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Will Kris/Chris combo make Doctor Who fun again?

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I invented Doctor Who.

The new Doctor will clearly be a woman. It just seems like the perfect time to do it now.

Fuck off Sydney

Dr POO hahah

i am still going with doctor who's name being doctor who because it would be amusing

This joke is getting worse and worse every time someone says it.

>it's a Rachel isn't my wife episode

woah nice one

>Perfect time
>When the ratings are at the lowest
You gotta time that shit for when the show hits its stride otherwise it'll be a shark jumping moment for a decent chunk of the audience.


Also post people who would make/would have made a good Doctor.

If they do that, they should just cancel the show after Christmas. Series 10 was a mistake.


Anyone else feels like effects are absolute shit even considering the budget
Maybe because we had less lazer beams and pew-pew before, but I have a feeling I wasn't so mad about shitty CGI and effects even in RTD's run

>McCoy only getting my vote

Watch the episode again. the same stock explosion effect is used four times in a row

The effects were great for a TV budget

Don't kid yourself, they're okay for Big Budget Cuts

>tfw normies actually liked that episode
How? It was objectively trash that appeals solely pandering to retards who actually think Bill flying away into a water paradise was a good finish.

List things you want Chibnall to erase from Doctor Who

>regeneration energy as plot instrument

Cybermen being a hivemind of robots rather than mangled Humans despserately seeking survival.

>Almost 50 years old
>Modern day setting
>Had to hastily get padded to 8 episodes
>Still somehow the best Cyberman story

Second Doctor was fucking GOAT. Why is it so hard for them to make the Cybermen compelling?

Earthshock was close but no cigar.

>>Still somehow the best Cyberman story
thats not world enough and time

I've been thinking of getting into classic who for a while, but I always put it off because I always have to watch things in order and it really bugs me that there's so many missing episodes

Because it's mainly about Vaughn, an incredible villain written well and portrayed amazingly by Kevin Stoney. The Cybermen are secondary, dialogue-less, but menacing and utilised brilliantly. The Cybermen work best when they have someone else doing all the talking and plotting for them.

RTD's episodes had a lot of practical effects and invisible CGI with the occasional ship or ayylmao, so it's aged pretty well overall. Moffat's episodes are more blatant CGI so it sticks out more. Their compositing is also pretty lacklustre.

Make a trip so I can filter you

RTD's CGI looks terrible in comparison, but it's used a lot more sparingly than when Moff's era uses it.

The later CGI looks a lot better than the earlier CGI. Something like the wasp in Unicorn and the Wasp or the Adipose ship looks a lot better than the Reapers or the World War 3 crash-landing ship did.

>they made the mondasian cybermen fly

Husbands of River Song has some of the best use of practical effects in the show.
The only bad bit was how Hydroflax's head bent part of the TARDIS console in one shot.

>the mondasian cybermen that had been sitting around for decades eventually were able to fly
oh how terrible

Excited for the Clara+Ashildr+Bill+watergirl adventures show.

>Be moff
>5 straight season finales where the first thing that happens is the universe resets itself and at the last second someone gets a superpower with no foreshadowing with super important female companions
>first season finale I write is a meta criticism on the universe resetting itself with no consequences
>get criticized for not enough foreshadowing. Whatever, I'll foreshadow enough to destroy subtlety. Thatll show those fucks.
>properly foreshadow ending. You fucks aren't satisfied because its now too overt
>next ending I say fuck it and give you guys an rtd style ending
>say fuck it. Ill do what I want for christmas. Whatever. Tie up my loose ends. KINO Cybermen companion.
>new doctor. Ill get this right.
>write a finale with no villain
>Write the greatest cybermen story doctor who has ever had. Have two masters so people can stop complaining. No super powers. More than enough foreshadowing. No reset button.

Fuck it. I'm just going to do whatever the fuck I want to again. Fuck all of you /who/. Going out with the two doctors. My way.

But no, it can't be true
I could fly if I wanted to
Like a bird in the sky
If I believed I could fly
Why, I'd fly

>Moffat's episodes are more blatant CGI

Fuck off, that was a Gatiss episode

Series 1 Dalek ship: nice CGI render but quite 'plain', lacking a textured edge

No it wasn't

I liked every Moffat finale
There I said it

watch this video and tell me he won't be GOAT Doctor

because doctor who has always been known for its amazing special effects

Series 7 Dalek ship, 8 years later: extremely detailed HD CGI render with lots of stuff added to beef it up

Hey what nintendo 64 game was that from?

It was a Greenhorn one, it just starred Gatiss

that's from the 50th, it doesn't count. the budget was way higher there

I'm just saying that RTD used it a lot more than just the occasional ship or ayylmao

I remember watching this as a kid and feeling real awe when it appeared. Mainly because of the music, to be honest.
>"DaLE-oompa, DaLE-oopmpa, dahr dahr dahr dahr dahr dahr dahr dahr dahr dahr dhar dahr dee dahr da, da-da, daaaaa, dum!"
Plus Eccleston was GOAT in that role.

At least someone is honest.


Post yfw that "leaker" posts the pictures in a few hours thus confirming Marshall


the special effects were far from the problem with this

YES. Absolutely brilliant. So many moments of holy shit too, such as the Daleks floating up to the window right before they exterminate Lynda with a Y.


he said 6 or 7 pm monday lad

Hey guys, who was Linda with a Y? I don't remember her from any Doctor Who episodes.


>despite based Nardy's best efforts he is unable to hold of the Cybermen forever
>Is forced to watch the people he was charged to protect get shot down (Time of the Doctor 2.0)
>Still he plans to fight to the end, when he notices out of the corner of his eye...
>A child being dragged off by a Cyberman kicking and screaming
>The realisation dawns on Nardole that death is far from the worst fate in store for these people, that they still have all the horror of Conversion waiting for them
>He has to make a choice to spare the suffering of not only these colonists but also the entire galaxy - the Cybermen cannot be allowed to spread to other worlds

>Blue man wakes up on the bridge with a distress call from floor 500
>Nardole appears to be giving him instructions on how to overcome the time dilation problem
>Blue man (janitor) doesn't understand what he's doing but follows instructions hoping to put an end to everything that went wrong
>His face falls as the engines are switched off
>Nardole covers a little girl's eyes and calms her with his stories of the Madman in a Box, right up until the ship is torn to shreds by the event horizon

Make it happen

Oh, I'm an idiot

Series 1 finale

Honestly forgot about that, GOAT scene.
She was on space big brother, or space weakest link, one of those meme tv shows where they kill them. Rose helped her escape and she tried to seal down a room.
The Doctor told her the Daleks could NOT get through the door behind her, whatever they did, then a bit later we see a Dalek fly up to the space windown in front of her, and blast through it.

Why didn't the Doctor just use the TARDIS to tow the ship out of the black hole? You telling me he can tow a planet but he can't tow a ship?

Find a more noughties outfit than this.
Hardmode: No nokia phone and flame tshirt

the space malteser of doom


Who was the other user who voted McGann? I want to give you an Internet Wilf Salute

That's through space AND time, and it was more about precision than anything else.

There's literally an episode in series 2 where he flies near a black hole.

He towed the spaceship out of a black hole's pull in The Satan Pit bro

I didn't watch Dr Who since Clara left. Couldn't stand Bill. I didn't like Clara much either but at least she was eye candy.
Just watched this episode. That girl from the puddle was qt. Why couldn't she have been the companion instead of some black bulldykes gf ?

btw somebody explain who she was

She got absorbed by space motor oil and turned into a living tardis fueled by her gay lust.
Also apparently she's a god now because the writers are hacks.

It was me.
Those ten minutes he was in that video for the anniversary special were better than the whole of 9 - 12's run.

>Couldn't stand Bill.
>Never watched one of her stories
Stopped reading there. At least keep your shit consistent.

In episode 1 they all traveled to WWII and drowned Hitler. He regenerated into waterfu.

puddle girl was a dumb slut that bill liked in the first episode. they both agreed to run away together but then puddle girl got eaten by a puddle, but then it turns out she now had super powered and was able to basically go anywhere throughout the universe in the puddle so she kept following bill.
then bill was like 'wtf why are you following me' and then she realized it was because they promised to stay together and bill is like 'okay but no thanks i wanna travel with the doctah instead' and so puddle girl fucked off but she left her tears with bill and that's how she came and saved bill at the end of this episode or some shit.

>what are trailers?
>what are commercials?
>what is youtube?
>what are photographs?
>what is word of mouth?
>what are moral principles?

>Unexpected yet well-hinted return of a loose end from series pilot ep
>Dramatic bittersweet companion send-off
It wasn't perfect by any means but I'd call it a good finish overall

TV's greatest hacks


Pandorica Opens/Big Bang
Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways
Utopia/Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords

Turn Left/Stolen Earth/Journey's End (shut up it's fun)
Heaven Sent
Dark Water
World Enough and Time

Angels Take Manhattan
Army of Ghosts/Doomsday
Name of the Doctor
The Doctor Falls

Wedding of River Song
Hell Bent
Death in Heaven

It was me Doctor, I was the author of all your pain.

Fuck, I miss the noughties. Better times.

>Dramatic bittersweet companion send-off
lol bill is literally coming back in christmas

Pandorica Opens/Big Bang
Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways
Utopia/Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords

Turn Left/Stolen Earth/Journey's End
Army of Ghosts/Doomsday

Angels Take Manhattan
Name of the Doctor
The Doctor Falls
Heaven Sent
Dark Water
World Enough and Time

Wedding of River Song
Hell Bent
Death in Heaven

Chibnall, yes. Kris, no.

Oh I see, you're one of those people that have to have your opinions told to you instead of forming them on your own. ;D

That's a shot from The Doctor Falls, they're in the exact same location.


>This much bait in one post.

I remember being disappointed that this was "just" Daleks. They had the potential to create something new and kickass from a totally different universe but nope just the same old Daleks.

Black Dalek tho, which was neat, and the Cult

>is the future going to be all girl?
>we can only hope

jesus fucking christ

The right image is The Doctor Falls, the left is one of the new filming pics from the Christmas special.
That carriage is also new, and wasn't in The Doctor Falls.

I would vote in your poll but I can't get past the fucking captcha, no matter how many times I try.

Am I a cyberman?


The only time I thought it watching this episode is when the spaceship flew out of the ground, that looked liked shit.

Nobody can be this retarded.

Why didn't they just put a CAPTCHA on the lifts?