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>"Why, every man at court has heard him tell how he took your maidenhead, my lady."
Why the fuck did Littlefinger think this was a good idea?

First for best Brandon Stark

is that Cat or Lysa

or both?

thats ned

>bringing back Sean Bean to play Brandon

I'm okay with this

It was Sean Bean's stunt man who played Brandon

speaking the truth isn't ever a bad idea.

Cersei did nothing wrong if we're being honest here

you know who did something wrong, Ellaria that fucking cunt.

he was wasted drunk when it happened and believed it was cat. it was lysa thought but little finger believes it was catelyn.

my brain unconsciously shut off hype for GoT for my own protection for having to wait a year+ for it to start and I wasn't following it, and I just realized it starts in like 2 weeks

>be Unsullied
>get castrated
>kill a baby to get my shield
>get freed by Mary Sue of Dragons
>patrol mereen
>fight a bunch of rich pansies with kitchen knifes
>get completely murdered, along with Barriston Selmy and Grey Worm
>cut to Dorne
>muh women power
>cringeworthy fight scenes
>cut to stannis burning his daughter he saved from greyscale after Ramsay justed him with A Few Good Men

Why is Season 5 such shit?

I mean why did he think it was a good idea to tell the whole court about it.
>brandon in his 50s

>we will never see Brendan
>we will never see Stannis save the North
>We will never see Sansa get hers
>Fans own the series now

It's a dark world

holy fuck Modern Day President Donald Trump noticed us!

>D&D in charge of writing

are you trolling? i dont remember this at all

>Barristan Selmy wanders off alone into a city full of insurgents without any armour because "Sing for them Barristan"
God just fuck D&D

Wasn't it dropped after like s1e1?

>Littlefinger is a cuck who think he cucked Ned/Brandon


I think it was one of the very brief flashes Bran got last season

He ditched his Kingsguard armor, yes, but for some reason never bothered to get a new set together while in service to Dany and wore shitty rags until his death by kitchen knife.
This especially bothers me because in the source material D&D is shitting on, Selmy is still trouncing everyone he comes across because of his armor.

They completely ditched this kind of props seasons ago.

You can see Dayne who had his legendary sword and armor and it a piece of tinfoil and a stock sword with a paper sticker.


No it wasn't dope
It's from the original unaired pilot that D&D won't let anyone see


Who is arguing that Bran is not an heir?

the* heir
none of the other starks have that description under their name

Sansatards/sophiefags who unironically post here

Don't worry, we sent them back to tumblr where they belong.

pic doesn't say the* friend

stop playing stupid, sansatard

theres only one heir at a time dummy


People romanticizing Rheagar and Lyanna trigger me. They were both selfish dicks who got their families killed and hurt people who loved them.

>I know you almost died while giving birth to my kids, and that you were willing to risk it for my happiness, but fuck you bitch! You and the kids have fun with my crazy dad.
>Hey, Lyanna. My dad tortured and killed your father and brother because we ran away together without letting anyone know you're okay, and now your other brother and betrothed are like starting a war or something. Anyway, I gotta go and fight on my insane father's side to kill them and stand behind my father's disregard of law. Later babe.
>>Bye baby, good luck!
>>Oh boy, I sure hope he kills that awful brute Robert. He'd cheat on me for sure, not like my gallant, married, father of two kids. He'd never do something like that to a woman.

I'm glad they're dead. I hope it fucking hurt.

1st for Queen Daenerys "Stormborn" Targaryen, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, Mother of Dragons, and Protector of the Realm.

>There can only be one king
>Everyone and their mom is king and queen
Looks like the world is more complicated than ur appendix

>being this asspained that grrm himself blew you the fuck out

Pay the Iron Price is such a good song.

I bet it plays while Yara's ships burn and Euron beats and captures her and Theon goes limp and jumps ship

Whats up with your attention span hombre?

this kills the sandrawhale

>wtf inheritence doesnt matter, it only matters when we're talking about jon and the iron throne

it's weird how ned somehow seems to remember her so fondly

>some starkshit has a better claim than a targaryen
in ur dreams treeboy

>heir to the north
>the north
why do you fight what grrm has explicitly told you is true? its his words, not mine

>this kills the sandrawhale
>this makes the jontard ecstatic

I'm not sure how this is a good thing.

ironically sansatards are exactly the same way
jonfags and sansatards are one and the same, they should go fuck off together straight into the sun

All of Westeros is Targ clay and starkshits better realize

once again, grrm's words, not mine :^)

Ramsay had the right idea, lock em in a tower so they can only hurt themselves not everyfuckingperson in westeros.

Is that appendix meant to be your shield, starkshit?

watching your arguments devolve into just desperate shitposting over the course of your conversation is pretty entertaining

what did they do with rhaegar corpse after the kill? bury him, let him rot there because robert mad as fuck?

canon is canon, sorry i dont make the rules, take it up with grrm

how could he hurt her?

Word of God says they cremated Rhaegar like they do all the Targs

I think GRRM has said they burned the corpse. So no 'rhaegar is alive' bullshit.

And Jon being named king isn't canon?

>durr english how work do

its not me youre arguing with user, its grrm

Could be a Stannis sort of thing. Grieving for the girl she was, not the woman she'd become.

The only way to redeem Lyanna is for it to come out that she tried to leave once her brother was captured, but was prevented to by Rheagar, and that things really did get rapey in there. As for Rhaegar, make him a prophecy obsessed loon. Sure, he was doing awful shit, but at least he was doing it for the greater good.

>As for Rhaegar, make him a prophecy obsessed loon.
I think this is basically already canon.

Robert probably hate-fucked it and put the semen and blood encrusted corpse on display while gloating how tight his boipucci was.

memed it into reality

Probably. But many people seem to think he eloped with Lyanna for love, and not for any higher aspirations.

>I wonder if Westeros will name several kings since Martin lists them as kings in the appendix

>Littlefinger walks down the crypts of Winterfell and sees Jon Snow lighting candles of the graves
>Jon Snow lights Lyanna's candle
>we see a flashback of the tournament
>Lyanna is crowned queen of love and beauty
>we see a young littlefinger intrigued by the gesture
>Littlefinger follow Rhaegar Targaryen as he slips away in the night of the tourney
>Littlefinger hides behind a tree as he witnesses Rhaegar and Lyanna make love at in the middle of the woods
>scene cuts to a shocked Young Littlefinger's face illuminated by moonlight
>cut back to pic related and Littlefinger's face is now illuminated by Lyanna's candle (pic related) as he is watching Jon Snow pick up a very dry and old blue rose

moar leaks pls!

i only see one king in the north and one heir to the north. flop

And these kings are THE* king, starkshits! ;)


which book is this from

note the the* friend

yeah, THE king in the north, as in, hes the only king in the north
your point being what

But the appendix! Forget the plot! Martin has spoken! With his appendix! Canon!

The appendix of a book where multiple kings were fighting each other? Would you like to make an actual point already or just keep shouting nonsense and hoping something sticks

A Clash of Kings

you know the op image is from book 5 right

You quoted an appendix of book where Bran is a forgotten treeboy, context matters more than appendixes friend

The context is bran is the true heir to the north, what are you having an issue with

are you having a stroke m8

what would you say to them if you had the chance


00:01:24,480 --> 00:01:29,463

The King's going to be there

Everybody is going, Father

Take me aswell

00:01:34,073 --> 00:01:39,562

Why is Ned going?

This is unfair.

00:01:43,523 --> 00:01:47,579

Hush now, Benjen

Ned is of age.

00:01:52,223 --> 00:01:58,119

But Lyanna isn't

00:02:07,218 --> 00:02:11,231

You can't joust, Ben

You're too little

00:02:15,017 --> 00:02:21,112

Shut it, macumber!

Lyanna just wants to see the prince is all

00:02:23,866 --> 00:02:28,769

Aye, I want to see if he's as dashing as they say

-Thats enough, Lyanna

They say the prince loved singing

00:02:31,254 --> 00:02:34,112

poor robert

-as it would be if i were a fair maiden


00:02:38,673 --> 00:02:42,124

Besides, tourneys bore me


00:02:44,126 --> 00:02:47,151

Enough of this!

Wylis, take these to the stables


>muh dragons

ur right, maybe i should go meditate under a tree at the north pole for an eternity meanwhile holding a claim for the north in which everyone thinks i'm dead

the appendices are written from an third person omniscient authors POV which describes the objective facts of who every character is. Pal I hate to say this but if you can't even comprehend that simple concept I think this series might be a little above your comprehension level.

Yeah, guess I'll have to kneel to all five kings since they are all objectively kings

garbage fanfic

>Jon Snow hears from an unknown source that Baelish is the reason why Ned Stark died and is preparing to prosecute him
>Sansa warns Littlefinger and asks him to prepare his men and that Jon is out to get him
>Sansa however tells Peter that she knows that Peter is the reason for all her misfortune, but spares him for all the things he did for her
>A maester then warns Baelish not to trust Sansa
>Littlefinger prepares to leave winterfell with the knights of the vale
>Jon Snow corners them
>Vale vs North skirmish
>Littlefinger escapes in a nearby carriage
>sees Sansa outside Winterfell wanting to go with him
>Littlefinger asks for the carriage to stop and fetches Sansa
>they walk toward the carriage
>Sansa is behind Littlefinger
>she wraps her arms around his neck and a valyrian dagger to his throat
>"I did warn you not to trust her"
>Sansa pulls out her face
>its fucking Arya all along


You're not making any sense. This is from three books ago. Historically the starks ruled the kingdom of the north and in an independently ruled north Bran would be the heir. What is your deal, I don't feel like you've made a coherent point in this entire thread. Though I guess you've just been trolling the entire time, and if thats the case, job well done

Also the plot of the book you keep referencing was literally addressing the issue you keep complaining about, nobody said having 5 kings is normal....its almost like... they were fighting a war over it... or something

>eeew Jaime and Cersei are so gross, what they're doing is so wrong
>omg yeah Jon and Khaleesi are together now !

as long as you get the Good Guy paint job literally nothing you do can be considered wrong

Bran is only the* heir to Martin in the appendix. The north thinks he's dead and names Jon the* heir. There are now multiple canon heirs of the North. Bran is now an heir and the appendix will not save him. Nor did the appendix in Clash save the five kings.

Normies have wanted jonerys for years they won't care that they are related
Kit and emilia just look verry good together

Bran is the heir to the north

NCW and Lena are much hotter though.

Superior ship comin thru

bran never stopped being the true heir just because people thought he was dead

jontard do you even realize your own argument can be used against you as a reason why dany is the true heir to the iron throne and not him