movie?
Steven Seagal in what movie?

My name is Plissken.

Norris made shit tier schlock for Golan Globus. Even Seagal and Van Damme made more prestigious flicks. Chuck's on the same level as Dolph Lundgren.

At least he's not at the bottom with Brian Bosworth and Hulk Hogan.

>Chuck's on the same level as Dolph Lundgren.

Dolph is a god amongst men. He just never got the chance he deserved.

Hey guise, remember me?

This. Soldier is better than it had any right to be.

He had his chances in mainstream stuff like Rocky IV and Universal Soldier.


Both movies he played a mono-toned robot than an actual character that could launch him. Maybe he's just lazy.

Dolph might be the worst actor among all of them, and that's saying something.

Maybe Bruce Willis
Also Chuck Norris is a meme who doesnt deserve to be on the same stage as Arnie and Stalone

Chuck is seriously awful. Go back and watch the movies without nostalgia goggles and see how bad he is.

Jean Claude Van Damme


Remember that time they tried to make Charlie Sheen an action star? This one was actually pretty good.

This but he is level 2, down from Stallone and arn

He sounds like that in every movie, which is exactly why he isn't a big star.


The Dwayne is a fucking joke. I can't believe Arnie passed the torch to him in The Rundown.

No Code of Conduct isn't too bad either

Well nobody is making classic action movies anymore. Look at all the shit Arnold himself has been in lately.

Audience didn't liked your kino:


Where did it go so wrong for him?

The Rookie (1990) may be one of Clint Eastwood's low-income flicks, but that car chase sequence was based.


Damn autocorrect.

Clearly Van Damme. And as others have been said, Norris should be replaced with either Seagal or Lundgren.

>tfw Van Damme's daughter is /fit/ as hell and can also do the split

Yeah, I also expected much worse when I said a few years ago. I especially liked that it wasn't cheesy despite the topic.

Seagal does not deserve a place.


It's got Zodiac Motherfucker's NOT OPTIONAL seal of approval.

Van damn in Universal Soldier

Let's be honest, both doing the same crap for decades. What Lundgren certainly has above Seagal is Rocky, Universal Soldier and maybe Expandables, but that doesn't mean his acting skills wouldn't be similarly jackshit.

Also, Seagal has much more straight-to-DVD stuff (and Lawman was one of the most ridiculous TV show I've ever seen) while it seems Lundgren is at least trying to broaden his horizon a little bit in the past few years.

So I can be convinced that the Swedish guy deserves to be there from the two, even if ultimately, I still don't feel that much of a difference between them.

Seagal was a pretty big deal in the early 90s. I legitimately like Under Siege 1&2. Dolph hasn't made a single good movie where he was the headliner. Dolph has never been a big deal and it's laughable to put him above or on the same tier as Seagal.

Van Damme then Steven Seagal

Bruce Willis only did Die Hard, they tried turning him into an adventure (not action) star afterward ie: Hudson Hawk
During that era he was still mostly riding the Moon Lighting wave

The DEFINITIVE 80s/90s Action Star Tiers:
>1 - Arnold Schwarzenegger & Sylvester Stallone
>2 - Bruce Willis & Kurt Russell
>3 - Steven Seagal & JCVD
>4 - Chuck Norris & Dolph Lundgren
>5 - Brian Bosworth & Michael Dudikoff

This cannot be denied.

You guys looking for trouble?
I don't want any, just passing by.

This thread is about action stars, not martial artists.

>no mel gibson

I love Mel, but I don't consider him a Seagal-type action star.

>2. - Bruce Willis & Kurt Russell

These were adventure/drama/do whatever stars. Action wasn't their forte. Adventure would be a toned down, hijinks "family" version of an action movie. Like a treasure themed movie for instance, you know like Indiana Jones, Pirates of the Caribbean, Jurassic Park, Tomb Raider and so on

They aren't action stars, they don't qualify as bad asses

when he banged his ugly ass maid instead of the literally millions of cardio bunnies that would've let him terminate their asses

While I agree that Kurt probably doesn't belong, the first 3 Die Hards and the Last Boy Scout are pretty hard R actioners. Bruce belongs.

Arnie and Stallone tried to branch out into comedy and drama many times.

Bottom one looks like fucking Kano.

Kurt Russel, Bruce Willis, Jean Claude Van Damme, etc.

His movies started getting shittier and shittier after 2000
