Why are they so based?
Why are they so based?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Wears hat indoors
Why do americans do this?
because they're Jewish
And fucking stay there.
they aren't
>complain about "liberal" wallstreet journal not doing enough research
>have to delete said video because didn't do enough research
Jews are so smart!
It was much better when thy were in Israel, the videos we're more organic.
Also miss regular iDubbbz videos, he doesn't post anymore
A beanie is passable inside, as it provides warmth to the head, many bald people like them. A hat however is designed to shade the sun. There is no sun indoors, there is no reason to wear one.
Why do you care, anyway?
>every video is about nothing
>no jokes
>no quips
why do people like these kikes
if jews are only successful because of nepotism how do you explain the fact that they dominate youtube?
Don't think you're watching the same channel if you can't find any quips
sorry guys be we do not make 10k a vido anymore so we are going to stop posting them its not whort oure time to work for 3k a video.
Fucking jews man.
It feels like they copy the common Reddit opinion and just make a video of it. It's nothing special, they just present a common opinion but flesh it out through scripting. Nothing particularly hard desu
What happened with their lawsuit?
>Why do you care, anyway?
I was just wondering, it seems strange to me. Since they are inside, shouldn't it be warm enough? If it is warmth they want, why not put on a jacket and gloves, etc?
What if you just got a cold head, eh?
who are these people
they wear shoes indoors too
new additions to OP's friends simulator
Kys you autist
They're friend simulators for shut in autists.
He still wasn't wrong.
I can agree, this is autistic.
But having the Japanese thing where you leave your shoes by the door is autistic also.
did idubbz say he was taking a break?
all they do is make boring shit videos about "youtube drama"
I don't know why you think that.
I unironically do that
does that make me an autist?
>On March 24, 2008, in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood of Hebron, Abdel Fattah al-Sharif, a Palestinian assailant who stabbed an Israeli soldier, was shot, wounded and "neutralized",[1] then was shot again, in the head, and killed a few minutes later, as he lay wounded on the ground by Hila Hakmon, an Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) soldier. Hila was arrested and the Israeli Military Police opened an investigation against her for murder, however no charges were pursued.[2]
They look like a couple of evil, neglectful parents who gave their kid up for adoption, then would try to get back into the kids life if the kid ever got rich and famous.
>"nyeeeh we're your real parents, nyeh nyeeh! Nyeeh we need money, nyeehhhh"
Can totally see it.
post /skinny/ ethan
I dont believe that anyone who was indoors got a cold head.
>we've literally made millions off of our unscripted videos devoid of any production values but we need YOUR money to continue, goyim!
Why does aritap complain about Sup Forums then spam this shit?
Thier video's are so boring now. Ethan is using the same tired jokes over and over. I don't think he even does skits anymore.
he made a few genuinely funny videos back in the day and is just riding on the success of those
all his videos of the past year or so were nothing but masturbatory e-celeb garbage
>hey guys we are so popular we make vlogs about our how popular we are
>hey guys we are so popular we can talk to other popular people
>hey guys, remember what made us popular?
>hey guys, as we are so popular, this is something we noticed happens to popular people
>hey guys, we are so popular, we are now a serious news channel
>start off making funny reaction videos
>slowly but surely realise the shtick is getting old and the views are dropping
>start meeting the people you used to rip on and pretend to be best pals with them
>start making stupid skits where you use the same joke over and over for 15 minutes (haha vape nation y'all xD)
>start critising youtube when they do dumb shit, then forgiving them a day later because you would hate to lose your shekels, rinse wash and repeat
>show eventually becomes "h-hey look its my guest of the week from [insert retarded unfunny youtube channel here]! wowee, collaborations are sure to make us more money!"
also he was much funnier before his yid wife with no personality was in front of the camera
No we dont.
you have 5 hours to describe her personality
hard mode: without using "shy" or "timid"
he's catching raccoons or something.
Easy way to spot nogs and liberals.
They're literally going to popular subreddits and reading the top posts these days.
>They're too afraid to rip on people anymore
>They've made amends/friends with nearly everyone they've ripped on in the past to the point that everything feels incredibly staged now
>Spend half their time doing unfunny shit and forcing memes like Vape Nation.
>Spend the other half of their time either complaining about how hard their life is or how blessed they are to have the life they have
>Have failed to make anything genuinely funny is over a year or two
>But having the Japanese thing where you leave your shoes by the door is autistic also
would you rather leave your jordan by the door outside and let Tyrone steal it at night?
Gotta love seeing mentally impaired retards like you, that got them this far to begin with, complaining about it after.
Anyone who watches this kind of cancer on youtube is subhuman.
>this is a 10/10 in america
Hungry skeleton is a personality, isn't it?
>not bringing dogshit and crack residue into your living area is autistic
stop watching this kike and giving him views
basically you're a fucking retarded goy
This tbqhwyg
Their old stuff was good, but then they got too big too quickly. Now it's just not entertaining to watch.
no I think I'll stay jewish demon
Ethan lost his edge more than a year ago. I used to think his videos were hysterical, now I barely get one single laugh out of each 10+ minute addition. And I want to laugh. They're just not funny.
Hila being in front of the camera was a huge mistake too. She's really boring and not funny at all. They're coasting on their culty fanbase at this point. Easy to blind yourself to how lazy you've become when you have a subreddit full of thousands of autistic devotees that evangelize every turd you shit out onto your channel.
Have you ever been to their subreddit? Jesus, it's nauseating. Literally every unfunny thing they do is instantly adopted as the funniest shit ever and circlejerked to hell and back.
There's not a drop of criticism, warranted or otherwise. It's no wonder Ethan has such an inflated ego, everything he's doing is greeted with millions of views and praised by over 200k people in his own personal echo chamber.
Get a life
Extremely hit and miss, and becoming progressively worse with each ironic "LE CRINGE XD *cough*" video.
Earlier stuff was pretty funny even though its nothing special.
You're weird
Really hope they lose that case, it'll put an end to e-celeb culture
Reminder Ethan thinks black people are the most creative people in the world and make the best art.
I watch h3h3 for Hila. My god she makes me hard.
someone post the Libera flags
Get the fuck out of here
They're not really my kind of thing. I don't really get anything out of someone just saying stuff as a video happens, unless it's a DVD commentary or something where someone involved in a production can shed more light on it.
But he doesn't seem to hurt anyone or incite violence or hatred, and people enjoy his stuff, so it's fine.
Well, you're very unique and interesting person. I'd read a book about you
She is....... Liam Neeson?