Which actor/actress would you most like to go on a dewy afternoon walk with?

Which actor/actress would you most like to go on a dewy afternoon walk with?

>mfw I'm attractive and interesting enough to have a relationship with Amber Heard but my social position is lacking



Taylor Swift

God damn it! I fucking love Taylor Swift so much I physically feel ill knowing I will never be with her!

invest in cryptos. Go to /biz/ for more info

>I'm very, very interesting
>I post cartoon pictures on the television and film section of a Mongolian Grill Forum

At least 10 miles

Jessi. She's such an outdoorsy type it would be fun.

>mfw we'd probably have nothing in common


I'd rather go on a misty morning walk to be honest

Aw boohoo you're thirsty? You can have your water back when the hikes over. 9 miles to go, let's see some hustle.


You can't invest in a fucking currency. Its not a company. You aren't giving them money.

Cryptocurrency is low yield anyways.


Aren't we all.

Her. I'd take her deep into the secluded wilderness and proceed to rape and murder her.

I got some bad news for you...

And pass me the sandwich too!

>going on walks
Do people actually do this? What is the point?

my waifu :D


what ATKGirlfriends episode is this


t. no coiner cuck


Try it sometime, you might be suprised


>tfw no gal gadot gf

I'll take miscarriages for 500 Alex


I didn't think I could feel any lonelier,
I was wrong

they dont use carriages in swimming

you're gay anyway

>tfw I know that feeling, user.

I'm sorry.

What is with this attention whoring shit and why do people fall for it? No wonder Sup Forums hates this dumbass board.

>I will never experience this

go back

Oy vey! I, too, love Gal Gadot!

>if you're not a homosexual like me you must be a jew!