/who/ - Doctor Who General: Simm Eye Liner edition
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>nardole wont wife that qt milf because he's a stuck up little prig
Character dropped.
so where the fuck are the two puddles going
Yeah, what was thst eye liner scene about? Practicing for when he's a woman?
>implying he didn't
He's not going anywhere obviously.
faggot thread is faggot.
If Bill had any sense they're going straight back to the ship to get Nardole and the others off.
to explore the universe
To meet up with Clala and Mee to have a lesbian 4some.
They are siccsoring each other in space
Simm looks like Simon Pegg.
No idea lol
>yfw a new Doctor will be telling us to subscribe to the official Doctor Who Youtube channel
If they don't bring back Simm for series 11, then what a waste, he's clearly up for it, and he makes the show better by his mere presence he deserves 1 more story I think.
When is the Doctor going to have a companion that doesn't become an immortal space traveler?
Martha Jones
Donna Noble
Amy and Rory
Christmas companions except for maybe Michelle Ryan
fuck, even Adam
*sips /who/ tears*
Why does simm love wheelchairs?
Holy crap this. Moffat was allergic to killing off characters. Hopefully Chibnall does better.
People are saying that because 12 said ''I don't want to go' that it is hinting Tennant will be 13 kek.
didn't Missy stab him? It's a shame they didn't show the regeneration.
>both TARDISes are gone
>Nardole and the Mondasians are stuck on that ship with thousands of Cybermen who are getting more advanced every day
>they don't even have as much time because they're on a lower floor
>Nardole's probably the only adult male that survived, and he's not human
he's into BDSM
Doctor to
The inheritors I had in mind were Hinchcliffe and Holmes.
Why do they think this is supposed to offend me? I am smarter than SJW cucks.
You guys like my name?
That episode was way too dark. Very inappropriate for younger audiences who have the right to watch tv at that time frame. Here's hoping chibnall tones down on the violence. I think even showing the Cybermen getting shot was a bit too much. Moffat forgets this is a kids show sometimes. Also the use of ''arse'' was extremely uncalled for.
In that case, perhaps things were different then
In the current year, doctor who showrunners are treated as people with their own creative direction rather than just simply a duty to continue the show as is
So what happens now, lads?
Missy said bitch last week
no mention of the erection joke in your soccer mum rant?
back to GallifreyBase, granddad
I also thought it was too dark. More than one negro in an episode is too many.
I hope the special brings back Clara, Me, Bill and Puddle Lady, and begins with ten minutes of the four of them fucking, covered in baby oil.
get back in your ditch Mary Whitehouse
First Doctor calls 12 a Bitch. 12 decides it's ok to regenerate, and so does 1. Then they both go off to regenerate.
Can somebody photoshop the Master/Missy onto this?
I also thought it was too dark, talalay needs to cool it with the day-for-night shit
there's quite clearly a backlight behind capaldi yet it's visually a dark blue. Shit's juvenile
Knowing the Master he could have managed to retain his Simm form and Missy is a couple regenerations ahead of him.
Shite, probably. Once again, Moffat drops a surprising, iconic twist, thinks of nowhere to go with it, but decides to just plough grimly on, eyeing his daily word count.
was anyone watching with any normies?
I was watching with my granddad who thought Bradley was the original actor and asked how old he is now
More creamy memies
Why do people slamming John Simm into walls?
Did you not watch any of RTDs run? There was worse than this in most episodes. People usually bash moffat for there not being as many deaths.
bitch and bloody were all used in RTDs series. Even prostitute, obviously not a swear word but I was surprised to hear it when I recently re-watched The End of The World.
I thought the whole "don't cremate me" thing was pretty dark though.
>watching tv with other people
No, if you look at the period I'm talking about, it's very clear that the people running the show at the time were expected to have their own creative direction - any comparison of Letts and Dicks' approach and that of Hinchcliffe and Holmes makes that quite evident.
the console better be fucking white
>not wanting to slam John Simm into the wall
Rory got to be immortal for a while.
kek. not bad for a namefag
he didn't leave the show immortal, though
sorry user
moff conveniently had a faithful recreation of the first interior made two years ago
it could have been pulled apart but it's also possible moff asked them to keep it around for a time so he could use it again, like they did with the coral tardis interior so it showed up in series 6
Ya why not kill one off or i dont know habe them go back about their normal lives they did it in classic who all the time
Hallucination theorists BTFO. it's 1 during the third episode of the Tenth Planet when he fucked off for a while. Both Incarnations of their first cycles refusing to regenerate and helping one another overcome their stigma. Utter Kino.
Is Adric the only companion to have a proper, permanent death on screen?
Matt Smith is literally the best Doctor this can't be disputed.
adric's death wasn't on screen
we didn't see his body break apart from the explosion
I didn't think I was gonna laugh this hard but I did
you'll go places here, m8, welcome aboard
I think now he's nearly at the finish line, I can put this in the past tense - why did Moffat waste so much screentime trying to sell DVDs of classic Doctor Who? No normal child would be able to stand the creakiness of it, and being forced to regard it as somehow essential to the current run might put them off the show altogether. Doctor Who is really two different series, and even the earlier years of the current one are showing their age now. Constantly making callbacks to effectively unwatchable material seems counterproductive - and I say that as someone who prefers classic Who to nu.
Guys... i'm gonna Miss Nardole..
>Hay yous wuvly peopwuls!! Dun' forge' ta tickle dat wike bwutton and subscwibe fa' moor siwwy and wandom docta hoo videas. Hugs and kwisses and have a wibbly wobbly wonderfwal day!! :P
because the only people who still give a shit about this awful show are diehard fans with stockholm syndrome
compare this: youtube.com
to this: youtube.com
how time flies
samefagging while tripfagging is disgusting behavior
That room is far too small, I know that it got that small sometimes but if you're going to recreate it you may as well give it the original season 1 floorspace.
if we ever get another spin off I hope its the Nardie Adventures
Oh true, I forgot about her. Still don't think there's been a real death since Adric.
what's-her-name from Waters of Mars shot herself
Katerina and Sara Kingdom also did.
Not a real companion
Yeah fuck, I need to rewatch the first 3 doctors
He didn't, though. He spends that episode unconscious in the Antarctic base, then gets abducted by the Cybermen.
If she counts then so does Lynda with a Y.
You may have a point there, though I was under the impression they did still have *some* normal viewers.
Can we all agree 12 shouting at the Masters walking away was one of 12's best scenes?
John Simm was the best part of the finale, shame he was so underused
and who the hell was that nurse lady then
Did not manage to watch the episode until about 3 hours ago... still have no idea what the fuck happened to it.
I understand the plot - but it's a complete clusterfuck of insane proportions.
>"She doesn't die. I don't think Doctor Who's that kind of show. Doctor Who is a big hearted, optimistic show, that believes in kindness and love, and that wisdom will triumph in the end. I don't believe it's the kind of show that says there are bitter twisted nasty endings, because it's not. It's not gritty; It's inspirational. It says, "it can work," and wisdom and kindness will triumph and love will always come through in the end. I think there aren't enough people or enough shows saying that, and I'm damned if Doctor Who is going to join in with the general chorus of despair. So she doesn't die, she nearly dies."
I agree with him
> It made him seem like a petty child
> Did not progress the story because both Master's either ignored him or never met him again after this scene
> Felt oddly timed and strange the Doctor would ignore an obvious solution.
13th doctor
>yfw smart engine oil is the most powerful being in the universe
didnt see that coming
So wait, what actually caused the Doctor to regenerate? He was holding it in even before the explosion. Is the theory that he's been holding it back since Oxygen actually true?
tfw the image is so dark and tinted there isn't enough color data for playing with the levels to salvage it
>was in her eye the whole time
>could have just fixed her heart and zipped her back to the top of the ship
>waited until everybody was dead for no reason whatsoever
The Cyberman that zapped him in the beginning of the finale
cyberman attack
Why was Donald Trump inevitable?
Are any of you guys drawfags?
Has the Doctor ever mentioned a contemporary politician like that before?
Well he was saying cybermen evolve wherever there's humans. Trump is evolution
Why even put her in so much danger, and have her basically not saved by the hero but by a random guest alien, if you don't want to? Have her fight securely alongside the Doctor like every other companion.
Oh, right.
Maybe she didn't want the Doctor around to, for lack of a better word, cockblock her. :^)
Really? It sounds like a lot of bullshit to me, trying to pretend that it had more meaning than them just wanting to repeat what they did with Clara and Ashildr with Bill and Heather.
nah I'm an occasional imagefag tho, some of my stuff can be seen on the wiki
What do you mean, "salvage" it? Why can't you just accept it as it is?