[Deckard being a Replicant] was always my thesis theory. I remember someone had said, "well isn't it corny?" I said "Listen, I'll be the best fucking judge of that. I'm the director okay? So and that you know, you know, by then I'm 44 so I'm not fucking chicken. I'm the very experienced director from commercials, and The Duellists and Alien so I'm able to you know, answer that with confidence at the time and say you know "Back off, it's what it's gonna be." I think Harrison was going "Uh, I don't know about that." I said "But you have to be. Because Gaff who leaves a trail of origami everywhere, will leave you a little piece of origami at the end of the movie to say 'I've been here, I left her alive and I can't resist letting you know what's in your most private thoughts when you get drunk as a fucking unicorn.'" Right? So I love Beavis and Butt-Head so what should follow that is goth so now it will be revealed in the sequel one way or the other.
-Ridley Scott 2017
I'll Be The Best Fucking Judge Of That. I'm The Director
Movie is fucking trash
>dude nothing happens lol so deep xD lmao
The thing about Ridley Scott is as a cinematographer he is one of the ebst but he knows dick about good storytelling so his movies either float or sink based on the hard work those around him put in, not the judgement of him as director.
Your mother is trash and so are you
swear to god this movie better not fucking suck. Was hoping that alien cov, and ghost in shell would give me my sci-fi fix for this year but god dam, its like the words storytelling and sci-fi can't go together.
prometheus gets alot of shit because of how fucking awful its story was, but ridley managed to create a work of art with its ost and cinematography. I knew alien was going to be shit but I'm baffled with how he fucked up the ost and cine.
I don't get it, what's wrong with him? He did not write the original story of Blade Runner, nor that of Alien, does he feel like the father of them or what?
the rlmlet strikes again
Of course it's going to suck. Philip K. Dick has been dead for 35 years and anything the first Blade Runner changed from the book was the film's weakest points. Now we have a sequel entirely made by Hollywood hacks so it will be nonsensical shit that thinks it's smarter than it is, you know like Prometheus but moreso.
incidentally, some hack writer already made a Blade Runner sequel. It's weird because it's a book that's not a sequel to the book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep but rather a sequel to the movie Blade Runner. I remember reading it in Highschool and it was shit. I don't think the movie sequel is based on this though?
He's gone full George Lucas.
Fucking hilarious
he made great films because he had a great team. all his hallmark movies took his strength and the strengths of others. but when he's left in charge of all the roles, everything turns to shit because there's no one there to cover for his weaknesses.
Yes, just like George Lucas. Someone who gets delusions of grandeur that his success was all a result of his sole auteur vision rather than collaborative effort.
No chance it will be good. When's the last sequel/remake/prequel etc. of a classic movie was good? Right--never. Having a competent director and cinematographer mean little, especially since the trailer has already revealed that it's an uninspired retread of the original aesthetically, tonally, and with some cringey old-"man" former detective running around.
It's a cash grab and something for a bunch of assholes (Gosling, Villenueve, etc.) to put on their resumes. It's not an artistic smart work that people care about.
Deckard being a replicant completely fucking ruins the ending and makes the whole movie pointless, this is why I reject him being one simply because I just don't want to ruin the film
And--there's gonna be some awkward completely unnecessary exposition too, because modern audiences need it, and Villenueve can't pull this sort of thing off without it (similar to Nolan). So it'll be that much worse.
The very fact that they are making a sequel confirms hes not a replicant because if he was he would be dead by now.
>there's gonna be some awkward completely unnecessary exposition too
Wouldn't it be amazing if the studio interfered again and made Ryan Gosling record an expository inner monologue like the first theatrical release?
No no no he's a special long life replicant that also ages because Scott said so
Enjoy your stay, reddit tourist!
they'll just make up some stupid explanation. You're naive to think people won't throw logic and reasonableness straight our the window as soon as it suits them.
What about the reference with Beeves and butthead? I don't understand
OP here, I don't either but that's what he said. Some leap in logic from his mind that he didn't articulate very well I suppose.
reddit loves Blade Runner, you obvious reddituser
Well clearly you would know reddit-boy
Ghost in the Shell was good, though.
I didn't end up seeing it in theatres. Not that I gave a shit about the casting but I had strong reservations that again whatever changes they made from the source material would be to its detriment. I'll probably check it out when it hits streaming services though.
He IS the best fucking judge of that. He's the director.