Is this good? Sup Forums has been telling me to watch it but it's too long
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it's cut up into segments. 15 minutes is not too long
i downloaded a 6 hour thing wtf
watch it on their site
Lot's of interesting points that aren't brought up by mainstream historians however it is also full of propaganda
Watch normie docs and this. Toe the line somewhere in between.
No, it's edited from the Fatal Attraction of Adolf Hitler and various other documentaries to give a skewed and biased view of Hitler.
Objectively gauging it has lots of misinformation.
Like the butchering of Germans PRIOR to Nazi Germany invading Poland. It happened three days AFTER Germany had invaded Poland.
I wouldn't exactly recommend it as historical document, or accurate document.
Just as biased as those "Hitler is evil" documents. There are some good books about Hitler that show him in different light than biased history sources. I recommend diving into those if you are interested in how much of Hitler is propaganda.
Probably not, looks like a propaganda flick.
And not the sort of propaganda you'd watch to appreciate the amazing cinematography.
I once saw a crazy looking 40 year old guy wearing a shirt advertising this movie. He looked like he had schizophrenia and he had a crazed look on his face
For books I recommend:
CSMonitor (yeah yeah Christian Science) generally have good taste in books/films although I've stopped following them for no real reason.
Ian Kershaw and Toland's books are good
You know, it can be a bad film even if it is propaganda aimed to further your own political views
>anyone who disagrees with me is jew
go back to /bookfags
This. I wish it had been more accurate and less propaganda. Again, books are good source for new light on Hitler .
Stop being anti-intellectual.
No, its gay neo nazi propaganda. Its not even right, its just made up shit because the makers knew internet conspiracy theorist are retards who wont even bother fact checking this bullshit on wikipedia. Like it doesnt even have the added bonus of being a somewhat interesting perspective because its just pure bullshit.
15 min segments here
The film is basically a collage of documentary footage, feature films about Hitler/WW2, using narration from said films or simply using text. The film is only as biased as all other WW2 documentaries, except it happens to show a completely different point of view.
more like /revisHis)
unironically believing muslims did more than Europa
shig dig
>The film is only as biased as all other WW2 documentaries, except it happens to show a completely different point of view.
no, its pure neo-nazi propganda that is full of bullshit. It doesnt offer another perspective on a certain segment of WW2 because it just makes shit up.
i bet you believe the holocaust happened retard
Case in point. this movie is trash for retards who want fantasy instead of objective historical truth. This shit is in the same category as pic related
I bet you fall for any sort of propaganda as long as it supports your indoctrinated beliefs.
Besides this entire conspiracy theory falls flat if you consider the implications. There is no reason for this to have been faked if the jews really had the means to do so.
They could have used their influence in a much better way.
>I bet you fall for any sort of propaganda
says the retard who fell for the russian/jewish propaganda.
>There is no reason for this to have been faked if the jews really had the means to do so.
okay, yeah you're a fucking retard
Where is the physical evidence for the holocaust you dummies? Or did you just take your teacher's word for it and never investigated any claims on your own?
Read towards the bottom. According to a (((holocaust survivor))):
>''In the camp there was a cage with a bear and an eagle,'' he said. ''Every day, they would throw a Jew in there. The bear would tear him apart and the eagle would pick at his bones.'' ''But that's unbelievable,'' whispered a visitor. ''It is unbelievable,'' said Mr. Hubert, ''but it happened.''
What retarded logic.
The first initial reports of the holocaust came from the Polish resistance, the guys who were fighting botht the nazis and soviet invaders. Of course you didnt know this because you get your "history" from a shitty neo-nazi youtube video series.
>A single exaggerated testimony is enough evidence to disprove the happening of an historical event.
Wew lad, following your logic even Herodotus is a shit tier historian.
Look the things nazis did is so horrible you DON'T need physical evidence for that. Just think about the gas chambers.
>says the retard who fell for the russian/jewish propaganda.
"no you"
>okay, yeah you're a fucking retard
Why is that?
Don't you think that this must've taken a lot of effort to do? How much power must the jews have had? How much did they control? Was National Socialism just a Jewish plot?
If your conspiracy theory is true, there is no escaping the Jewish influence anyway. So there is no point in bothering with an ideology created by them as a plot to steal some shitty land off a few poor sandniggers.
It's questionable.
>d-dude the Nazis just wanted to take over Russian lands. T-The soldiers were going homo so they had to rape russian women to stop that but they did it totally humanely you guys!
But it brought up interesting things, such as the cause of WW2. Nobody can say with a straight face the Germans started it.
stop using buzzwords and maybe you'd be taken seriously.
>there's no evidence for this one account from a senile old man therefore there's no evidence for any aspect of the holocaust
I don't see how gas chambers are all that horrible as a concept honestly.
If you have to execute a lot of people you're not gonna make your soldiers shoot them, that's very bad for morale.
It's honestly the most humane option for everyone involved.
Also the Russians explicitly went out of their way to not mention the fact Jews were targeted in the Holocaust.
>Nobody can say with a straight face the Germans started it.
yes they can because they did. This idea that Britain "forced them into a corner" theory is also retarded since Britain made concession after concession to Hitler and gave him the fucking Sudetenland. Thats how he got it, Britain called a meeting with European leaders and just decided to give Hitler a chunk of czechoslavakia. Hitler is the biggest dick head in modern politics. Even after he invaded Poland, their ultimatum was for Germany to cease their invasion and just leave.
there's nothing humane about mass executing innocent civilians
Gas chambers are a real thing. The US uses gas chambers to kill criminals all the time.
The ones with wooden doors?
There are many more. Lampshades and soap? Fake. Petal-powered brain bashers? Fake. Standing in front of a small hole in the wall so a German sniper can shoot you through the tiny hole? Fake.
>maybe if I accuse him of using buzzwords I can turn this around for my argument!
There were MANY more of these testimonies from "Actual Holocaust Survivors". Does nobody remember the whole "Nazi Masturbation Machines", or the "Shit-Babies" thing?
>Britain guarantees Polish independance
>Germany and Russia simultaneously invade Poland
>Britain declares war on Germany and allies with Russia
Hmm...really makes you think.
This is ten times better
>when u apply maths and logic to death camps, witness accounts and the end result is impossible and insane
senile old as dirt war victims aren't accurate in their accounts? holy shit man you're on to something. expose those geriatric fucks
>neo-nazi can't spell properly
before you go into a tirade in your broken English, this is supposed to be a hostile remark that makes fun of you as a person.
It is not in any way related to any sort of argument, it's just me insulting you as a person.
How does pin pointing these stupid thing that literally no one cares about prove the holocaust didnt happen? How come this is the only argument you guys ever seem to have? By your own logic, this video is proof that the iraq war never happened
>Britain starts war because they had a treaty with Poland
>Starts a war to save Poland
>Gives Poland to USSR
Except this is not what happened.
Not an argument.
Except their testimony was accepted at the Nuremburg trials.
>it's a Sup Forums denies the holocaust but wishes it happened again series
I said that.
It's not supposed to be one.
I felt the need to explicitly point that out, because with your kind you never quite know
They didn't ally right away. During the Molotov-Ribbentropp Pact most of the world saw the Soviets as a silent Axis power even.
Except they've been saying this shit since the 1960's. I don't think a 25-40 year old Jew is senile by then.
You're right. The Soviets invaded two weeks later. I guess they're our allies now!
Imagine being someone like this. Imagine you are discussing history with someone and then someone else walks up and starts rambling about crazy shit and then you ask them "ugh, where are you getting this information?" and then they say "I watched a 3 hour youtube video called Hitler vs the Jew World Order"
>Except their testimony was accepted at the Nuremburg trials.
Prove it. You obviously can't because it's not true. The lampshades case wasn't even part of Nuremberg trials. You don't know shit.
Doesn't matter where the information came if it's legitimate.
>"I want kikes gassed and murdered but the holocaust didn't happen" - Sup Forums
Now you should check when they became British allies. And they attacked 16 days later.
>A president of the US can't get a BJ and hide it but they can fake millions of jew and slav deaths and pass it off as real
People are fucking retarded.
What did I even misspell? Or perhaps you're just a bootyblasted kike who's upset that the foundation myth for his apartheid state is completely bunk.
They'd be so shocked you would surely win the argument as they stare at you, mouth open unable to speak or continue. That's how arguments work right?
>Hitler vs the Jew World Order
forget about whether these people are right or not, it doesn't matter.
They're complete clowns anyway.
If you unironically name your "documentary" (read: propaganda piece) Hitler vs the Jew World Order, you are far too lacking in self-awareness to be taken seriously, no matter the actual truthfulness thereof.
>How does pin pointing these stupid thing that literally no one cares about prove the holocaust didnt happen?
For one, MANY people believe that these things actually happened. All over the world in fact. Have some more articles on this shit.
www.telegraph.co.uk › History › World War Tw
It's not.
Yeah, but your post implied the source matters more than the correctness of information.
The word "independence".
>if it's legitimate.
its not though. Youre just a retarded internet conspiracy theorist. No one takes you faggots seriously. You are the creationist of history
stfu. (((psychiatry))) is a jewish scheme.
Only watched the first part, which is basically 100% from Goebbel's official biography of Hitler i.e. pure propaganda.
but Germany was against the Jews, there is even official document where Jews declare war on Germany from world war 1.
people are human, there are probably nazi guards and soldiers that did isolated cruel instances to the prisoners and there may have been prisoners that escaped who embellished their experiences. so what. it has nothing to do with the broader picture.
>MANY people believe that these things actually happened.
No they dont. Explain to me how the Iraq War never happened because some people lie about fighting in that war for whatever reason.
All sources are in the video. Most of the sources come from jewish literature its self
but this is Sup Forums and 99% of us don't read so there is that
>And they attacked 16 days later.
WOW BTFO LOL He said two weeks (which is 14 days) BUT IT WAS *AKTUALLY* 16 days xDDD
most of this documentaries 'facts' are just pulled straight from the Nazi propaganda at the time. The Nazis didn't have an economic miracle at all.
- real wages didn't really increase in the 10 years they were in power before the beginning of WW2
- the national deficit doubled in this time while tax revenue only increased 50%
- they conscripted all their unemployed into non-productive military jobs
- their unemployment figures were constantly tampered with, like taking citizenship off the Jews so they were no longer in the tally.
-trade between other nations reduced because of nazi doctrine pushing for self-sufficiency
- how do you have an economic boom while trade is simultaneously reducing and you're creating millions of non-productive jobs in the military? durrr
the fact is that the Nazi government was facing bankruptcy and were put in the position where they were almost forced to invade poland and empty their banks or face a financial catastrophe. They also confiscated assets from certain peoples (jews, commies, etc) to help pay for a lot of this.
The nazis were excellent at propaganda though and spun a lot of bullshit.
>Now you should check when they became British allies
A better question would be when did Poland stop being a British ally? Was it sometime in the 16-day period after the Germans invaded but before the Russians?
>official document
Jesus Christ... I can't even say if you are serious or not.
One of those gets you sent to prison for even investigating said event.
>The film is only as biased as all other WW2 documentaries
No, it's bias as fuck. Full on 'Poor Ol' Uncle Hitler'.
Granted I've seen docu-dramas where Hitler, a famed dog lover and vegetarian, abuses a puppy in the trenches, but there are plenty of objective, well-researched and politically neutral documentaries on the period too.
y-yeah. Hitler just brainwashed the germans. He tricked them with his magic, you see. There was no appeal to interests at all, because admitting that would be admitting there was a legitimate reason for the resentment of jews (and we all know they dindu nuffin
This documentary is soooooo antisemitic and I sooooo do not like how frikin bigoted it is. Oyyyyy! Veyyyyyy! It was like made by Drumpf himself. Watch Hitler: the Rise of Evil instead.
17.09.1939 is a very important day for all Poles.
300+ times they've been sent packing
but it's not them, it's the others.
Do you think Goebbels realized that 70 years later people would still fall for it?
I don't even know what specific thing we're arguing about anymore.
>for all Poles.
good thing i'm not in poland, isn't it
oh no but but i thought all jews said that they were mistreated
>why did speilbergs documentary have thousands say other wise while a select handful lied through their teeth on camera
>That's how arguments work right?
no. Arguments work by spouting retarded conspiracy theories then whenever someone who is actually knowledgeable on the subject corrects you, you just call them a jew
So where does this number come from?
I am not explaining something to you, that doesn't even pertain to the discussion at hand. If you want someone to prove to you that the Iraq war never happened because of something or another, find someone else. we were discussing the Holocaust here.
>300+ times kids have been molested, but it's not them, it's the molesters
>Jews expelled due to lack of contact with locals
>official document where Jews declare war on Germany
>official document
You mean a sensationalist newspaper headline from the 1930's that naziboos claim is suitable casus belli for the holocaust?
that's the same thing because reasons
analogies are fun
some survivor story literally tells of a man rding a motorbike and throwing hatches at kikes
fucking hilarious
Yes, I would rather get all my information from "The Jewish Organization of Defeating Antisemitism and Making Sure Our Version of History is Never Questioned"
How are those mass graves filled with 6 million jews? Surely they will find them someday ;)