What the fuck?
What the fuck?
>It's a Sup Forums becomes the center of an ethnic casting debate episode and everybody just Sup Forums's out for 15 minutes at a time
I understand the need for free speech as kind of a filter to keep out the normies, but when all the people around here can do is bring up Capeshit and complain about how the casting offends their delicate sensibilities or some sense of nostalgia for the comics / earlier movie adaptations of the comics they loved from whatever decade for the millionth time I'm reminded that there is nothing of value to be lost or gained from ANY of these franchises, or debate surrounding them in general.
Imagine if you were a food critic, writing for a magazine, and when you met up with every other food critic at a fancy dining establishment at the end of the night, there was just this one asshole who spent all day complaining about how the new Wendy's frosty isn't nearly as good as the Dairy Queen alternative, and how creamed frosted beverages have been on a steady decline since the 90's, back when "things were good!" And then he just starts waving his arms around going "And I went to McDonalds and there were nothing but niggers and shitskins in the back! I want the DQ I remember from 1992 back!" He promptly orders chicken tenders from a 4-star chef and asks whether you prefer Buffalo Wild Wings or TGI Fridays when it comes to breaded chicken.
That's Sup Forums right now. What the fuck is wrong with you people? All you can do is squander your intellect with agitation propaganda and hate, at this point I think it's retarding you permanently to engage in this kind of rhetoric nonstop over the period of years. How long have you been bitching about comic book adaptations? Be honest, when was the last time you saw film as a medium? I bet we can track when you became effectively infantilized, and I'd wager even higher we can find a link between your narrow views on pop culture and your shitty, racial views on society in general. You dumb bastards.
Stop being an uppity cunt. If you get pleasure from watching capeshit, then there is value in it. I'm sure you see value in all those foreign films you watch.
Don't be alarmed. It's only white genocide.
how the fuck can they get away with this, casting the part with a 3d woman instead of a 2d waifu, it's a fucking disgrace.
Maybe you are the normie that is supposed to not enjoy Sup Forums for whom the Sup Forumsposting is intended.
Diversity is our strength. Destroy whitey
Nice copy pasta, now fug off
This is insane...
>every movie shoehorns political agenda
>go back to Sup Forums!!!
What a fucking spastic. It's a genuine issue of treating people as nothing but a skin color while proclaiming to be diverse. You have mental problems.
>other people's opinions are stupid and here's my stupid opinion why
Is this pasta? It will be.
>If you get pleasure from watching capeshit, then there is value in it.
No, there is no value to Superman vs Batman anymore than two 13-year-olds arguing over who would win. Stan Lee laughed all the way to the bank, and even he stole 25% of what he had published. Is there value to softcore Japanese animated porn just because there's a growing 40-something Otaku market behind it? People who can't hold down a job, calling things "Kawaii," breeding with pillows?
I also like that people on this site don't find the conceptual arguments "I like what I like, there is value in whatever I find fun! Society has to accept me" and "If they cast people I don't like I won't watch it and we need to rise up" mutually exclusive. You are disenfranchising yourself from any larger debate by making yourselves completely distasteful and unlikeable. You are our Otaku culture. It's beyond Jerry Seinfeld's Superman fetish, it's just plain crazy.
Can you shorten that down for us, our tiny goy brains haven't read the Torah 16 times cover to cover and we don't really care to start.
>If they cast people I don't like I won't watch it and we need to rise up"
No wonder you're utterly humiliating yourself in front of hundreds of lurkers, you fundamentally misunderstand the issue. It's about unethical motives that lead to casting people based on race, which is the exact opposite of what MLK preached about.
Jewish rhetoric? Sure, I can sum it all up with Jewish babble.
>The Babylonian Rabbi Hillel was once approached by a gentile looking to convert.
>"I will only become a Jew if you can explain the Torah while standing on one foot!" the man said, apparently not wanting to hear long sermons.
>Another Rabbi chastised the man for his disrespect toward higher learning, but Hillel stood one one foot and said:
>"What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation of this--go and study it!"
Now go read a goddamn book.
that bitch has got the most annoying face and attitude. her role in westworld made me queasy to the point of nausea with her entitled feminist sociopath complex. I would beat her to death with a tire iron
Well put. New pasta right here.
Finally someone gets it.
>MLK wouldn't have wanted this!
Yes. If Martin Luther King were alive today, he would rise from the tomb, push aside the masses as they approached him, and say "SHOW ME THE AVENGERS MOVIE!" He would walk into the theater, crossing his arms furtively, shedding a single tear. He would shake his head slowly from side to side all until the credits roll, and say... "This... this is not what I wanted. Put me back."
Because even though the closest thing he ever said to any kind of Sup Forums-related matters was encouraging Nichelle Nichols to stay on as Uhura, because black folks needed role models, he would have had an active stake in whether or not Tessa Thompson was Valkyrie or not.
Capeshit is not a moral touchstone of our times. It's just mass media chow for dumb audiences. If it occasionally has redeeming qualities, it's incidental. Remember that all of this is compromised, to its core, by the need to build massive "Universes" culminating in even bigger CGI-fests, so that children will buy toys and young men will wear comic book T-Shirts.
As long as I find her attractive, I don't give a shit.
>Yes. If Martin Luther King were alive today, he would rise from the tomb, push aside the masses as they approached him, and say "SHOW ME THE AVENGERS MOVIE!" He would walk into the theater, crossing his arms furtively, shedding a single tear. He would shake his head slowly from side to side all until the credits roll, and say... "This... this is not what I wanted. Put me back
Are you a failed author? Also, yes, MLK would want people to been seen as deeper than the color of their skin. I don't know how you possibly tried to dispute that. Stay away from purple prose.
>I don't know how you would dispute my claims that Martin Luther King's values would center wholly on The Avengers Franchise
If you think Martin Luther King would give a shit about the non-arguments Sup Forums thinks up, then Jesus Christ would rise to read Entertainment Weekly and weigh in on George Clooney getting a girl pregnant.
You complain about people using too many words surrounding trivial shit, but here you are trying to over-analyze what historical figures would make of today's blockbusters. I don't know, what would Ghandi think about a sequel to Independence Day? Do you think maybe Mother Theresa had an opinion on who the best Hulk was?
I'm thinking Ed Norton.
>light skinned nigga
still racist t b h
Jew detected. We are on to your bullshit subversion, kike
Yeah, where's her fucking muscles?
This is bullshit.
If MLK was resurrected somehow his first thought would be 'gibs' and we know this
The issue is bigger than capeshit. I haven't even mentioned capeshit. I agree that the issue attracts racists and morons, the ethical issue remains valid regardless of how many morons latch on. The problem is that you're denigrating the possibility that it constitutes an immoral way of looking at people, when in many cases it absolutely does. If the issue attracts a lot of complaining, it's only because hypocrisy is annoying. We complain about things as minute as the pin on a Star Trek character in episode 4 season 3, yet when you mention that somebody might be looking at a black person as just another checkmark on a list of diversity boxes, only to be called a frothing racist, that's what I find repugnant.
Welcome to the MCU.
>serious actress always wears black turtle neck