What's your favorite show that nobody else watches?
What's your favorite show that nobody else watches?
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How does this compare to The Wire?
Turn is amazing. Thumbs up to you, OP.
I seem to be the only one mentioning it. The character fits with Billy Bob's personality.
Spooks, it's like a British version of 24 with a massive budget and it was very popular at the time and there was even a movie a couple of years ago but I've not seen it discussed here before, even in operator threads.
Has anyone else watched this?
Game of Thrones
Orphan Black
The Sandbaggers
Red Oaks
The Kino nobody watched
Rectify was amazing
I still don't understand how that didn't get popular yet Duestchland 83 did.
>people posting shows that aren't even airing
Legit this last season is probably my favorite so far and we're only 4 episodes in. Great choice OP.
>Watching modern TV shows
Watched this. It's pure shit.
I enjoyed it but mostly because of Billy Bob.
Oh shit. I remember when this came out. Was sure I was going to watch. Then just forgot about it. So it's only one season? Is it worth the time since it's canceled?
Quarry season 1 is the best television in recent memory
Pic related when it was still on
Angie Tribeca
tumblr the show
But none of you fags watched it, so it got canceled after only one season of just six episodes...
>In June 2017, failure to reach agreement between ITV and Lynda La Plante which resulted in the series not being renewed for a second series, despite high ratings for the first.[8]
Law and Order: SVU
Good pick, user. I really wish they would've renewed it for season two. Fuck Cinemax.
Everybody's mother watched that. Show us your tits love.
>Pirate show despite it having low viewership to begin with
>Cry when show isn't renewed
Fringe back when it was on.
We had loads of Fringe threads when it was airing though, even live viewing threads that hit the bump limit.
Didn't pirate it, asshat. I watched the entirety of the first season on demand.
I didn't really browse Sup Forums that much back however many years ago that was. Even if I did, none of my friends ever watched it.
Is Fringe worth watching? I need a good sci-fi show for the summer. Was either debating that or Babylon 5 or The Next Generation.
lovin this show
What's that?
It depends what you like, it's a kind of modern X-Files with a lot more coherent main storyline, it starts out very procedural but shifts towards the story more as the show goes along, it probably won't take you all summer to watch though so you should start up Star Trek too. Definitely recommended though, these are my top 5 TV shows of all time:
>1. Battlestar Galactica (Remake)
>2. Person of Interest
>3. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
>4. Fringe
>5. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
your mom washing dishes
That still doesn't help viewership
Marco polo. I know it's not that good, but it has everything I like.
As cheesy and soap-y as it was, the set designs and overall production values were pretty insane for a 10pm show. Fuck NBC for giving it a Friday timeslot
Any show that involves living in the middle of nowhere in Canada. There are 10 fucking seasons of Heartland. How exactly does a show about a teenage girl moving to the prairies of Alberta still be about a teenage girl living in the prairies of Alberta 10 years later? I am still baffled this show is still running. It's even renewed for another season.
Nobody watches it because Nathan is taking forever with the newest season. I have faith though, he's never let me down before.
Agreed. Plus, the tits on that blond chick.
They shouldn't have killed her off.
My nigga. I really miss this show.
I'm tempted to watch it since it is directed by Knauf and I loved Carnivale but modern day versions of classic novels never tender to end respectably well, case in point see Sherlock. H
Serie Noire is a surprisingly good Quebecois show about two television writers who do a season of a police procedural that is popular but critics think it's garbage. In an effort to make the second season better, one of the writers starts actually trying out ideas in real life, including getting wrapped up in a real organized crime racket.
It's a solid dark comedy and it fucking amazes me that anything with any sort of merit actually managed to come out of quebec.
Obviously you'll be let down it if you expect it to be on the same level of an HBO show. Thankfully it never pretends to be anything but a soapy show that's pleasing to the eyes, from the very first episode.
The Scream tv show. Although only the first season was any good. They changed the showrunners and season 2 was way more high school drama than killing. And season 3 is going to be a brand new cast/story with muh diversity (the majority of the original cast was white).
So I'm dropping it if Bex Taylor-Klaus isn't there anymore.
less action-heavy, probably less dark on the whole. just a bunch of fairly normal trying to unfuck their lives without losing their identities in the process.
Went to absolute shit with the 4th season.
I can't stand the shits that are Ragnar's sons especially the cripple who they focus on the most.
Season 1 was a lot of fun. Season 2 was easy to predict.
It's a pretty good show but not many folks watch any of the Amazon originals.
top-tier cringe kino
The Americans
Halt & Catch Fire
Man Seeking Woman (RIP)
The Son
Turn has one of the best villains in modern tv
The Last Ship has a top shelf jewfu.
daily reminder that jarl borg did nothing wrong
I just finished the office and westworld...what does Sup Forums recommend I try next?
I've seen:
>Breaking Bad
I was thinking house of cards...any suggestions?
Waifus and nice set design
You haven't seen The Wire?
That was surprisingly good. Also Francesca was a qt.
haven't seen it, i've heard it referenced a lot i thought it was just a meme
Would Boardwalk Empire count? Almost nobody i know has seen it.
You're the Worst
It's the best HBO series. Season 5 is weak, but the rest is solid television.
Oh ok is House of Cards worth it?
>Man Seeking Woman
season 2 was not as good
It's not a meme, it's one of the best shows ever made. Watch it and Rome before you give House of Cards (an actual meme show) a shot.
Turned to shit when it tried to tackle serious issues in Season 2. Married was better, unironically.
>_< I hope you're trolling bud. i have the biggest kevin spacey boner.
> >_
a yuge kevin spacey fan, dont judge me
>It's the best HBO series
nah, Deadwood and Rome are much better. 3rd place is a toss up between the Wire and Sopranos
Rome season 2 is hot garbage and Deadwood goes to shit after the preacher dies.
Rome season 1 is great, though. The Wire, however, is overall the better show.
House of Cards is shit.
Fastlane, which was like a Michael Bay movie every episode
Season 2 is rushed but certainly still better than most things HBO has put out. I feel bad for you for not being able to appreciate Deadwood properly.
>implying ANYTHING helps "viewership" other than having a nelson box and then hoping the jews extrapolate favorable bullshit statistics out of your data
>Rome season 2 is hot garbage and Deadwood goes to shit after the preacher dies.
You're wrong about both of these opinions. Deadwood picks up when Hearst comes to town
The Booth at the End
I think I'm the only person on Sup Forums that sees some charisma in Momoa
Shit user I loved this show. Season 3 when
>all these /comfy/ fags and no talk about this show
Funny how quickly Sup Forums forgot this show. Of course, one of our posters was probably responsible for the show being cancelled.
>Of course, one of our posters was probably responsible for the show being cancelled.
Why's that?
He carries the show for a while, but Robin Wright torpedoes the show and hogs more and more spotlight later on which ruins the show.
i need a download
>Over on the bowels of Sup Forums, there’s a regular commenter who goes by the name of “Scriptf*g,” who works on Boardwalk Empire and has been dropping intel on the show for years. Is he reliable? Well, he’s anonymous, and on Sup Forums, so he has that going against him, but otherwise, over the years, he’s provided a lot of information about upcoming plotlines that no one would know unless they had access to the scripts. The details he offers about certain cast members seem legit. If you go through the last four years of his posts, it’s evident that he has a lot of inside information that could only be known from someone who works on Boardwalk. Some of those stories — especially about Michael Pitt and crazypants Paz de la Huerta — are fantastic.
I watched that.
"member the lesbian club episode dude?
Shows directed by Paul Fenech
To be fair, thats the kind of character he was born to embody.
every single one of my normie frends have not seen this show.
I really like this show.
I really liked season 2 of Married and was bummed when it got canceled, but You're the Worst is definitely the better show. Seasons 1 and 2 of YtW were excellent and it was one of the best shows on TV during that span. Season 3 was good still but it definitely dropped off in quality a little bit.