Have you seen this...dude?
turns out she's a he
Gotham star Donal Logue's daughter Jade has gone missing
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Woah poor guy, hope she comes back safe. Must be awful for her family
>nose ring
>male with nose ring
failure as a parent
It's a girl you mong
>treat your children like shit
>they fuck off
Seems like she ran away due to mental problems.
Has he checked in the ceiling?
if anyone has any information regarding the whereabouts of this freak, please keep it to yourself for the sake of the parents
She's a big girl, I'm sure she can look after herself
maybe if he got his son help when he started exhibiting mental health issues instead of encouraging it.
Wtf are you on about? She's not trans you retards
>Making the situation even more dangerous is the fact that Jade is transgender, a group of people who disproportionately fall victim to violent hate crimes.
>Jade Logue (born Arlo)
>6'2" 180 pound tranny
What an ugly girl. No wonder she's doing shit like this
>6'2", 180 pounds
Why the fuck would someone with that build ever consider becoming a tranny
I feel so bad for the dad. He seems really cool and now he's got him
It's truly some riddler shit.
>prime body to become a pusy slaying chad
>becomes tranny
life is truly unfair
sucks. i like donal logue as an actor, even though he spells his first name in a way that dishonors Daddy
How would a tall guy like that ever go missing?
She's a big guy
for you
it's because trannism is a mental illness
Thoughts on how long before his body is discovered in a dumpster?
I hope he/she/they/whateverthefuck is found ok :(
I knew a person that went missing and was never found and even though I didn't know her that well just thinking about her was awful. When you don't know if she's still out there or dead and all the questions that come up. I can't imagine how that would be for someone close to them.
He probably just ran away and is living in some crusty antifa squat now.
Nice teamwork there lads
so wtf is going on with this thing? Is it a tranny or
I can post here and still have empathy right? Or is that not allowed?
You must be new.
Sup Forumsedditors get triggered whenever anyone here displays empathy for other human beans.
It isn't.
Its because everyone here is under 18 and being edgy.
She made a post on her tumblr about how her parents abused her so she probably ran away for her own safety
Wrong I'm 26 and still act like an edgelord
Proofs? What's his tumblr?
No I've been here for a few years. I'm sorry I ruined your perfect website. How may I make it up to you? Would you like me to say nice things about you?
Wait I miss read your post. You seemed to be in agreement with me.
this user is not the same as this user newfag
Cincinnati Reds pitcher chinko mcdinko
It's possible to leave parents without being drama queer. She could just told them that she left them and will be alright
wood desu
his daughter is carl from the walking dead?